Separate names with a comma.
I was researching among my many postsss and noticed how many mistakes there is in some of them(typing + prices ):eek::confused: IMO I wanted...
you done very well with OCUL quick to see the opportunity ... nice call I didn't play because I was busy with mine specially yesterday I had...
agree as well... Kosta post I found hilarious I am for it as well I would like to see at least those 3 icon added [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] :):D:D:p
IMMU coming back up (just a little tree shake)testing 8.78 if going through it then 9 JMO do DD just done it 8.79 been rejected ... IMO...
Kosta just thought it but if that is the case maybe you are more inclined to short them.... Just a thought:rolleyes:
:D:D well we all have different method ;) you shoulda traded SPWR I nearly told you but I was too busy scalping go and study the following :D...
solo per la cronaca sold CLF 7.53 +25 IMMU 8.40 - 8.50 +10 sold VBIV 4.97 (ask) +9 proprio grosso ;) lo swing a funzionato.... fin...
today I trade-scalped without the worry about writing it alive... what a stress free ...fully concentrated other one sold CLF 7.53 +25 IMMU...
ma qui non cè + nessuno? solo Prototipo .... vi lascio un pò soli magari postate un pò di + :) TROV magari ora 1.56 si potrebbe entrare
è questa notizia ... non lho letta ma dale prime righe non sembra una news da 100%+ cmq nel trading mai dir emai...
si la seguivo ma saliva mentre cercavo unuscita per ZN ma non approfitto mai .... specialmente quando incomincio la giornata in green... magari...
ecco dove era ZN + altre ... pensavo fosse postato anche qui..... sorry ma non è che posso sempre fare doppio post
ehi Kostas you see how to make few $$$? :p;) in Italy we say >>dass Glück ass :D:D
hi Wagas sorry but during trading hours (I trade even in pre market) I can't do many posts regarding trading etc..... but you asking the...
on esold ZN 4.47 +65:eek: even me I am shocked didn't expect all those $$$ :D
wow out ZN 4.47 +65 :eek: che c***O
whoever follow the "petroil" stocks I give you something to read...
first line ZN VBIV CLF these 3 will try to sell them ..... IPCI VSTM CPRX NE MEIP I am sure I will get some scalping waves there IMMU SPWR...
trying to sell ZN in pre .... it is up 6% but only 8k volume... I might get some WLL :rolleyes:
in YUSA è quello il problem ... alla mattina la pompano cosi i soliti comperano e verso chiusura eccoti una notizia negativa e si rimane col...