Separate names with a comma.
ugh, I just noticed I set the buy back on the 493 @ 2.99 instead of 12.99. I was wondering why I was till holding those shorts. DOH! I've...
Targeting to buy back the other 493 @ 12.99 if we get there today Still holding GLD Puts in my Scottrade account
Long 12 shares JDST @ 68.30
stopped out on 500 shares of VXX @ 13.415
stopped out on 10 shares of XIV @ 79.44
Lax on this one as well. June 13th - Sold 26 Shares XIV @ 81.08 - $2,108.08 June 13th - Bought 96 Shares UVXY @ 10.42 - $1000.32 June 14th - Sold...
I'm been lax in updating this log. In my Interactive Broker's Account: I added 493 more shares VXX Short on 6/13 @ 13.17 I added 500 more shares...
PUTs are back in the green! I even bought some DGLD this morning after the drop @ 46.61 in my IB account
day early and a couple hundred dollars short:rolleyes:
I got my GLD JUL 21 2017 119.00 P @ 1.14 & .99 yesterday. Targeting the XAUUSD around 1200 next month.
Short GLD here. Will be buying some July PUTS today.
Opened 6 BBRY JUN 16 2017 11.50 C @ .22 this morning
Opened 6 TBT JUL 36 CALLS @ .84
Lets try this again - opened 10 June 9 244 CALLS @ .47
Thanks @Dre4 I didn't know if there was like a put spread or anything. Also, do you know about rolling puts forward? Is that basically selling...
And this is why if you're trading volatility you want to short vs going long XIV - risky, but the decay is higher on VXX. VXX has already...
Scottrade options have not had any activity Interactive Brokers has been live since 2/21/2017 here is the history: [ATTACH] and here are the...
I wanted to create this separate from my Robinhood trading journal. This journal will be split between Scottrade Options and an Interactive...
Haven't updated in a while - I ended up withdrawing $3,828 for another investing endeavor from a total of $7,359.73 I had a total investment of...
VIX back into the 10s - wondering if I should buy some weekly calls heading into Comey's June 8th statement(s)