Separate names with a comma.
Well the bleeding continues. A nice little 40% pullback from ATH for AMD... The merger went through today which will end the XLNX merger arbitrage...
New week, same bleeding. Hopefully this finds a bottom soon and starts working it's way back up. I agree this should be good for weeding out the...
25-30% pullback must be what you get when you had a big year previously. Not a big fan of 2022 but hopefully it will grow on me. I hate to say it...
I too am an Eagle Scout... Seems to be a good trend.
I have never had a cable bill. All my disinformation comes straight from the Internet as it should!! Honestly I think this forum is great in the...
Today is one of those drop 3% for no reason days... Gotta take the bad with the good. It's a model that took shape over the last 5 or so years. It...
@TomB16 It has been one heck of a year for sure. The number sure is impressive but it was also a grueling couple years with lots of steep...
Merry belated Christmas! I was a little under the weather last week then got tied up with family events all weekend so I was absent. Lets see how...
What a great and inclusive forum! I am thankful for everyone's contributions and will continue to linger through the rest of the year. I am...
Congrats @duckleberry_fin ! I got married last October, during the Pandemic... not recommended but it all worked out. On the note of what...
As some of you know I am heavy on AMD and NVDA on my nonretirement portfolio and have been for a long time. Corrections are normal. Corrections in...
@emmett kelly @zukodany You guys had ONE JOB!!!! Yea @WXYZ did leave us hanging there didn't he!
@emmett kelly where you at buddy!?
Oh my, Friday is off to a ROCKY start! I added a few more dollars into the market, Short term who knows if that was a good decision but over the...
@Gridsmasher I was looking at QQQ and went with VGT, it has an expense ratio of .1% For quick comparisons you can go on and...
That's a pretty epic lineup W! There are a some names one there I'm not familiar with but want to check out. I am always hunting for new music. I...
I had a very good November but two bad such a great month had to end on a red day! We did get a 'free lunch' yesterday at work for end of the...
Happy Thanksgiving! @emmett kelly glad to know you will be there too! Hopefully W made enough pies!
Everything popped this morning and then dropped just as fast. I went from very nicely green to red. Maybe a sell the news on the Fed selection?...
Thanks @WXYZ it has worked out nicely, I don't recommend the balance, which was never my intension but that's how it ended up with the huge run...