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I have a Brokerage account at Tradier and trade options. I am in the zero option contract fees subscription plan for $10 per month. I see that the...
I have Robinhood. Sure give me the sigh, but most of my stocks are in there, and the Robinhood portfolio grand total on the top for all stocks...
Hi, I’m just learning options. Purchased UVXY Jan 29th $18 call today. WeBull says the Delta is .2654 and Theta -.1093. My Robinhood account...
Hi all, I'm a writer working with a national magazine on a story where I'm looking to connect with investors that are over 50 years old and doing...
So let's say at yesterday's market closing at 4pm, the price was 100. But after 4pm, it rose, at 6pm Robinhood shows me the price goes up to 150....
Hi, I'd like to keep my trading away from my investment portfolio (Schwab) under a different broker(age). Am I correct in thinking that no one...
So I'm currently in a 30 day trial for Robinhood Gold. They are letting me use an additional 30,000 for $125 per month, aka $1,500 a year which is...
I am starting this journal to show that no matter how small your account (you will need margin though) you can create "passive" income. I trade...
Hello everyone.(The good) I am doing fine trading stocks. It is because I have been practicing good risk management and have learned to read...
This is the message board for users of online broker. Im going to give Robinhood a go here, app looks slick and easy to use. Just...
[IMG] Yes, this is a legit broker! Lots of people asking about Robinhood because it sounds too good to be true, a zero...