Separate names with a comma.
in FOLD 9.94 if it goes over 10.16 it might go toward 10.35 ..... a bit more volume might do it tasted but at 10.14 (hod) it drop but is...
out NK 7.50 .....
:D:D busy drinking ...... another BBQ + vino w/e:p:) I am trying something out so I relax from the scalping stress
typical Friday day...... market tree shakes - profit takers- shorter positioning .... MBRX + KERX interesting
today my head is a bit foggy so I am trying another type of trading,,, (I posted few posts back) FOLD 9.88 - 10.01 +13 open NK 1.47 target...
invece SKLN migliore chiuso 1.31 aperto in pre 1.60 high 1.89 adesso 1.75 in discesa .... sono ballerine
ero tentato a prendere due CHFS 1.25 ma non la conosco ieri era dotto il $ .... deve consolidarsi ,,,aspetto teh bell :D
hai visto in pre 7.50 +24 .... speriamo che apra molto sopra ....:) (io non la seguo) Valeant After Ackman: Paulson Logs 26% Gain Another...
SKLN pre +43% CHSF pre +25.93% :(:mad::(:mad: tutte le ricerche bruciate + andate in fumo in pre ... fossi stato un pò + attento potevo...
Ho postato di la per FOLD con le onde che seguirò ... ma se apre sopra i 10 salta tutto nel "AH" preso +16 punti..... senzaltro andrà...
Indices here green.... Nome Prezzo Var % FTSE 100 7.368,37 +0,25% CAC 40 5.189,1 +0,67% Nikkei 20.033,43 -0,92% BEL 20 3.821,2 +0,65% SBF 120...
Raks hai preso qualcosa su SPEX? ieri bellissima :p:cool:
'morning a tutti accidenti a Stars era VWAP:eek::mad: dillo subito mi hai fatto fare delle ricerche su WMAP ... pensavo che mi prendevi per...
'morning today I tell you something that I do behind the scene.... FOLD lucky for me it dropped again under 10 so today I will follow close...
Hi Ronzoil nice and interesting at one point (last year) I was getting interested on condor etc... but it looks very complicated to DD...
I confirm that as well ... like Fireopal on CLF research nothing came up ..... for info and better understanding the stock trend when...
you always tell me when it is all done "accomplished" ... :(:( mention them before they take off....:) never heard of that one:rolleyes:... is...
I am here>>> today it is an Italian day ;):D:D...
Ciao Star benvenuto in USA ;):D scusa ma cosè la wmap? :rolleyes: Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP).:rolleyes::rolleyes: