Separate names with a comma.
Let's hope it does better than CRGE, I watched that one go straight down the drain. :lauging: I recall not long ago when PLTR was the new sliced...
One of my primary interest in Ford is the fact only 2 Companies didn't BK and need Gov. Bailouts during the 2008 crisis. Tesla and Ford. GM took...
Haven't determined which acronym is appropriate for this journey. F.O.R.D. First On Race Day = NOPE.
Speaking of F,,, I opened a position today. I'm now wondering if it was a premature injection of capital or if I should ride it out? Provided...
I took a small bite of F at 12.04 earlier. I think I'll be okay. Ford is decent.
I Appreciate the kinds words. I spend my time here learning in WXYZs, TOMB16s or Tom's TSLA columns, they offer many many talents and have years...
Where did it go?
Ford is starting to look good again. Poor GM, same old story. Naturally Tesla speaks for itself.
Beanies without the weenies. Yum Yum.
It's another good day to do nothing but relax, let the market do what it does and enjoy life. Shoo Bear shoo.
That's several triads above my rhythmic structure. Love the quality sound of vintage equipment though. Jimmy proved that years ago. Big fan of,...
I'm sticking around. TsLa HODL
Yawn, ho hum. Not a bad price but I already have some cheaper. :cool2:
Thought about this post Friday, glad it got pulled back up. Majority rules beyond a doubt. The money pulled the plug. I'm just glad I had the...
Probably going to see a lot more of these before its over. Cost of debt went up significantly. Dividends get froze. Bond holders get nervous....
Thanks, Jimmy. Er ah I meant Joe.
^^*^^ This speaks volumes.
VTI. Vanguard is a good choice.Well worth noting. Thanks.
NVDA is at a steep discount. Excellent choice or should I say. Great timing. :D
Diamond Hands. HODL. AKA bagholder.