Separate names with a comma.
You have done very well young Jedi.
Duuuuuuude. You kilt my tesla.
Without a little cash on the side the anxiety kicks in and I feel helpless. Hard to explain, Linus had his blanket.
Cmon power hour. Make it pretty.
We probably shouldn't log into our accounts so often. I enjoy watching the numbers dance around so that's not a option for me. I made some changes...
EMMITT did a great job. My Tesla fought hard and nearly won the battle. I'm satisfied
The majority says 3600 therefore the bottom must be in. 4800 is knocking on the door. Voted duuuuuuude.
That's why it pays to be a Tesla shareholder. I remember that post, great call. I'm still very satisfied.
I Appreciate the time you spend keeping us informed TomB16.
Safe to say the LAW was broken.
I'm satisfied.
Another day in paradise.
Running right along on house money to. Mr.Mike put his house to work.
Time to burp the baby after the big feast.
The market is screaming for attention. Fundamentally there are still some bargains out there. Somebody is buying these dips.
Still sailing on a 24% gain. This one throws tempur tantrums and makes some crazy moves. Being this far ahead in a new position is easy on the...
Rotation of capital.