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Discussion in 'Canadian Stocks Message Boards' started by TheDude, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    New CAR Cabinet & UPC Congratulate Government

    Note: UPC are the main rebel group around Ndassima/Bambari where Axmin operates

    Central African Republic opens cabinet to more armed groups to bolster peace

    Crispin Dembassa-Kette

    3 MIN READ

    BANGUI (Reuters) - Central African Republic has included more rebel officials in an expanded cabinet, the president announced on Friday, in a bid to shore up peace efforts after several armed groups said they were not sufficiently represented following a deal last month.

    Central African Republic reached an agreement with 14 armed groups in February, aimed at bringing stability to a country rocked by violence since 2013 when mainly Muslim Selaka rebels ousted the then President Francois Bozize, prompting reprisals from mostly Christian militia.

    The diamond and gold-producing country has been ravaged by years of conflict that had shown little sign of abating until now.

    President Faustin-Archange Touadera announced on Friday a new cabinet list of 39 members, in which all 14 armed groups were represented. Only 10 groups were represented in the previously announced list, which had 34 members.

    The peace deal, signed in Sudan’s capital Khartoum, faced its first major setback a month after it was ratified, when several armed groups withdrew representatives from the new cabinet and demanded a more inclusive reshuffle.

    The president’s announcement came two days after reconciliation talks arranged by the African Union in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa.

    The 14 rebel groups had said last week that they had not been sufficiently consulted over the original cabinet list.

    In the new line-up, the major Selaka groups FPRC and UPC have three and two representatives, respectively.

    “The UPC congratulates itself and congratulates Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada for forming a government that now respects the Khartoum accord. We call on all ministers to get to work without delay to bring peace back to this country,” UPC political coordinator Hassan Bouba told Reuters via telephone.

    Christian anti-balaka militia did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Thousands of people have died because of the unrest and a fifth of the country’s 4.5 million population have fled their homes. The United Nations deployed a peacekeeping mission in 2014.

    But prospects for a lasting peace remain uncertain, as agreements in 2014, 2015 and 2017 all broke down.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Three rebel chiefs named 'advisers' to Central African government

    By AFP

    PUBLISHED: 14:32 EDT, 25 March 2019 | UPDATED: 14:32 EDT, 25 March 2019

    Three top rebel chiefs have been named "special military advisers" to the Central African Republic government, the presidency said Monday as the volatile country sought to honour a February peace deal.

    The three will be charged with setting up special joint units under the peace accord reached in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, the eighth since mainly Muslim rebels overthrew president Francois Bozize, a Christian, in 2013.

    The accord, signed in Bangui on February 6, brought together President Faustin-Archange Touadera and the leaders of 14 armed groups who control some 80 percent of the country's territory.

    The three rebel chiefs were named as Ali Darassa, head of Unity for Peace in Central Africa (UPC), Mahamat Alkatim, head of the Patriotic Movement for Central Africa (MPC), and Bi Sidi Souleymane, head of the 3R group (Return, Reclamation, Reconciliation).

    They will help assure security alongside the national army.

    Other rebel officials were also given roles including Adama Chaibou of the MPC, tasked with relations with the Arab world.

    The announcement in early March of a new government in Bangui after the Khartoum accord sparked a wave of protest by armed groups demanding more ministerial positions.

    The African Union set up a follow-up meeting to shore up the peace deal that resulted in a new agreement to form an inclusive government.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  3. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Farmers, herders find common ground in Central African Republic

    BAMBARI (Central African Republic), March 27 — At the market in Awatche in the middle of the Central African Republic, fresh sides of beef hang in the sun, tempting village folk after a rare agreement in an age-old dispute.

    “Since November 2018, the Fulani have come back to us here,” says Felicien Katiako, chief of the nearby village of Govobanda.

    The cattle breeders, who maintain a semi-nomadic lifestyle, had fled their village homes in the region in 2014 for fear of attack by farming communities as violence swept across the country.

    While the mistrust that divides settled farmers from migrating folk is a potential source of bloodshed in much of Africa, people of the Awatche region have forged peace.

    “We eat beef each week with the Fulani and they can have some cassava,” said Gervais Koyobogui, a chief of the villages along the road linking Bambari, the main town of the region, with Kouango.

    Clashes between rival communities remain frequent in the CAR, frequently triggered by cattle rustling or the trampling of crops in the fields.

    In Awatche, one steer is worth 500,000 francs (about RM3,506), a fortune for poor country people in one of the world’s least developed nations.

    Armed groups are greedy for livestock when cattle represent such a substantial financial gain.

    ‘Bloody reprisals’

    Killings arising from the seasonal migration of herds spiked after a 2013 coup by a mainly Muslim rebel alliance, the Seleka.

    The group’s forces from the north were driven out of the southern capital Bangui in about 10 months, but by then the “anti-Balaka (machete)” fighters had emerged to fight the Seleka in various parts of the CAR.

    Some of the Fulani took up arms to carry out brutal reprisals over cattle-rustling and “taxes” imposed by the anti-Balaka and by armed groups that formed when the Seleka was officially dissolved.

    “The presence of young (Fulani) in ex-Seleka ranks... led to confusion and provoked a cycle of bloody reprisals,” researchers Florent Ankogui-Mpoko and Thierry Vircoulon wrote in a March 2018 report on livestock migration in the country.

    The village of Awatche was attacked three times in 2014 and 2015 by rebel forces who originated with the Seleka.

    For fear of reprisals by the ethnic Banda farmers, Fulani families from the villages took refuge on territory controlled by ex-Seleka forces, but they did not find the security they hoped for.

    “I came back to Awatche three months ago, because out there we suffered too much. I lost a lot of my family and cattle as well,” Mohammad told AFP.

    With watchful eyes framed by his turban, he said he lost 280 animals, either stolen or taken by armed groups claiming their tax.

    “Every month the Seleka took two or three head of cattle from me,” said Joden, another herder who came back to the village four months ago.

    Men like them are returning gradually, encouraged by family initiatives and mediation sessions organised by the authorities.

    Mediation, compensation

    “We protect the village against thieves, the anti-Balaka and the UPC (Union for Peace in the Central African Republic),” said Simplice, a lanky member of Awatche’s self-defence group.

    The village has sorted out a way to settle disputes arising from the destruction of fields by cattle.

    “We bring the two sides together in the field, we make a survey, and now we go to the chief to find out how much compensation should be paid,” said mediator Philippe.

    The conflict “made the village so very weak,” he said, adding: “It’s only with peace that development will come.”

    Problems caused by migratory grazing and cattle thefts remain the norm in most of the rest of the CAR, where the peaceable balance struck in these villages has not taken hold.

    In January, more than 13 people were killed at Zaoro Sangou in the west by Fulanis seeking revenge for the murder of stock-breeders a few days earlier.

    The bloodshed provoked further reprisals against Muslims in nearby Carnot, who were assaulted, had their shops pillaged and saw a mosque razed to the ground. — AFP
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  4. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    A Conversation with Central African Republic President Touadéra

    A Conversation with Central African Republic President Touadéra

    Prospects for Peace in the Central African Republic

    The Central African Republic (CAR) has recently taken a significant step toward peace after years of violence and instability. In February, negotiations convened under the auspices of the African Union led to a peace agreement between the CAR government and leaders of armed groups. Now President Faustin-Archange Touadéra must lead the implementation of the agreement to resolve the many complex issues that have driven violence in the country. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace on April 9 to hear President Touadéra discuss his priorities and vision for building peace in CAR.

    Since gaining independence from France in 1960, CAR has experienced chronic instability and outbreaks of violent conflict. The most recent crisis began in late 2012 when a coalition of armed groups banded together to seize control of the country, ushering in an unprecedented level of violence that culminated in a bloody coup d'état. While a transitional government was able to hold the country’s first peaceful, democratic election in 2016, ongoing violence and instability threaten to erode this progress. In 2018, intensifying clashes and deepening divisions led to a record 1.1 million people displaced by the conflict and made CAR one of the deadliest countries in the world for aid workers.

    The CAR government, in partnership with the international community, is working to address the longstanding grievances driving the conflict and the profound insecurity affecting many of the country’s citizens. Early this year, the African Union led peace negotiations between the government and armed groups in Khartoum, Sudan, the eighth attempt at a peace deal. With support from a wide range of stakeholders, the dialogue produced a new peace deal outlining steps to reduce conflict and build peace.

    Take part in the conversation on Twitter with #TouaderaUSIP.


    His Excellency Faustin-Archange Touadéra

    President, Central African Republic

    Nancy Lindborg, moderator

    President, U.S. Institute of Peace

    Ambassador Lucy Tamlyn, opening remarks

    U.S. Ambassador, Central African Republic
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    AXM Technical Analysis - Bullish Buy Signal

    Symbol Last Trade Date Change Open High Low Volume
    AXM.C 0.49 Mar-29-2019 0.01 0.5 0.51 0.475 117,208
    Note: Canadian symbols now end in .c i.e SYMB.C

    Analysis Overall Short Intermediate Long
    Bullish (0.36) Neutral (0.12) Very Bullish (0.50) Bullish (0.46)
    Type Value Conf.
    resist. 0.64 2
    resist. 0.54 4
    supp 0.48 11
    supp 0.40 3
    supp 0.34 2
    supp 0.27 32
    supp 0.24 2
    supp 0.22 8
    supp 0.16 4
    Chart Indicators
    short Inter Long
    EMA Bu VBu VBu
    MACD N VBu VBu
    RSI Bu
    TDD Bu
    Fibs Be VBu VBu
    Highs Be N Be
    Lows VBu N N
    Trends N N N
    Stoch. Bu
    VBu=Very Bullish, Bu=Bullish
    Be=Bearish, VBe=Very Bearish
    Printer friendly charts



    Recent CandleStick Analysis
    Date Candle
    Mar-28-2019 Inverted Hammer
    Mar-27-2019 Bearish Harami
    Mar-26-2019 Homing Pigeon
    Open Gaps
    Direction Date range
    up Feb-25-2019 0.4 to 0.48
    up Feb-13-2019 0.255 to 0.26
    down Mar-28-2019 0.49 to 0.48

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  6. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    CAR President Promotes Diamond Leases & New Bangui Electric Project Funded By A Chinese Company

    Although these articles are not pertaining to AXM, they are both very positive and show that the country is open for business. Getting support from Chinese companies reflects good on other ones in CAR like Axmin which are majority owned and controlled by Chinese investors/directors.

    March 21st 2019 - China Electric Project In Bangui -

    April 2nd 2019 - CAR Invites DeBeers & Alrosa To Mine Diamonds -
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  7. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Security Council Announces Benchmarks to Guide Decision on Potential Lifting of Arms Embargo against Central African Republic

    9 APRIL 2019

    Presidential Statement Expresses Readiness to Review Ban, Sets Terms for Removal
    The Security Council expressed today its readiness to review the arms embargo it imposed on the Central African Republic, announcing a set of benchmarks to guide its decision as to whether it will suspend or progressively lift that restriction later this year.

    Issuing presidential statement S/PRST/2019/3, Christoph Heusgen (Germany), President for April, recalled the Council’s intention to establish, by 30 April, “clear and well‑identified key benchmarks” to measure progress in reforming the security sector, on advancing the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and rehabilitation process, and on managing weapons and ammunition.

    More specifically, the benchmarks would require the Government of the Central African Republic to implement the National Programme for Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation, in particular the socioeconomic reintegration of former members of armed groups and the integration of vetted former members into all uniformed services; and to draft a planning document detailing its needs in terms of weapons and facilities for the storage of ammunition.

    Other benchmarks would require the Government to finalize a protocol on the registration and management of armaments intended for the national defence and security forces, covering small arms, light weapons and ammunition; to operationalize a national commission to combat the proliferation of small arms and light weapons; and to establish a protocol on the collection and destruction — or transfer to the armed forces and internal security forces — of unregistered or illicitly held weapons and ammunition seized by the authorities.

    The presidential statement reiterated the Council’s request that the Secretary-General conduct an assessment, no later than 31 July, of progress made on the benchmarks, in close consultation with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), United Nations Mine Action Service and the Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic. The Council further recalled its intention to review, by 30 September, the arms embargo in light of that assessment.

    It also reiterated the Council’s request that the Central African Republic authorities report to the Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013), by 30 June, on progress relating to security sector reform; on the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and rehabilitation process; and on the management of weapons and ammunition. Meanwhile, the Council acknowledged the urgent need of the Central African Republic authorities to train and equip their national defence and security forces.

    The Council welcomed the consensus reached by the signatories to the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, signed in Bangui on 6 February between the Government of the Central African Republic and 14 non-State armed groups. It welcomed also the engagement of the African Union, Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the United Nations. Urging stakeholders to implement the peace agreement “in good faith and without delay”, the Council called upon neighbouring countries, regional organizations and all international partners to support its implementation and coordinate their actions with the aim of bringing lasting peace and stability to the country.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  8. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Axmin appoints Jiang as CEO of Somio, Aurafrique

    2019-04-10 05:55 MT - News Release

    Ms. Lucy Yan reports


    Axmin Inc. has appointed Lifei Jiang as chief executive officer of Somio Toungou SA and chief executive officer of Aurafrique SARL in Central African Republic and Jean Qian as board secretary and chief executive officer assistant of Axmin.

    Mr. Lifei Jiang benefits form over fifteen years of senior operational experience in Africa in the investment, construction and mining industries. He has served as project manager, vice general manager and general manager for the Chinese states owned enterprises China Geo-Engineering Corporation (CGC) and CGCOC Group Company Limited in several African countries where he was directly responsible for project management, bidding, financial controls, team building, and market development.

    Mr. Jiang is extremely familiar with local traditions and cultures, different applicable mining laws and effective operational procedures for delivering mining operations in Africa. For AXMIN, Mr. Jiang will be managing the in-country operations of the Company.

    Mr. Qian benefits from experience in senior administration of Chinese companies working with international counterparties to manage projects within and outside of China. He has been responsible for coordination and international communication in large events, as well as corporate news releases and translations.

    AXMIN's Chairman and CEO Lucy Yan sated:

    AXMIN is very pleased to appoint Mr. Jiang and Mr. Qian to assist the company with our in-country operations and international co-ordination. We believe these key staff additions will assist the Company as we fully restart our operations in the Central African Republic in the near future. We are very excited to see the improving security developments in the region around our mining asset and will provide a further update in this regard.

    About AXMIN

    AXMIN is a Canadian exploration and development company with a strong focus on the African continent. AXMIN continues to closely monitor the security situation at its Passendro Gold Project in the Central African Republic. For more information regarding AXMIN visit our website at Please follow us on Facebook

    We seek Safe Harbor.

    © 2019 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  9. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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  10. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Central African Republic: Six armed groups sign peace agreement in Bria

    Note: This is an important agreement due to the fact that Bria is a few hours away from Ndassima and directly on the same access road.

    Six armed groups (the UPC, MPC, RPRC, MLCJ, Anti-Balaka (Mokom faction) and the FPRC)* signed an important peace agreement Tuesday 9 April in Bria, in the Central African Republic (CAR), which is expected to put an end to more than six years of violent conflict in the eastern region of Haute-Kotto.

    The Accord is the result of talks convened by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) between the groups from 1-9 April 2019 in Bria. It also marks the culmination of months of intensive local mediation efforts led by HD to bring an end to violence across the Haute-Kotto region. Repeated attacks by the groups in the area since 2013 have led to the loss of many lives, widespread destruction of property and the displacement of thousands of people. The violence has also increased the divide between the Christian and Muslim communities which has been instrumentalised by the armed groups.

    The Bria Agreement builds on the Accord for Peace and Reconciliation in the CAR (APPR), which was signed on 6 February 2019 between the Government and fourteen armed groups, including the six Bria Agreement signatories.

    Under the terms of the Bria Accord, the parties have committed to:

    Putting an end to violence;
    Ensuring peace and security throughout the region;
    Resolving grievances peacefully;
    Refusing the instrumentalisation of differences based on politics, ethnicity or religion ;
    Ensuring the safe return of refugees and internally displaced persons; and,
    Guaranteeing the free movement of persons, goods and services, and humanitarian personnel. The follow-up committee set up under the APPR will be in charge of monitoring implementation of the Bria Accord.

    “This Agreement represents an important step in strengthening the APPR and turning Central African people’s hope for peace and reconciliation into reality.” said Freddy Nkurikiye, HD’s Special Representative for Central and West Africa.

    HD has been working in support of peace in the CAR since 2007, assisting both the country’s National Political Dialogue and community-based mediation efforts. HD played a key role in the 2008 Inclusive Political Dialogue, the 2015 Bangui Forum, the 2016 electoral process and more recently, the 2019 APPR process. The organisation has also been involved in the facilitation of local agreements such as the 2017 Bouar Agreement between the 3R and anti-Balakas armed groups which enabled the stabilization of parts of the Nana Mambéré province.

    HD would like to thank the parties, the United Nations Multi-dimensional, integrated and stabilization Mission (MINUSCA) as well as the local administrative, traditional and religious leaders for their support to the mediation process which led to the Bria Agreement.

    The organisation would also like to express its gratitude to the European Union for its financial support which has enabled HD to support peace efforts in CAR since 2014.


    For any further enquiries, please contact HD’s Special Representative for West and Central Africa, Mr Freddy Nkurikiye, by phone on +41 79 388 35 31, or by email: [email protected]

    For further information about HD, please send an email to: [email protected]

    *UPC: Unité Pour la paix en Centrafrique; MPC: Mouvement Patriotique pour la Centrafrique; RPRC: Rassemblement Patriotique pour le Renouveau de la Centrafrique; MLCJ: Mouvement des Libérateurs Centrafricains pour la Justice; FPRC: Front Populaire pour la Renaissance de la Centrafrique
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  11. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    US Department of State: Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With Central African Republic President Faustin Archange Touadera

    Marty Smith
    No Comments
    WASHINGTON (STL.News) – The US Department of State release the following:

    The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:‎

    Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met today with Central African Republic (CAR) President Faustin Archange Touadera in Washington, D.C. The Secretary affirmed U.S.-CAR relations and underscored strong support for President Touadera’s efforts to bring lasting stability and security to the Central African people by implementing the recently signed peace agreement. The two leaders exchanged views on a variety of key issues, including institutionalizing democratic reforms, creating a more inclusive and transparent business environment to revitalize the CAR economy, and ensuring justice for victims of war crimes. President Touadera also expressed his commitment to building an inclusive government and fighting impunity.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  12. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Central African Republic: $ 45 Million from World Bank for Solar Field Construction

    Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR) - The Central African government and the World Bank signed a $ 45 million multilateral agreement in Washington on April 9 for the construction of a solar field near the capital Bangui.

    The Central African government represented by the Ministers of Economy, Planning and Cooperation, Félix Moloua and that of Finance and Budget Henri-Marie Dondra, sealed this agreement in a context where it places the energy issue at the center. of his concerns for this year 2019.

    According to the government, with this project, the Central African Republic wants to increase energy capacity by 25 megawatts in order to boost the economy, in line with Pillar 3 of the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA). The start of work is scheduled for August 2019.

    With a rate of access to electricity that is 4% against an African average of 16%, the Central African government intends to raise this level with several projects. The extension works of the Boali 2 plant have just been launched thanks to the financial support of the African Development Bank for an amount of 23 billion FCFA to have 10 megawat more.

    Central African energy will also benefit this year from another 10 megawat that will come from the installation of a thermal power plant with financing from the Saudi fund. This project includes a public lighting component for 14 avenues in the city of Bangui. The executory phase of the work is also planned for the second semester, the contract being already awarded.

    "We will continue with the support of our partners to invest heavily in energy infrastructure, very important for our development," said the head of state Faustin Archange Touadera on March 30 on the occasion of his year 3 in power.

    Several affluent investors, the Central African Republic after the signing of the peace agreement and Khartoum, is made possible thanks to the support of the Russian Federation, which further strengthens its cooperation with this country friends long abused by the Western powers.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  13. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    African Development Bank approves strategy for Central Africa – “crucial for the economic integration of the region”

    2019-04-15Central African Republic, POLITICS

    Johannesburg, South Africa (ADV) – The Board of the African Development Bank (AfDB) on Monday approved the Central Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2019 – 2025, adopting the Bank’s multinational operations in Central Africa over the indicated period, African Daily Voice has learnt.

    According to a statement issued by AfDB, the Central Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper (RISP) for 2019 – 2025 builds on the lessons learned from the implementation of previous regional development initiatives. It also lists the Bank’s plans to accelerate intra-regional trade, inclusive economic growth and structural transformation of the Central African region.

    “It will guide the Bank’s regional operations in seven member countries of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), namely Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the Central African Republic – a combined population of some 130 million people,” reads a statement Chawki Chahed, Chief Communications Officer, Communication & External Relations Department, African Development Bank.

    “The cooperation, integration and economic development goals of the 2019 – 2025 Central Africa regional strategy will be achieved from the basis of two pillars: the first strengthens regional infrastructure (focusing on electricity networks, transport and ICT), while the second supports reforms for intra-regional trade development and cross-border investments and builds the institutional capacity of regional organizations, especially ECCAS and the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC).”

    Ousmane Dore, Director-General of the Bank’s Central Africa Regional Development and Business Delivery Office said in 2018, the GDP growth rate in Central Africa doubled to 2.2 % from 1.1% in 2017, but remained below the sub-Saharan average of 3.5%.

    “The region’s growth was driven primarily by global commodity prices, principally oil. Other countries within the ECCAS region continued to grapple with the vicious circle of instability and fragility, weak human and institutional capacity, and infrastructure deficits in the transport, energy and ICT sectors.

    “Central Africa has significant oil resources, deposits of precious metals and minerals, huge transboundary water resources, and the continent’s greatest hydropower potential. Implementation of the Central Africa integration strategy will encourage regional and national authorities to ensure that cross-border programs and initiatives are embedded into public resource planning and administration,” said Dore.

    The bank further stated that implementation of the Central Africa RISP will require investments amounting to US$ 4.421 billion, corresponding to 30 regional operations over the seven-year period. About 88% of the planned funding would be devoted to strengthening regional infrastructure. The infrastructure and institutional capacity-building components of the plan will also support the resilience of the countries in the region. Specific operations will also strengthen resilience to food insecurity, enable the socio-economic reintegration of vulnerable groups, and conserve ecosystems in the Congo Basin.

    “The African Development Bank’s ongoing support for Central Africa is crucial for the successful economic integration of the countries in the region. The new Regional Integration Strategy Paper continues this tradition of supportive interventions in critical economic sectors. Ultimately, it will be a huge boost to intra-regional trade and a much needed structural transformation of the policy and business environment,” said Moono Mupotola, the Bank’s Director of Regional Development and Regional Integration.

    The RISP is in conformity with the Bank’s new Regional Integration Strategy Framework (RISF) which was approved in March 2018, and the Ten-Year Strategy of the African Development Bank Group (2013-2022). It also aligns with the regional priorities from ECCAS and CEMAC and the Bank’s High 5priorities
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  14. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    April 15th 2019: Russia to Send Soldiers to Central African Republic as Part of U.N. Force: Decree

    MOSCOW — Russia will send up to 30 military personnel to Central African Republic as part of a U.N mission to help stabilize the country, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on Monday.

    The decree said the Russian contingent would include military observers, staff officers and military communications specialists.

    Moscow has already sent military equipment to CAR and Russian instructors are on the ground helping train the country's armed forces.

    (Reporting by Polina Devitt; Editing by Andrew Osborn)
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  15. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Peace: Major working meeting at the Primature

    Translated to English:

    Prime Minister Firmin Ngrébada chaired this Tuesday, April 16, 2019, a large meeting bringing together the UN Deputy Secretary General Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Smail Chergui , the Director General- Africa of the European Union's External Action Service Koen Vervaeke , Minusca Chief Mankeur Ndiaye , AU Ambassador to the Central African Republic and EU Ambassador Samuella Isopi . The meeting is part of the focus of the field visit to Bambari and Bangassou and the preparation of the big meeting of the international support group.

    It is at least a success after the signing of the peace agreement that allowed the country to start a new step forward for its recovery. Prime Minister Firmin Ngrébada, who is a formidable actor in the signing of this agreement, is keen on its implementation, which, together with the joint Government-international partners mission mentioned above, a field visit was made on April 15 to Bambari and Bangassou in order to pinpoint the reality of the significant advances recorded after the signing of this peace agreement and reconciliation.

    At the end of this large-scale meeting to finalize this internal displacement, Smail Chergui told the press that: "We see that the implementation of the Peace Agreement is in progress. course and good path. I take this opportunity to reaffirm the availability of the United Nations-African Union-European Union to support in a determined manner this implementation of the agreement and to accompany the government for all efforts for all the actions that are expected on security, recovery and cooperation ".

    UN Secretary -General Jean-Pierre Lacroix said that this meeting with the Central African Prime Minister confirms the commitment of the UN and its agencies to make this peace agreement progress in order to allow the population to live in peace. According to him, the finding recorded in Bambari and Bangassou, confirms that there is a clear return to peace and stability in the region. This is to say that everyone has understood that this peace agreement is a unique opportunity for the country to definitively emerge from known crises. The latter promised that the United Nations will always be side by side with the CAR, for which, "the government can count on the UN for multiform support".

    It should be noted that this peace agreement is a new page that opens for the country. "This peace agreement is a roadmap, a compass whose partners are committed to its implementation," said Koen Vervaeke of the European Union who stressed that each of the parties to the agreement agreement must take its responsibility and the partners are determined to support the success of this agreement, which Europe has been supporting with the CAR for years with all that it offers in the field of security and development, as evidenced by the projects put in place. implemented.


    Verbatim statements of the Commissioner for Peace and Security of the African Union (AU), Ambassador Smail Chergui, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, and Director-General for Africa European External Action Service of the European Union (EU), Koen Vervaeke, following their meeting with the Prime Minister of the Central African Republic, Firmin Ngrebada.

    Bangui, April 16, 2019

    Ambassador Smail Chergui, AU Commissioner for Peace and Security

    We have just had a working session with His Excellency the Prime Minister, following our visit yesterday to the interior of the country, which today allows us to see that the implementation of the Agreement is in progress. It is on the right track and we have taken this opportunity to renew the willingness of the three organizations to support this implementation in a determined manner and to support the Government for all the actions that are expected of it in terms of security, economic recovery and in this exercise, the revival of its relations with neighboring countries. In a nutshell, that's what we did this morning. Thank you.

    Jean-Pierre Lacroix, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations

    First of all, in a word, I would like to thank His Excellency the Prime Minister for receiving us, Smail Chergui, Koen Vervaeke and the head of MINUSCA, Mankeur Ndiaye. We have had with the Prime Minister an extremely concrete meeting, extremely action-oriented, towards specific points for which we will work together. We reaffirmed the full support of MINUSCA and the full support of the United Nations including agencies, funds and programs to work together to make this Agreement progress and that people in all parts of the country can see the difference quickly. . This meeting followed a field visit yesterday where together with the Prime Minister we went to Bambari and Bangassou. We were able to observe on the spot that the return to peace, the return to stability is advancing in these two prefectures and peace is possible. Everyone must understand that this Agreement is a unique window of opportunity and that this window we must avoid that it closes. On the contrary, we must make sure that it is wide open so that when we come back in a few months, we are already seeing even more substantial progress. So count on our determination and the Central African people, the Central African authorities. The signatories can count on our full support. On the contrary, we must make sure that it is wide open so that when we come back in a few months, we are already seeing even more substantial progress. So count on our determination and the Central African people, the Central African authorities. The signatories can count on our full support. On the contrary, we must make sure that it is wide open so that when we come back in a few months, we are already seeing even more substantial progress. So count on our determination and the Central African people, the Central African authorities. The signatories can count on our full support.

    Koen Vervaeke, Africa Director General of the European External Action Service of the EU

    Thank you very much on behalf of the European Union with the Peace Agreement. There is a new phase that has opened here in the Central African Republic. The roadmap, the compass for the Central African action but also in support with the partners, is obviously its implementation. The meeting we had this morning with the Prime Minister made clear this Government's determination to implement the various provisions and to ensure that for the Central African people, this agreement makes the difference. There is a new Government that is inclusive, which also includes the armed groups, and so it is an incredible opportunity to move forward. Everyone must take responsibility and we, as partners, are fully committed to supporting its implementation, the implementation of the Agreement. Europe has been with the Central African Republic for years with all we can offer in the field of security, in the political field and in the field of development. We are fully committed to continuing to contribute. A key element of success is the cooperation between the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union, and I believe that our presence together here testifies to this. It also reflects the daily and concrete work here on the ground by our three organizations. Thank you. it is the cooperation between the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union and I believe that our presence together here testifies to this. It also reflects the daily and concrete work here on the ground by our three organizations. Thank you. it is the cooperation between the United Nations, the African Union and the European Union and I believe that our presence together here testifies to this. It also reflects the daily and concrete work here on the ground by our three organizations. Thank you.

    Strategic Communication & Public Information Division

    MINUSCA HQ, PK4 B. Boganda Avenue
    BP: 3338, Bangui, Central African Republic
    Mail: [email protected]
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  16. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Bangui April 18, 2019- (Ndjoni Sango): The Central African Republic is very rich in natural resources: diamonds, gold, wood, oil, uranium among others, a very fertile land. So why is the poverty rate so high in this country of about 5 million people? It is, unconditionally, linked to two important facts: the war that was unfolding in the country constantly, and the complete absence of control over the treatment of natural resources by the government. And if the first question is being solved, especially thanks to the support of the partners, finally the territories of the country become united and secure. The second question has no solution yet.

    If the government takes control of the resources available to CAR, the profit gained could enrich the country's treasury and can be used for road construction, supply and construction of hospitals, and equipment for the army.

    There is a lot of talk about some mines deposits. For example, some say that it was the foreigners who occupied the mining activities, others say that these mines are abandoned at the mercy of traffickers. To understand the situation, we went to one of the best-known gold mines in the village of Krandja, Ndassima near Bambari in the central Ouaka prefecture.

    The first destination on our way was Bambari, a town named after a warrior, but infamous for the fights that often took place.

    Arriving at Bambari, we saw a cafe that was open, a market that was caught by commerce and the peaceful neighborhood of Christians and Muslims. The atmosphere was very friendly. When people knew we were a journalist, there were many who wanted to talk to us and share their stories about local life.

    Bambari, which is at the crossroads of several commercial axes, often becomes a battlefield. Fortunately, all this is now the past. Having spent a few days in Bambari, we listened to music from the cafe, bars and bars that are not far from the hotel, not the sounds of gunfire and sirens. After the signing of the agreements in Khartoum the region regained stability and calm, this is confirmed by the FACA patrols that are not far from the city.

    Early in the morning we went to Krandja to Ndachima about sixty Bambari, on a motorcycle taxi that we rented. The road to Krandja is calm, but it is broken and very tight. It is restored and expanded in many places. We really want this to happen all over the country, because safe and secure roads could not only guarantee a comfortable and fast move, but, for example, give the opportunity to lead a regular national football championship, why not?

    Having arrived at the mine, we interviewed Jean Narcisse Kossi Kouzou , Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Dibissi in Ndassima and manager of the Krandja mine. He told us about what's going on in the mine.

    " We work together here. There is the craftsman and the worker. The craftsman hires the workers he takes care of on a daily basis. It's since 2012. It's been 7 years now that I'm working on the Krandja mine site. We do the work with the hand. We do not have the means to work. We do not have an industrial machine. It is with the hand that we work. We work from 8am to 12am. After eating, we return to the site to work at 13:30 and we finish at 15h to return to the village. Because the village is 5 km from the site, there at the junction "

    Ndjoni Sango: Since you've been working on this mining site, are there expatriates or westerners who come here to work too or buy the diamonds at your place?

    " No no no. Only Central Africans working here, no white no strangers. I assure you that it is only Central Africans who work on the site, who buy and sell here. There is no white coming here to buy the diamond.

    Ndjoni Sango: Since you are on this site, what problem do you often encounter with the workers? Do you work freely and with safety or?

    "For safety, it's okay. There is no problem, there is no aggression.

    Ndjoni Sango: After the signing of the Khartoum peace accord signed by the government and the armed groups, how do you see this agreement and the return of peace in CAR?

    "I who speak to you, I am a Christian. I manage everything that works here. There are many Muslims working on the construction site that I manage. There is no problem between us »
    Ndjoni Sango: There is peace and social cohesion, you say. And how are you going to capitalize peace efforts in your locality?

    " Very well. Well, we have to progress like this. Even those who moved there, the com-zone told us to write them to go back to their homes. There is no distinction between Christians and Muslims ".

    And it's true, at our table was sitting Christians and Muslims and we were all at the table like brothers, everything was very nice and friendly. After the signing of the Khartoum Accords, representatives of the UPC arrived and they shared ideas about peace and social cohesion, as well as the details of the agreement itself. Of course these ideas were highly appreciated and became a life principle.

    By doing the hand work, without the use of machines, people get together even more, are always ready to give each other a hand.

    When we returned, we stopped at Ndassima, where we also discussed with the locals and the workers of the mine. You will read these interviews in the coming days.
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  17. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Central African Republic: The FPRC welcomes the evolution of the implementation of the Khartoum agreement.

    By Press Release (CP) -Posted on April 22, 2019, 3:19

    Note: typo in article showing 2014 when this agreement was signed in 2019, see article date below.

    The General Coordination of the FPRC applauds the significant advances of the Khartoum peace agreement signed on February 6th, 2014 in Bangui, symbolized by recent salutary and saving visits of our peace allies.

    The FPRC calls on all Central African compatriots to be restrained and calm, to put their country and differences a posteriori, to admit political failures and to appropriate the agreement as a tool for reform.

    The FPRC regrets negative actions under the pretext of foolishness and notes the lack of patriotic love and civility of some compatriots.

    The FPRC calls on the Government and our peace partners to urgently put in place the National Implementation and Monitoring Committee of the Peace Agreement to guarantee the agreement.

    The FPRC calls all Central African citizens to respect the institutions and the laws of the Republic because the time is not the challenge of these institutions but the reconstruction. Let's build a country and not a profit.

    The FPRC asks all Central Africans to unite around the Central African Peace Coalition led by President TOADERA and his Government to take the trouble, to double their courage and vigilance to achieve the long-awaited wonder, the rebirth of the Central African Republic worthy and prosperous.

    Done at Ndele on 22nd April 2019
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  18. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    April 25th 2019 - China, Central African Republic vow to deepen cooperation

    BANGUI, April 25 (Xinhua) -- Zheng Jianbang, vice chairperson of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Faustin-Archange Touadera, president of the Central African Republic (CAR), vowed on Wednesday in Bangui to deepen cooperation.

    Zheng conveyed warm greetings and good wishes from Chinese President Xi Jinping to Touadera. The relationship between China and the CAR has been progressing smoothly, the mutual political trust has been strengthening, and pragmatic cooperation in areas such as economy and trade, and exchanges between people on various levels are moving forward in an orderly fashion, Zheng said.

    Zheng reiterated China's commitment to supporting CAR's peace process and its nation building. He said that China is willing to deepen relations of friendly cooperation with the CAR amid efforts to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and the outcomes of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), so as to bring more benefits to the people of both countries.

    For his part, Touadera asked Zheng to convey his sincere greetings and good wishes to President Xi. He said the CAR will, like before, resolutely adhere to the one-China policy, and is willing to work with China to consolidate the friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

    On the same day, Zheng also met with Laurent Ngon-Baba, speaker of the National Assembly of the CAR, and Firmin Ngrebada, CAR's prime minister.
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  19. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Chairman Lucy Yan Provides AXMIN's Year End 2018 Financial Results
    Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 29, 2019) - AXMIN Inc. (TSXV: AXM) ("AXMIN" or the "Company") AXMIN releases highlights from its Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2018, which has been filed on SEDAR (amounts are in U.S. dollars).

    2018 highlights


    • Revenue of $1.5 million (2017: $1.6 million);
    • Net Income of $1.5 million (2017: $1.2 million);
    • Shareholder Equity $0.9 million (2017: deficit $1.2 million)
    • Cash balance of $1.0 million (2017: $1.1 million);

    Senegal with Teranga Gold Corporation (Teranga)

    • NSR royalty from Teranga for the Gora Deposit was largely unchanged at $1.5 million from $1.6 million the previous year.
    • Work at Gora is now completed, but as of December 2018 there was remaining ore in stockpile to be processed by Teranga.
    • AXMIN holds an additional 16 properties in conjunction with Teranga subject to future development with no further capital participation contribution required from AXMIN.
    • AXMIN staff are in discussions with Teranga regarding progress on developing other properties in which AXMIN has an interest.
    The Central African Republic (CAR)

    • AXMIN is delighted with the progress made in the Central African Republic to establish a lasting peace that will bring stability and development to the country. The Company is looking forward to being back on site and working at its Passendro gold asset near Ndassima in the near future.
    • AXMIN has appointed Mr Lifei Jiang as CEO of the two subsidiary companies of AXMIN in the CAR in preparation for our imminent return to operations. Mr Jiang benefits from a great deal of experience in mining and construction projects in Africa. He has worked for and with large Chinese state-owned enterprises and is very familiar with the laws and regulations in our jurisdiction.
    Commenting on the annual results, Ms. Lucy Yan AXMIN's chairman, said:

    "During the past year AXMIN has made excellent progress on many fronts. Internally, we have resolved a long-standing account payable and now benefit from a clean balance sheet with positive Shareholder Equity. We are pleased with the revenue we have received from the Gora deposit in conjunction with Teranga and look forward to future target properties being developed.

    "In the CAR, we have seen positive steps taken by all of the stakeholders in the CAR with active support from international organizations such as the African Union and the United Nations as well as the neighboring countries to the CAR. We look forward to a continuation of this trend and a security solution to be implemented in Ndassima.

    "In my report in January, I presented the way forward for AXMIN in 2019 building on the strong results in 2018. I am happy to confirm that we are on track to deliver the key milestones highlighted in my report. The appointment of Mr Jiang as CEO of Somio Toungou S.A and of Aurafrique SARL is a key development that will enable our successful development of the Passendro gold asset. We have also already identified and commenced dialog with several potential strategic partners to assist with developing our assets before even commencing the formal selection process.

    "Also, as I stated in my January report the Company will be more communicative with the market going forward. AXMIN looks forward to updating its shareholders and the financial markets as a whole with operational developments in the CAR in the near future."

    This press release should be read in conjunction with the Company's audited annual report and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2018, together with its annual information form and management's discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2018, all of which are available from the Company's website and on SEDAR.

    We seek Safe Harbor.

    About AXMIN

    AXMIN is a Canadian exploration and development company with a strong focus on central and West Africa. AXMIN is positioned to grow in value as it progresses its Passendro Gold Project towards development and builds on its project pipeline focusing on transitioning from an explorer to producer. For more information regarding AXMIN visit our website at Please follow us on Facebook

    This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements." All statements, other than statements of historical fact included herein, including without limitation, statements regarding future plans and objectives of AXMIN; and statements regarding the ability to develop and achieve production at Passendro are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties.

    There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from AXMIN's expectations have been disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in AXMIN's documents filed from time-to-time with the TSX Venture Exchange and other regulatory authorities. AXMIN disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether resulting from new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

    Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    Lucy Yan
    CEO and Chairman
    [email protected]

    General Enquiries

    David de Jongh Weill
    Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
    [email protected]

    +65 9781 8281

    Investor Relations
    [email protected]
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  20. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    AXM Receives $500,000 USD Payment From TGZ.T For Q1 2019 Royalty (From TGZ results today)

    TGZ Financials Page 9: Includes royalties to Axmin Inc. on account of their 1.5 percent net smelter royalty on the Gora deposit. During the three months ended March 31, 2019, the Company incurred $0.5 million of Axmin royalties (2018: $0.5 million).

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