Separate names with a comma.
I've read online that it's since broken into several companies, ATT, Verizon and others? But I can't figure out yet how many shares of each I'd have.
There also one like the above for Wells Fargo. 100 shares from 1979.
Can anyone help me to determine two things. First, 100 shares of ATT purchase in 1979 (have the paper document) how much is that worth today?...
I agree with you. But your analysis takes in other factors outside of charting. I was asked if I ignore those other factors and just focus on the...
As someone asked earlier, what would I think if not knowing the news but just knowing the charts? I'd be bearish. Long term correction bearish....
Normally, the failure of the SPX to get back to old highs and push higher would really make me want to pound the table and scream, "Bear!" and get...
Down almost 100 points now.
You're assuming an argument without making it. Consider me one of those American's who think it's better for everyone and the economy for oil to...
I agree, tomorrow is looking like a strong BTFD. But, tomorrow is Friday. Hard to do that on a Friday.
That map isn't very accurate. This one seems to be better. London and Scotland are heavy for Remain. Rest of the country? Not so much....
I think leave is going to take it, your puts are probably safe. Looking at the voting map, all of the north is practically in already and they are...
Hard to believe we are down 52 points right now. I so thought about going short today at the end of the day. Ugh.
The market is down 40ish, crazy. Right now the markets are predicting that Brexit wins.
If this doesn't break up here eventually, there is going to be alot of pain in the markets in 2016. But usually, when you keep bumping up...
Giving away your money to a charity, that you or your friends control,i s a tax aversion scheme. Not a charitable act. Unless you think the...
For as long as I can remember the market has moved higher on low volume and people have taken this as a sign that it's artificially high. Get...
Looks to me like we are forming a down channel on the ES. After our last rise, could just be a flag formation. But if we break out to new highs...
I think I need psychological help. I make pretty consistent returns on selling premium in various ways, but usually through spreads and...
I dunno. Obviously I've got no clue. Or I would have held on and made more money. I made 50%, so didn't want to be greedy. But could have held and...
Closed out my Amazon position with just over a dollar gain.