Separate names with a comma.
wow you still in... nice I took my 20 ticks and left it is a while that is side way... IMO MM fill big orders when they let it go maybe up...
FOLD + SPWR I missed them :(:( keep on going .... TXMD nice climb so is ADAP even with small volume
thanks Fireopal I didn't see your post but I saw moving but I was busy with other as good AGEN CAPR CBAY CLF ANY all nice scalps:p:cool::D...
no YUMA for me it didn't open above 2.33 ;):) good for shorter
Fireopal I agree with you what I thought would be a good P&D ( Thursday I got many $$$ tho:p:cool:) it seems to resit (so far) I do have it...
yes negotiating for a renew + repair this house... it need a refurbishing plus there are too many mice around hmmm disinfection as well or...
Haeggquist & Eck, LLP Investigates NantKwest Inc. for Potential Breaches of Fiduciary Duty by Its Board of Directors...
vi ho già segnalato questa tengo ancora sottokkio .. qualche scalpata ci può ancora scappare sempre aspettando i volumi giorni fa era...
as I previously post I like any "good music" I like that one from Peter Gabriel thanks Fireopla (never heard that one) Il love this [MEDIA]...
will gold start moving some? I got some options on so it better be ;):D [IMG]
[IMG] Ticker Last Change Volume [IMG] Signal REED 1.65 -29.79% 784277 Top Losers TROV 1.12 -20.57% 3361956 Top Losers ATEN 6.92 -16.02% 5333208...
bentornato Pari :eek::eek::D:D ti ho pure inviato alcuni PM ma non hai mai risposto :( pensavo il peggio .. almeno ora si sa che tutto è ok ...
ok ragazzi io chiudi qui... verrà + tardi ha vedere la chiusura e il A/H magari trovo qualcheduna interessante per Lunedi ;) passatevi un...
non conosco questa però mi incuriosisce ... DD + vediamo la settimana prossima come si comporta [IMG]
nice move on DYN :rolleyes: AKCA is it a new one(IPO) ? AMRN nice move
news vista solo adesso (il bello che era in una mia lista ) ieri min 8.80 oggi max 10.35 Sangamo shares rise as metabolic drugs given FDA...
for info ImmunoGen Announces Conference Call to Discuss Its Second Quarter 2017 Financial Results...
FSFR sono da day trade... non troppo volatile e sale pian pianino ma si prendono dei $$$ non lho segnalata prima per non confondervi.. intanto...
today I thought to post only on the other thread...