Separate names with a comma.
Lost track of time, but meant to post that based on option volume I think ADBE will beat earnings.
Glad to be in the club. I played AMD a couple times earlier for a quick buck, but dove in for the long hall. Almost thinking about picking up...
Any news here for the drop?
AMD is crushing it. I picked up some Jan'17 11 calls Jul'17 13 calls and Jan'18 15 calls earlier this month and they're doing great! Hopefully...
Today saw a pullback in the IWM. The portfolio took a 2.37% loss today. The system was down today - $144.51 / - 2.37% Overall the system is +...
Those Jan 20 Calls are lookin' sweet today! Almost up 100% from my entry. EDIT: MPEL up to 17.86 as I type
You really have a lot to learn.... especially if you think there is "no way" BAC is going down today. Nobody knows anything even in this "Trump...
the trolling force is strong with this one.... "This is an unusual "Trump" market and you have no idea." ORLYo_O
out this morning @ 1.11 for $186 gain. Take it when you got it right?
Small loss yesterday down - $3.00 Small caps continue to pull back - continuing to follow algorithm and hold these 3 stocks AXL, TEN, CST...
Those charts look very similar to the RebbekaTrader or something like that - including pictures of attractive women for their profile.
first down day in 7 days covered over 2 dollars in that span
Financials turning red again today. Still right at break even with my 23.50 Puts. Also, not sure where to put this - but I purchased 8 TLT DEC...
Nice Gap n go this morning. Calls are up 50% today.
Do you think it is going lower? Most all gaming stocks got blasted on crap ATM news plus we're on a strong upward trend line/channel.
Forgot to update Friday, but the portfolio was up again on Friday to $6,105.12. Today was a down/flat day with the market - especially small...
sorry - meant Puts
Financials weak today - Calls are back to around breakeven
Still holding these GSK calls
Just picked up 10 January'17 20 calls for .23 this morning.