Separate names with a comma.
So one of the interesting things that I have been reading is that this vote was an "advisory" to the political parties and not a binding vote....
I would take John Oliver's comments as more credible then Fox News. Even CNN and MSNBC can slant news so I like John Oliver's common sense and...
Tigress Financial Partners is bullish on the U.S. auto industry and expects 2016's total auto sales will meet or even exceed 2015's record level...
Welcome to the forums. We can wait and see if someone familiar with that company clearing your trades is on this board, but that is what it looks...
Welcome to the forums. What kind of investing have you been doing? Also, what do you do at your brokerage firm?
Yes, you can trade stocks in your name with a "custodial" account but you'll have to use the custodial login to actually process the trades. (not...
I've been trying to get MSFT for the past week at 49.25 and it just won't drop down for me so I got tired of waiting today. Just sold a put...
T is also the biggest one in my income portfolio. I don't know if it will be the same on the next pullback, but during the last big pullback in...
To put this in perspective in terms of impact to Ford's bottom line, 71.5% of Ford's business is on the financial end. The more they can finance...
By Jennifer Booton, MarketWatch Microsoft partners with KIND Financial to track legal cannabis First social media, now marijuana -- Microsoft...
If you took the next four quarters of projected earnings is predicted that CMG will make about $7 per share if they meet expectations. One needs...
FYI, here's what a long term MSFT chart is looking like: [ATTACH]
Got a buy order in for MSFT for 49.25. We'll see if it will come back down to me today. With Microsoft having a very large segment of enterprise...
They actually raised their rates twice over the past 2 years going from 7.99 to 8.99 and then to 9.99. Up until now this only impacted new...
The haggling is done by either the seller lowering the price on his sell order or the buyer raising his bid on the buy order. :D
It sounds to me like the company is issuing a combination of new shares and debt. New shares will dilute the earnings per share as it increases...