Separate names with a comma.
I think even if Trump wins in a landslide, the exit polls tomorrow morning will show Hillary winning. Which will cause a market rally, probably...
Well, I'm extremely net short right now. I didn't mean to get this short, but I am. I'm also long volitility and plan to get longer today. I'm...
Hugh Hewitt wrote a book, if it ain't close they can't cheat. To understand better, imagine a football game where the other team starts with 21...
Yeah, I think they inadvertently just elected Trump, playing into his "Election is rigged" message. I'll be watching closely on Tuesday night. If...
Yeah, looks like the markets really like the latest FBI news. Currently up 25 handles.
I have Starbucks and las Vegas sands today. Tried stamps dot com but the markets are too wide.
Got killed in FSLR. Now I've got three underlying in my wheel of fortune from this earnings season. FSLR, UA, and HAL. Actually, four. Pandora...
Does anyone have any good long volatility plays? So far, I've just been buying in the money calls with very little premium, costing around $5.00....
No problem Cy, I still got a couple of earnings trades in. First Solar FSLR and Facebook FB. I also went long in natural gas. What the hell was...
You jinxed it!
If we can just get a slight pull back in volatility I'll add to my position, but so far we're just down down down. Sucks.
I bought a position, long, the other day. I had planned on going really big on Monday before the election, but it seems like it's too late for...
Thanks for posting the earnings stuff cy. And great analysis on the S&P and DOW being near all time highs. Time to long some volitility. Anyone...
Anyone know when uvxy is set to split again?
Didn't get too much on today. Got in an AMZN butterfly, and an MA short play and /CL short. Tried to get into google short but never got filled.
Why did I think AMZN had earnings announced this morning? Bah.
I don't know what any of that means, but I've been seriously considering getting in the British Pound. That sucker has taken a serious beating.
If Tesla can stay around 205/210 Baggi going to be happy.
Got in a number of trades. Tesla, Amazon, VMW, BMY, CELG, skipped Google though. Couldn't find a good trade there. I was very fortunate with...
Also, Cy, I'm patiently waiting for your nice charts on tomorrow morning's earnings releases. :D