Separate names with a comma.
Most things in portfolio down but all < 1%. NVAX, ABBV, KLIC keeping me afloat plus a couple others < .5%. Going to be a lackluster day I reckon.
I assume you are going to tell me I'm chasing my tail? Well let me tell that my german shepherd has caught hers on occasion so I know it's...
Let me add that I thought TRTN was starting to swing up and it did, so I had raised my buy price from $59 whatever to $59.75 which didn't get...
So I expanded my positions as I said. I did OK with buying ENB and KLIC, and should have waited on GTN, TRTN to get a better price. Not off to a...
Let me add that in order to avoid mortgage insurance you need 20% down
On this other forum I figured out my growth with my existing strategy versus what I would have gained doing buy and hold. Buy and hold wins....
OK, I figured out where I would be if I had left my original investments alone. Was kinda easy actually. If I left all my original investments...
I have not been investing for long so take what I say as worth a grain of salt. I mostly agree with Tom but the original question has some merit....
I was thinking about this tonight while taking a longer than usual hot shower. I was wondering how I would handle a major correction in the...
OK. I've got almost $3100 to buy with next week due to my sale of some ABBV shares plus a dividend payment from CSSEP. I'm going to expand...
See you all next week and have a good weekend. Up 3.57% overall for the week so it was a great week.
Yeah, I just meant that I'm largely staying away from most tech. There are exceptions for companies that I think can benefit from coming out of...
I'm staying away from Nasdaq. Will be doing some buying on Monday and am likely staying with stuff on the DJIA. I may consider the JETS etf...
I gave back most of the gains from NVAX of last night but still ahead a little. Have a good weekend all. I'll be buying on Monday as well most...
I hope you're right. NVAX giving up all gain from overnight and everything of mine except GTN (up 1.76%) is down. If you are wrong and the...
Stocks open down but after 4 days of great gains I'm not surprised. Most positions of mine are starting in the red except KMI and GTN. Novavax...
I went with CSSEP solely because of the dividend (was solely focused on dividends) and at the time, I didn't know better. I only knew it paid...
What a great day, in huge part to Novavax. Up 2.17% for the day, 4.2% for the week, 7.82% YTD. I hope tomorrow stays positive. Novavax's gain...
Novavax up 33% right now
Holy crap. I went up 1.95% today, mostly because novavax got great results from a vaccine study and went up 30% in the last 2 hours. I am one...