Separate names with a comma.
Now that the peasants have had their 15 seconds of fame.
All the talk about face tattoos brought HOOD to mind. Took a ride and brought some back.
Banking/finance. Boys dressed up like girls with tattoos, piercings and confused about their sexuality are undesirables in my industry.
I don't hold losing positions. To easy to sell and pay the gains and wait for a better entry. I like Tesla and want to hold for the split, but...
Your generation doesn't work in my sector. Big difference. This your Daddy?
My generation had jobs,face tattoos would be a no no.
Ahhh grey poupon. Only the betters would understand. My Tesla is running off in the ditch but I don't care. Thanks joe.
Play it again Sam. "Pardon me, do you have any Grey poupon" [ATTACH]
Ticker> UL. In these unknown times this is a good company to take a position in. Sometimes you have to grin and bear it.
Maybe she and a couple buddies can drop it down to the 500s. I missed the dip.
Thanks for the kind words. It's about 2% skill and 98% luck with a 50/50 ratio. :lauging:
So much for the 500s.
I'm over the investment part until the markets stabilize. Can turn red in a flash.
Cmon 500s. You can do it.
Let's see some $500s then.
Thanks joe.
I sold in AH made 20 bucks a share. I still get nervous holding long these days. Only takes a minute to become a losing position. For now cash is...
I've been waiting on a entry since the mid 900s. Tweet baby tweet, patience paid off. TSLA always recovers. At $ 644.54 and a forward split being...
Didn't buy the bottom but close enough. TSLA is on sale down here. Note to ELON thanks for the tweets. Also, thanks joe.