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Hey guys, I'm looking for a platform or a software which provides good quality analysis and works well with different exchanges (haven't decided...
Hi, everyone! I would like to learn about Youtube channels in which is talked about stocks being traded, popular stocks being traded, stock...
Hi all, Like many other My wife and I have been made redundant due to the virus. We have a gorgeous 2yr old daughter To support, I have allowed...
Hi All I am totally new to the stock market But have really been enjoying having a punt in the last couple of weeks and I am totally hooked. I...
Hello I am searching about these companies, what do you think, I have pointed out some technical figures(enclosed). Any thoughts?
I recently got into the market right after the Corona crash. I've been putting all my e3 paychecks into Robin hood to get up to the 15k to day...
Hello everyone, I have recently graduated college, found a stable job, and started to save up some money. Going forward, I am wondering how I...