AXM.V - Axmin Inc. (Gold)

Discussion in 'Canadian Stocks Message Boards' started by TheDude, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    TGZ Buys Similar Sized Deposit To AXM's Passendro Mine For $380 Million

    Axmins joint venture partner in Senegal announced today that they purchased 90% of a 2.6 million ounce gold deposit from Barrick for $380 million. This is significant for two reasons:

    1) Axmin's Passendro gold mine has a proven resource of 2.5 million ounes, two million being higher grade and the rest lower grade. Regardless, it's similar in size.

    2) Axmin still has a 20% interest in Senegal with Teranga Gold on 338km2 of land, along with 17 royalty targets.

    AXM recently announced going back to site a couple weeks ago to survey Passendro, therefore making the project real again, alongside a meeting with the joint venture partner this month (see latest news release). This is again proof that the company trades at a major discount to it's peers.

    From the Teranga Gold news today:

    Teranga Gold to acquire 90% of Massawa project

    2019-12-10 05:42 MT - News Release

    Mr. Richard Young reports


    Teranga Gold Corp. has entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which it will acquire a 90-per-cent interest in the Massawa gold project from a wholly owned subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corp. and its joint venture partner, Compagnie Senegalaise de Transports Transatlantiques Afrique de l'Ouest SA (CSTTAO), with the government of Senegal holding the remaining 10-per-cent interest in Massawa. (All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated)

    Massawa is one of the highest-grade undeveloped open-pit gold reserves in Africa (2). It is located within trucking distance of Teranga's flagship Sabodala Gold Mine ("Sabodala") in Senegal, creating the opportunity for significant capital and operating synergies(3). The proximity of the projects and the combination of Sabodala's mill and Massawa's high-grade ore (the "Sabodala-Massawa Complex") are expected to scale Sabodala into a top tier asset.

    "The Massawa acquisition is transformational for Teranga and - by creating a top tier gold complex - the first in the country - an important milestone for the gold mining industry in Senegal," said Richard Young, Teranga's President and Chief Executive Officer. "We anticipate that production from the Sabodala-Massawa Complex, together with our Wahgnion Gold Mine ("Wahgnion") in Burkina Faso, will increase Teranga's targeted consolidated annual gold production and reposition Teranga as the next multi-asset, low-cost, mid-tier gold producer in West Africa, one of the world's premier gold mining regions."

    Total aggregate consideration for the Transaction is $380 million upfront (the "Upfront Consideration") plus a gold price-linked contingent payment (the "Contingent Consideration" and together with the Upfront Consideration, the "Consideration"). The Consideration will be in the form of cash and common shares of Teranga ("Teranga Shares"). See below for details on the financing of the Transaction.

    Transaction Highlights

    Teranga to acquire one of the highest-grade undeveloped open-pit gold reserves in Africa (2)

    The historical mineral reserves base of the Massawa project is 2.6Moz from 20.9Mt at 3.94 g/t Au and is one of the highest-grade undeveloped open-pit gold reserves in Africa. This will augment Sabodala's mineral reserves base of 2.4Moz from 55.7Mt at 1.35 g/t Au (see Appendix, Tables 1 and 2).
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Yesterday we saw Teranga Gold announce a $400 million acquisition for a gold property in Senegal which sits literally several kilometers away from Axmin's property. After analyzing the news release again, I noticed something very important in the same article under the end notes. It states the highest grade undeveloped open pit gold projects in Africa. In this portion it mentions Passendro, Axmin's gold project in CAR. This is important because out of hundreds, if not thousands of gold projects across the African continent, AXM holds one of the best. The market will soon see the value unfold as joint venture talks are currently underway and a site survey as well (see last news release from the company).
    as per the end notes:
    The highest-grade undeveloped open-pit gold reserve in Africa statement is based on publicly filed data available on S&P Capital IQ as at November 15, 2019, and includes the following projects: Sanbrado project (Burkina Faso), Tulu Kapi project (Ethiopia), Passendro project (Central African Republic), Yaoure, (Côte d'Ivoire), Wa-Lawra project (Ghana), Baomahun (Sierra Leone), (Block 14) Sudan, (Bombore) Burkina Faso. Other companies may calculate their respective reserves base differently.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  3. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    TGZ Announced an acquisiton of Barrick Gold's Massawa gold deposit in Senegal. But with that, they also mentioned several of the best open pit gold deposits in Africa. Below you can see exactly what Teranga Gold posted, along with a comparison chart of everything

    (2) The highest grade undeveloped open-pit gold reserve in Africa statement is based on publicly filed data available on S&P Capital IQ as at Nov. 15, 2019, and includes the following projects: Sanbrado project (Burkina Faso), Tulu Kapi project (Ethiopia), Passendro project (Central African Republic), Yaoure (Ivory Coast), Wa-Lawra project (Ghana), Baomahun (Sierra Leone), (Block 14) Sudan, (Bombore) Burkina Faso. Other companies may calculate their respective reserves base differently.

    Sanbrado project (Burkina Faso) -
    Resource: 2.4 million ounces indicated at 1.9g/t Au + 684k ounces inferred
    Owner: West African Resources Ltd (ASX:WAF) – Market Cap $350 Million AUD

    Tulu Kapi project (Ethiopia) -
    Resource: 1.72 million ounces indicated at 2.12g/t Au + very little inferred resource
    Owner: Kefi Minerals (AIM: KEFI) – Market Cap £13.60 Million Pounds

    Passendro project (Central African Republic) -
    Resource: 2.03 million ounces indicated at 2.0g/t Au + 1.1 million ounces inferred
    Owner: Axmin Inc. (TSXV: AXM / OTCBB: AXMIF / FRA: A4JN) – Market Cap $47 Million CAD

    Yaoure (Ivory Coast) -
    Resource: 1.9 million ounces indicated at 1.4g/t Au + 1.5 million ounces inferred
    Owner: Perseus Mining Ltd. (TSX:pRU) – Market Cap $1.05 Billion CAD

    Wa-Lawra project (Ghana) -
    Resource: 1.78 million ounces indicated at 1.8g/t Au + 982k ounces inferred
    Owner: Azumah Resources Ltd. (ASX: AZM) – Market Cap $33 Million AUD

    Baomahun (Sierra Leone) – Purchased by Perseus Mining in 2016 :

    Block 14 project (Sudan) -
    Resource: 2 million ounces indicated at 1.2g/t Au + 375k ounces inferred
    Owner: Orca Gold (TSXV: ORG) – Market Cap $66 Million CAD

    Bombore (Burkina Faso) -
    Resource: 4.17 million ounces indicated at 0.69g/t Au + 1.1 million ounces inferred
    Owner: Orezone Gold Corporation (TSXV:ORE) – market Cap $143 Million CAD
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  4. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    IMF Executive Board Approves US$115.1 Million Three-Year Extended Credit Facility (ECF) Arrangement for the Central African Republic

    December 20, 2019

    Board’s decision enables an immediate disbursement of SDR 11.936 million, about US$16.4 million
    Structural reforms will aim at improving the government’s capacity to design and implement policies and reforms, and enhancing governance, including through strengthening anticorruption institutions.
    Fiscal policy will focus on enhanced revenue mobilization, spending prioritization, and strengthened public financial management
    On December 20, 2019, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a three-year arrangement under the IMF’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF) for the Central African Republic (CAR) equivalent to SDR83.55 million (about US$115.1 million, or 75 percent of the Central African Republic’s quota in the Fund). The IMF-supported program aims to maintain macroeconomic stability, strengthen administrative capacity, governance and the business climate, and address the country’s protracted balance of payment needs.

    The IMF Executive Board’s decision enables an immediate disbursement of SDR 11.936 million, about US$16.4 million. Disbursement of the remaining amount will be phased in over the duration of the program, subject to semi-annual reviews of the IMF-supported program by its Executive Board.

    Following the Executive Board’s discussion on Central African Republic, Mr. Mitsuhiro Furusawa, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair, made the following statement:

    “Despite significant progress under the ECF arrangement that expired last July, the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) remains very fragile, with a volatile security environment, limited administrative capacity, poor governance, and lack of social cohesion.

    “The new three-year program supported by the IMF Extended Credit Facility (ECF) will support the implementation of the February 2019 peace agreement and of C.A.R.’s medium-term development strategy. It aims at maintaining macroeconomic stability, strengthening administrative capacity, governance and the business climate, promoting robust and sustainable growth, and reducing poverty.

    “Fiscal policy will focus on enhanced revenue mobilization, spending prioritization, and strengthened public financial management. This will ensure that C.A.R.’s considerable security, social, and infrastructure spending needs are sustainably met. Revenue mobilization measures will include the daily reconciliation of revenue data, the digitalization of tax returns and payments, and enhanced coordination between revenue administrations. The further strengthening of public financial management will involve the elimination of the remaining public agencies with no economic justification, the finalization of the audit of domestic arrears, and the strengthening of SOEs’ oversight and management.

    “Structural reforms will aim at improving the government’s capacity to design and implement policies and reforms, enhancing governance, including through strengthening anticorruption institutions, and removing bottlenecks and regulatory impediments to private investment.

    “Continued financial and technical support from development partners will be critical to the program’s success. Given its high risk of debt distress and limited revenue base, C.A.R. will have to continue relying heavily on grant financing to finance its most pressing spending needs. The authorities will work closely with their technical partners to ensure that capacity development focuses on priorities closely aligned with the program objectives and is efficiently delivered.

    “The C.A.R.’s program is supported by the implementation of policies and reforms by the CEMAC regional institutions in the areas of foreign exchange regulations and monetary policy framework, and to support an increase in regional net foreign assets, which are critical to program’s success.”


    Recent Economic Developments

    The Central African Republic authorities’ program of economic policies and reforms implemented under the three-year ECF arrangement that expired in July helped to restore economic growth, reduce fiscal and external imbalances, and strengthen public administration. Recent economic developments have been broadly satisfactory, with growth expected to recover to 4 ½ percent this year, mainly driven by the mining, forestry and construction sectors. As the inflationary pressures that resulted from the blockade of the main trade route between Bangui and Cameroon in March have abated, inflation is expected to be limited to 3¼ percent on average this year and less than 3 percent next year. The current account deficit is expected to narrow to 5.6 percent of GDP in 2019, thanks primarily to an increase in official transfers.

    The banking sector remains well capitalized, liquid, and profitable although credit to the private sector declined by 3 percent year-to-year in September 2019. Some progress has also been made in the implementation of structural reforms.

    Progress under the peace agreement signed in February 2019 remains fragile. Overall, CAR remains in a very fragile situation, with a volatile security environment, limited administrative capacity, poor governance, and lack of social cohesion.

    Program Summary

    The program will support the implementation of the peace agreement and of CAR’s medium-term development strategy. Fiscal policy will focus on revenue mobilization, spending prioritization, and strengthening public financial management, with a view to allow, over the medium term, the sustainable financing of CAR’s considerable security, social, and infrastructure spending needs. Structural reforms will aim at improving the government’s capacity to design and implementing policies and reforms, at enhancing governance, and at removing bottlenecks and regulatory impediments to private investment.

    The medium-term outlook remains broadly favorable, provided security holds. Given the peace agreement’s slow implementation, the macroeconomic framework assumes no conflict resurgence but factors in only limited peace dividends at this juncture. Growth is expected to amount to 5 percent over the medium term, driven by the recovery in the mining sector, the implementation of structural reforms, and the gradual loosening of the energy and transportation bottlenecks. Inflation is expected to remain under the CEMAC ceiling of 3 percent over the medium term. The current account deficit would stabilize at about 5½ percent of GDP, as the improvement in the balance of goods and services would broadly offset the decline in official transfers. The domestic primary balance would stabilize at around 2½ percent, allowing a gradual reduction of the debt/GDP ratio. Facing lower-than-expected revenues, the authorities are committed to containing the domestic primary balance.

    The new arrangement will help catalyzing external concessional financing from other development partners, which is critical to support CAR’s path out of fragility. The IMF will also continue its extensive capacity development on priorities that are aligned with the program objectives.

    However, risks to the outlook remain high. Political pressures and uncertainty could weaken policy and reform implementation in the run-up to the 2020–21 presidential and general elections. A renewal of violence could also exacerbate the humanitarian crisis and political instability.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    New Ministry Of Mines Building In CAR + Pro Tourism Video

    New post from Axmin regarding a brand new building for the ministry of mines in CAR

    Major Youtuber with over 1.2 million followers who just visited Bangui.
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  6. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    CAR Mining Conference Video - February 27th to 29th

    From the government website

    This is the first mining expo in almost a decade. The country would not be able to put this on if there was still extreme turmoil. The significance is that if the country is open for business, then Axmin will be back to work shortly. We should be seeing an update on the survey and joint venture talks, mentioned in the last news release.
  7. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Former Central African Republic leader returns after six-year exile

    By CGTN Africa -5 hours ago047

    Former Central African Republic (CAR) rebel leader and president Michel Djotodia returned to Bangui on Friday, exactly six years after quitting as head of state, and pledged to support peace in the troubled country.

    Djotodia, 71, who resigned 10 months after seizing the presidency at the head of a Muslim rebellion in March 2013, landed onboard a Royal Air Maroc flight from Casablanca via Douala in Cameroon. He had been living in exile in Benin.

    He was welcomed at a hotel in the capital by about 30 of his supporters and given a security escort by police and army personnel, an AFP reporter saw.

    He was expected to meet later with President Faustin-Archange Touadera.

    “2020 will be a year of peace. I am no longer a man of war, I am a man of peace,” Djotodia told journalists.

    “I urge all the rebels to be patient,” Djotodia said separately in a brief interview with AFP.

    “There is a peace agreement which has been signed. It is time for all of us, fighters and all Central Africans, to stand up to pacify the country.”

    Djotodia’s rebel movement, known as the Seleka, plunged the CAR into violence in 2013.

    Sectarian fighting between the pro-Christian and Muslim militia sparked military intervention by France, the former colonial power, to stem the bloodshed.

    Djotodia quit as president under international pressure on January 10 2013.

    His successor, Touadera, was elected in 2016.

    He governs with the support of MINUSCA, a 14,700-person UN peacekeeping force. But most of the country lies in the hands of armed groups, who often fight over the country’s mineral resources.

    The long conflict has forced nearly a quarter of the country’s 4.7 million people to flee their homes.

    The United Nations estimates that two-thirds of the population depend on humanitarian aid to survive.

    The country is ranked next-to-last after Niger on the 2018 UNDP’s Human Development Index, which compares longevity, education, and income per capita. Life expectancy is just 52.9 years.

    There have been repeated peace agreements between the government and armed groups. The most recent, signed on February 6 last year, has lessened the intensity of the violence but not ended it.

    Bozize returned home on December 16 to be hailed by thousands of supporters.

    He arrived just in time to register as a candidate for the next presidential election due in 2020, but he has not disclosed his intentions.

    He is named in an international arrest warrant, filed by the CAR in 2013, for “crimes against humanity and incitement to genocide.”
  8. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Central African Republic Mining Expo Information

    That is the official website. If CAR is open for business then Axmin should have no issues getting the JV done and back to work. As per the early December news:

    Axmin has the requisite equipment in country to commence an initial site survey to further the previously defined site reclamation and rapid production plan. The implementation of this survey is in process and the company will provide timely updates on the social media platforms.

    The company has also identified several humanitarian projects that have high positive social impact but low capital expenditure that are being commenced at this time. It has always been the company's intention to work for the benefit of all stakeholders in the project and improving the lives of the residents in the village near the company's asset is clearly in line with these goals.

    The negotiations as to the choice of strategic partner have also been delayed slightly due to the security situation but talks are on going and meetings will be held in Beijing in early December in this regard.
  9. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Axmin signs Passendro development LOI with Au Metals

    2020-01-20 07:12 MT - News Release

    Ms. Lucy Yan reports


    Axmin Inc. has signed a letter of intent for the development of its Passendro gold asset in the Central African Republic (CAR) with Au Metals Ltd., a subsidiary of the Au Group Ltd.

    AU Metals is a gold and copper mineral focused venture capital firm established in 2015 in Hong Kong, SAR and the BVI. AU Metals through its related company AU Ventures Limited operates venture capital funds. AU Metals have been involved with numerous mining companies. AU Metals' team also has operational experience in projects throughout Asia, Africa, North America, and Australia. AU Metals is well connected in the mining industry and has close relationships with corporate and state-owned enterprise mining operations and investors in the Asia region. AU Metals maintains offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane.

    Axmin has agreed with AU Metals to work together on the results of the ongoing site survey to define a scoping study based on the situation on site, the results and implications of illegal mining activity and the past exploration and geological analysis performed by the company. The Company will work with AU Metals to define what equity capital and debt facility will be required to implement the project in the CAR

    Dr. Wei Jin, executive president and managing partner of AU Metals stated, "We are excited with the prospect of collaborating with Axmin on its Passendro Gold Asset. AU Metals has the expertise to help bring the asset to the next level and we feel that our networks in the mining industry can help this partnership realize success."

    Axmin Chairman and CEO Lucy Yan said, 'We are delighted to be working with AU Metals to accelerate the development of the Passendro Gold Asset. The Company values the extensive track record and expertise of AU Metals and are confident that working with this strategic partner will ensure a successful realisation of the project for the benefit of all shareholders and stakeholders concerned.'

    About Axmin

    Axmin is a Canadian exploration and development company with a strong focus on central and West Africa. Axmin is positioned to grow in value as it progresses its Passendro Gold Project towards development and builds on its project pipeline focusing on transitioning from an explorer to producer.

    We seek Safe Harbor.

    © 2020 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
  10. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Interesting development here. Last night I decided to try googling "Central African Republic" in Chinese "中非共和国" and what I got were some amazing results. Despite not finding much activity when searching CAR in English, there are many Chinese websites showing companies, deals, etc. going on over there and how much more active of a participant China is in CAR. Why is this important for Axmin Inc. Well AXM/AXMIF is majority owned by major Chinese investors, run by Chinese Directors mostly, just announced JV news with a Chinese company that has connections to a SOE(State Owned Enterprise). What it boils down to is that Axmin will successfully get back to Passendro because we likely have much stronger support from Beijing than the market really understands. Articles below are all less than a year old, some are from this week.

    China-Africa diamond export policy changes, World Diamond Council issues notice :中非钻石

    Groundbreaking Ceremony for China-Africa Photovoltaic Power Plant :

    Zhongjiang International Group signs "Mining Agreement" with the Ministry of Mines and Geology of the Central African Republic :

    Yu Weiguo Tang Dengjie Meets with Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of China and Africa Fei Zulei :

    Chinese New Year in Central African Republic :

    China Railway 11th Bureau 5th Company China Africa Co., Ltd. -
    (The company is a branch of the China Railway Eleventh Bureau and the fifth company in the Central African Republic. The current task is the China-Africa Bangui Airport Security Emergency Project with a contract value of 9 billion CFA.)

    (Video) Chinese New Year In CAR -

    Chinese New Year at Bangui Friendship Hospital :

    Central African Republic Mining Association Creates New Situation in China-Africa Mining :

    Li Dejin, Vice Governor of Fujian Province, led a delegation to visit the Central African Republic :

    Interview: "Belt and Road" is an important topic of China-Africa cooperation-a visit to the China-Africa Republic :

    China-Africa "old friend" walks into Luochuan oil terminal :

    Central African Republic ( China ) Tianbao Mining Company -

    Welcome to Ruishangsi (Beijing) Technology Consulting Co., Ltd!

    Recent Major Projects : Central African Republic (China) Tianbao Mining

    Release time: 2019-1-29Shareto:
    Completion time: June 2018

    Project Content: Field Investigation and Exploration Suggestions for the Abba Gold Mine, Carnot and Gadzi Diamond Sand Mine in the Central African Republic
  11. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    UN slightly eases arms embargo on Central African Republic

    UN slightly eases arms embargo on Central African Republic

    CAMEROON, Cameroon — The U.N. Security Council voted Friday to slightly ease the arms embargo against the Central African Republic, with Russia and China abstaining because they wanted a greater easing of the weapons ban to help the government’s forces combat armed groups and protect the population.

    The vote on the French-drafted resolution — 13-0 with the two abstentions — followed contentious negotiations in the 15-member council over the extent the arms embargo should be eased. At one point Russia presented a rival draft resolution, diplomats said.

    Acting U.S. Deputy Ambassador Cherith Norman Chalet expressed deep concern after the vote that Russia’s ambassador to Central African Republic had publicly stated that council members that disagreed with Moscow’s position opposed peace in the country and were against the interests of its people.

    “In fact nothing could be further from the truth,” she said.

    While council members differ over the elements of an effective sanctions regime, Chalet said, “all of us are engaged on this matter because we want to see peace and security in the Central African Republic and elevate the interests of the Central African people.”

    Central African Republic has faced deadly interreligious and intercommunal fighting since 2013, when predominantly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power in the capital, Bangui. Mostly Christian anti-Balaka militias fought back, resulting in thousands of people killed and hundreds of thousands displaced. The impoverished country saw a period of relative peace in late 2015 and 2016 but violence intensified and spread afterward. In February 2019, the government signed a peace agreement with 14 armed groups.

    In response to the peace agreement and progress in reforming its security sector, the Security Council gave a green light last September for the country’s security forces to be supplied with weapons with a calibre of 14.5 mm or less, and ammunition for them, with at least 20 days advance notification and specific requirements including that they not be transferred or sold.

    The resolution adopted Friday goes further, allowing the government forces to be supplied with military vehicles and vehicles mounted with weapons with a calibre of 14.5 mm or less, with the same notification procedures.

    The previous arms embargo was extended for one year but Friday’s resolution only extends it for six months, until July 31, 2020.

    It requests Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in close consultation with the U.N. peacekeeping mission in the country and the panel of experts monitoring sanctions, to report by June 30 on the government’s progress in implementing benchmarks that could guide a review of the arms embargo. These include security sector reform, the demobilization and reintegration of combatants, and the management of weapons and ammunition.

    France’s Deputy Ambassador Anne Gueguen told the council after the vote that “against a security backdrop which is still unstable” it’s important that the council assist Central African authorities toward meeting the benchmarks, which is “a key element for enduring peace and security” in the country.

    Niger’s U.N. Ambassador Abdou Abarry, speaking on behalf of the three African council members including South Africa and Tunisia, said the resolution “will pave the way for armed forces to reequip themselves so they can regain control over the entire country and push back the armed groups that continue to threaten peace and security.”

    The Central African Republic’s government has called for the lifting of the arms embargo.

    Russia’s Deputy Ambassador Dmitry Polyansky and China’s Deputy Ambassador Wu Haitao said the Security Council should have gone further in easing sanctions.

    “The arms embargo against the Central African Republic might have been beneficial at the early stages,” Polyansky said. “However, currently it is, de facto, an obstacle to the rearming of the national army and the security forces — the very institutions that bear the primary responsibility for ensuring security and peace of their own citizens. Meanwhile, the spoilers of the peace process have no obstacles when it comes to obtaining arms through trafficking.”

    He said Russia intends to review the sanctions in July when the arms embargo must be renewed again “with a view to their easing and ultimately their full lifting.”

    Wu said the council should lift sanctions “at an early date,” citing improving security in the country and progress on meeting the benchmarks.

    Edith M. Lederer, The Associated Press
  12. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Accelerating economic recovery in the Central African Republic

    Published 3 days ago on January 31, 2020By Newsroom

    A conference on “Strengthening capacity building in periods of economic recovery through South-South and triangular cooperation”, has been organized by the government of the Central African Republic, together with the International Organization of La Francophonie (IOF), the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

    Chaired by the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Cooperation of the Central African Republic, Félix Moloua, the Conference included plenary sessions, sectoral meetings and technical training workshops focusing on youth entrepreneurship and quick-impact initiatives. The event, which mobilized 32 national and international representatives and experts, helped to strengthen the operational capacities of young people and women to implement economic regeneration projects. It also provided an opportunity to explore, along with international partners, trade- and industry-related cooperation models in the fields of agribusiness and of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

    “Through its interventions to strengthen the skills necessary for productive employment, UNIDO helps to establish social cohesion and equity, allowing the development of stable societies and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Tidiane Boye, UNIDO Representative in Côte d’Ivoire.

    Manuel Mattiat, Programme Officer in UNIDO’s Region Division for Africa, added that “UNIDO works for Central Africans alongside its partners, such as the IOF, in order to accelerate economic recovery by involving young people in entrepreneurship and through the development of income-generating activities.”

    Training sessions provided during the event concluded with 91 young people being certified on entrepreneurship practices and 60 officials and non-governmental organization leaders on quick-impact initiatives. Sectoral meetings focusing on the cotton industry were also held between representatives of Egypt and the Central African Republic.

    At the end of the conference, nearly 200 participating Central Africans adopted recommendations to promote employability and entrepreneurship among young people. For example, it was agreed that young people will be trained in the car and motorcycle mobility industries. Young entrepreneurs will also be brought together in a consortium whose financing will be guaranteed by a trust fund supplied by local Central Africans. Also, Central African authorities will aim to ensure that 10 per cent of public procurement and contracts will be allocated to young people and 20 per cent to women.

    Representatives of UNIDO and the IOF met with several partners and stakeholders likely to contribute to the implementation of the government’s National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan of the Central African Republic (RCPCA) with the aim of identifying avenues to further develop and implement the recommendations adopted at the event, including the ones related to the establishment of a consortium of incubators dedicated to the digital economy, agro-industry, financial technology (Fintech) and mobility.

    This event was preceded, on 14 December, by a public dialogue which brought together a hundred young people and women from Bangui to look at challenges related to the employability of youth, the country’s economic recovery and the revival of productive sectors.

    The participants and organizers expressed their desire to explore possibilities of organizing a second edition of the Bangui Economic Conference in the near future.
  13. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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  14. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    5 Feb



    The Central African Government and MINUSCA reaffirmed on Wednesday their commitment to the implementation of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic (APPR-RCA) alongside other partners, while recalling the multiple challenges facing application of this peace tool faces. "I would like to reiterate the determination of the Government to firmly implement the commitments of the State contained in the APPR-RCA", said the Minister of Communication and Media and government spokesperson, Ange Maxime Kazagui, all recalling the need to consolidate the achievements of the Agreement.

    For his part, the MINUSCA spokesperson, Vladimir Monteiro, welcomed the “respect of the commitments of the Central African Government and hailed the policy of the outstretched hand of the President of the Republic, marked recently by meetings with various Central African actors” , while paying tribute to all the victims of the violations, especially those committed after February 6, 2019. "MINUSCA will continue to work with the guarantors - the African Union and ECCAS -, the Government and other partners to implement the Agreement and protect the civilian population, "he said.

    During the bimonthly joint press conference with MINUSCA, the government spokesperson noted a certain number of achievements due to the Peace Agreement, in particular the return of State authority in certain prefectures, including including the deployment of the FACA and internal security forces, the disarmament and demobilization operation in western CAR which affected 1321 combatants, including 81 women belonging to eight armed groups, as well as advances in laws on the decentralization and the status of former heads of state and parties.

    However, he specified that even if the incidents and acts of violence on the populations decreased, "there is still too much", by asking that each one "be consistent with his signature so that the country can go towards peace". The spokesperson also indicated that the meeting at the Presidency of the Republic, on the occasion of the 1 st anniversary of the signing of the Agreement, aims to "take stock of the situation, in the presence of the signatories, of the parties politicians, civil society, the international community and government ”.

    The MINUSCA spokesman also cited many advances, before urging all armed groups to honor their commitments and urged all Central Africans to support the Peace Agreement. “If the dividends that are the result of the trust born between the signatory parties have to be recognized, there is no time for self-satisfaction. MINUSCA denounces and condemns the violations recorded as well as the human rights abuses repeated by the armed groups, "he added.

    On the 2020-2021 elections, the spokesperson said that in accordance with his mandate as coordinator of electoral assistance, MINUSCA will work with the Central African Government in mobilizing the resources necessary to organize the next elections.
  15. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    February 14, 2020. It is 9:50 pm in Obo. As the locals prepared to close their doors to take advantage of the night, a concert of vehicle horns, motorcycles and cries of joy, and of hope, broke the silence of the night.

    As a UN Force tank opened the peloton, citizens wondered, " Is this the usual MINUSCA patrol ? Pui appeared in a convoy of 4X4 trucks in national colors: it was the arrival by land of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) in Obo. A detachment which will replace the one deployed a year ago by air, thanks to the support of MINUSCA. An event that confirms the return of state authority to their Haut Mbomou prefecture.

    Long subject to rumors of attacks by armed groups, this return by land will restore confidence in the population who no longer believed in it. MINUSCA then organized community awareness sessions to put an end to the false rumors that were circulating.

    Since the signing of the Political Peace Agreement a year ago, armed groups have multiplied abuses in Haut Mbomou, in violation of the latter, particularly in Bambouti on October 17, 2019. The permanent presence of the FACA in Obo constitutes a reason for hope of peace and protection for the population who are waiting to see the new elements in action.
  16. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Some important things to note today:

    1) David Weill the CFO exercised nearly $80,000 worth of options in Axmin Inc. Based on his already outstanding position of 1.7 million shares, he now has more than double that in common shares. To date he has not sold a single share in 9 years of being a director :[company_symbol]=AXM

    2) It's been a year since the peace agreement and much of the Central African Republic is under State Authority again, with the exception of the far north. At this point in time, FACA/MINUSCA are finishing this area off and it is my belief that we will see all of the Central African Republic under state authority by the summer time: Axmin's Passendro property is in the center of the country, within the secured zone.

    3) Next Thursday, the Bangui Mining Expo will begin. This is the first international promotion of CAR since 2011. This will change the tide of investment sentiment towards the country.
    - : official site (French)
    - article from the CAR government website:
    Mon 2/17/2020 - 12:00

    Following his participation in Captown in South Africa in the INDABAH Mining forum, The Minister of Mines and Geology, Léopold MBOLI FATRAN held a press point in his cabinet.

    According to the Member of the Government, this great forum which brings together all the actors of the mining sector of Africa and the investors of the whole world enabled him to promote SEMICA Central African Republic, the Exhibition of Mines and Petroleum in Central African Republic with the exhibitors. The said Fair will be held under the patronage of the Head of State, HE Professor Faustin Archange TOUADERA, from February 27 to 29 in Bangui.
    This forum also allowed several bilateral meetings, the Minister of Mines and Geology met the Canadian Minister of Mineral Resources, during their interview they talked about current affairs concerning the two countries and the strengthening of their bilateral cooperation. met with emissaries from Botswana who confirmed the upcoming arrival of Botswana experts who will be responsible for assessing the Central African mining production system. He also met the South African Minister of Mineral Resources who has renewed the confidence his government has in the mining sector of the Central African Republic, he also promised to intensify the cooperation that already exists between the two countries through an agreement signed two years ago.

    4) Gold is currently at $1,620 USD per ounce and Axmin has a proven reserve of 2 million ounces, yet the stock is trading at a yearly low. This would be ideal time to reassess the company, the country it operates in and the asset it carries. Also remember that Axmin owns a large position in Senegal as well.
  17. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Recent articles about the Central African Republic which shows signs of country security and investment.

    This is important for Axmin because it is the only public company with exposure and a proven resource in the C.A.R. The faster things improve the sooner Axmin will be working on it's large gold deposit.

    Many of the articles will need to be translated, so make sure your browser translate is on.

    Central African Republic: towards the return of the CEMAC commission to Bangui:

    Russia to push for lifting limits on Central African Republic diamond exports:

    Article regarding journalists killed in CAR a while ago. Point of article is that is clearly dispels rumours of Russians taking gold from Axmin:


    Central African Republic: The construction sites of Bangui M'poko International Airport are on track with projects funded by ASECNA:


    EUTM-RCA: Establishment of a FACA link network:

    Central African Republic: Government encourages investors to take advantage of opportunities offered by the mining sector:

    2000 Participants Expected At Bangui Mining Expo:éveloppement-exploitation-minière-

    Security Council demands armed groups in Central African Republic cease hostilities:

    UPC Rebels back UN for peace(main group that affected Ndassima/Bambari/Alindao until last year:
  18. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    AXMIN Announces Changes in Board of Directors and Management

    2020-03-02 06:00 MT - News Release

    Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 2, 2020) - AXMIN Inc. (TSXV: AXM) (the "Company" or "AXM") announces the resignation of its Chief Financial Officer and member of the Board of Directors, Mr. David de Jongh Weill, effective February 28, 2020.

    "It has been very satisfying to see how this Company has evolved over the past year. I'm excited to pass on the baton to my successor and will be actively following the progress of the company," says Mr. Weill.

    CEO and Chairman of AXMIN, Ms. Lucy Yan, comments, "On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I would like to thank David for his many contributions to AXMIN over the past years and we wish him all the best in his other ventures."

    The Company would also like to announce the appointment of Ms. Terry Wong as a director of the Company, subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

    Ms. Wong is a Chartered Professional Accountant and a Chartered Business Valuator. She has over 15 years of financial experience working for both private and public companies. She has also worked closely with companies and professionals within the finance, mining, and energy industries. Ms. Wong has advanced knowledge of Canadian GAAP and IFRS regulations.

    Ms. Yan comments, "We are pleased to welcome Terry to AXM's Board of Directors. We are confident that Terry's expertise with both the Greater Chinese and Canadian capital and public markets will service AXM well as the company moves forward with its partnership with AU Metals Limited."

    The Company would also like to announce the appointment of Ms. Yan as Interim CFO while a suitable replacement is found.

    About AXMIN

    AXMIN is a Canadian exploration and development company with a strong focus on the African continent. AXMIN continues to closely monitor the political situation at its Passendro Gold Project in the Central African Republic. For more information regarding AXMIN visit our website at Please also follow us on Facebook. For additional information, please contact AXMIN Inc.:

    Lucy Yan

    Chairman and CEO

    [email protected]

    AXMIN Inc.

    Investor Relations

    [email protected]

    Background of Terry Wong:

    VP of Business Development

    Company NameNAI Interactive Ltd.

    Dates EmployedMay 2011 – Present

    Employment Duration8 yrs 11 mos

    LocationVancouver, Canada Area

    o Has in-depth experience in a variety of industries, including mining, oil and gas, life science/health care, and technology.

    o Provide or assist the strategic development, internal valuation, relevant due diligence and marketing support for start-ups, small and medium enterprises and publicly-listed companies in North America

    o Outreach and relationship building for North America companies with parties in the Asia Pacific region that would be suitable for a strategic relationship, partnership, distribution, licensing, offtaking, manufacturing, or joint venture arrangement

    o Assist in the formulation of a corporate restructuring plan, serve as interim CFO for listed companies during transition if required

    o Coordinate different associates including lawyers, administrators, and auditors in taking projects public on the TSX or TSX-V Exchange

    Information regarding NAI Interactive:

    NAI Interactive Ltd. (NAI), established in 1998, is a leading market intelligence and investor relations service provider for fast growing public companies trading on the North American stock exchanges. Our goal is to serve as a bridge between public companies and Chinese investors, nurturing investor loyalty and form functional networks via our unique platform. Throughout the years, NAI has established itself as the most trusted firm in providing market insights to Chinese investors. We strive to provide a more powerful platform for companies and investors to connect with each other.

    The 3 Strengths of NAI500
    • Extensive Experience in the Business
      With 15 years in the IR business, NAI excels in the field of investor relations and market intelligence. Our professional team is specialized in targeting companies and connecting promising opportunities with investors.
    • Comprehensive Coverage of the Market
      NAI hunts for investment opportunities from the perspective of an investor. Our extensive experience in the industry has helped build a vast network and ensures our access to the best market information in quantity and quality.
    • Precise Positioning
      Our expertise in aggregating and distributing information has made us one of the most trusted sources to obtain company updates and analyses that are most important and relevant to investors.
  19. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Some positive developments, the last rebel held area of the Central African Republic is now under state authority, which means that the country is much safer and Axmin can finally get back to work soon on their 2 million ounce gold deposit. See news article below.

    For those that want to get in touch with the company, give Joe Tai a call at 1-604-307-9918

    Central African Republic: FACA soldiers return to Ndélé. By Moïse BANAFIO, Journalist and CNC correspondent at Bria -May 13, 2020 Ndélé (Central African Republic) - after 8 years of absence, soldiers from the Central African armed forces are back this Wednesday, May 13 in Ndélé, capital of the prefecture of Bamingui-Bangoran. A tangible sign of the return of state authority to this tourist town long occupied by armed groups. Welcomed in their jubilation upon their arrival by rebel leader Abdoulaye Hissen Ramadan and the local populations, FACA soldiers, on board dozens of military vehicles, were taken to the TP base, a former training and cantonment site for the rebels of the FPRC. A theater of confrontation between different rival armed groups, the city of Ndélé, emptied of its inhabitants since the last clashes between the FPRC and the RPRC, has just welcomed the FACA soldiers again after more than 8 years of absence. For the moment, according to a national army officer, the exchanges are very cordial between the FACA soldiers and the rebel fighters of the FPRC. The return of Faca soldiers to Ndélé is made possible thanks to the political agreement for peace and reconciliation in the Central African Republic (APPR-RCA), signed on February 6, 2019 between the government and the 14 armed groups, and supported by the community. international. Unfortunately, when the FACA returned to Ndélé, all the civilian populations were in the IDP camp near Minusca. Case to follow.
  20. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Information Regarding “Au Group Ltd” – Axmin Inc’s Joint Venture Partner

    Axmin Inc.(AXM.V) announced on January 20th 2020 that their “first” strategic partner would be a company named “Au Metals Ltd” which is a subsidiary of “Au Group Ltd”. This was great news, but the issue was that “Au Group Ltd” is a private company (limited information online) and therefore many shareholders did not know the financial push that they could assist Axmin with. This is why the stock did not get the true value appreciation it deserved. There was obviously some confidentiality agreement signed where they could not disclose more information regarding “Au Group Ltd”. On March 3rd 2020, a small update stated that things have progressed with the Joint Venture partner. Then on April 27th 2020, the company had announced a postponement to the financials and an update due to COVID-19 and auditor delays.

    In the meantime, I have tried several times to research this “Au Metals Ltd” with little luck. This is understandable because it’s private, so I decided to try and look for “Au Group Ltd” instead. Being the parent company, this would give a good indication as to what kind of projects or investments this private group does. After much time spent researching, I found some great content which connects this group to what Axmin has stated. Not only is “Au Group Ltd” part of a state owned enterprise, but their treasury is likely in the billions. This is why Axmin likely chose them as a partner after having numerous offers, as stated in a news release on May 6th 2019.

    Note: “Au Group Ltd” also goes by the name “Aomei Group Co” which is stated in the registration below. Even with all the names researched “Aomei Group Co”, “Au Group Ltd”, “Au Metals Ltd”, “Au Ventures Ltd” there still isn’t tons of information. Either way, these are all the articles I could find. If I looked up “Aomei Group Co” articles would show up with the name “Au Group Ltd”

    Axmin News Release:

    Axmin Inc. has signed a letter of intent for the development of its Passendro gold asset in the Central African Republic (CAR) with Au Metals Ltd., a subsidiary of the Au Group Ltd. Au Metals is a gold and copper mineral focused venture capital firm established in 2015 in Hong Kong, special administrative regions, and the British Virgin Islands. Au Metals, through its related company Au Ventures Ltd., operates venture capital funds. Au Metals has been involved with numerous mining companies. Au Metals' team also has operational experience in projects throughout Asia, Africa, North America and Australia. Au Metals is well connected in the mining industry, and has close relationships with corporate and state-owned enterprise mining operations and investors in the Asia region. Au Metals maintains offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane.

    Au Group Ltd Registration:

    Au Group Limited was established in Hong Kong on February 16, 2015. The company number is: 2204323, which belongs to a private limited company. The company's annual review date is after the establishment of the next year, from February 16 to March 30 every year. As of today, the company has operated for 5 years, 3 months and 0 days.

    Article From China Daily In 2016:

    Important Segment: Recently, Beijing Real Estate Market Co., Ltd., together with Au Group Ltd and Kuafu Properties, held a real estate investment appraisal meeting at No. 1289 in Lexington, Manhattan s Upper East Side. The project is located at the intersection of 86th Street and Lexington Avenue in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It is in the core commercial and high-end residential area. The 10028 postal area is one of the richest areas in the United States and Manhattan. It has 18-storey luxury apartments and 3-storey corner retail shops. We have received a letter of intent for a world-renowned brand for 15 years.

    Shanghai Real Estate site that mentions Au Group Ltd:

    Important Segment: Beijing Real Estate Market Co., Ltd. joined with Au Group Ltd., and affordable housing is a government-sponsored project to solve the housing problems of low-income and lowest-income families. Hefei Apartment ranked among the top six in Chengdu.

    About Kuafu Properties:

    Kuafu Properties LLC is a privately held, fully integrated real estate development and investment company based in New York City. Kuafu was established with the vision of being the ultimate bridge between Chinese and other international investors to the overseas real estate market in the United States. This bridge has been established by building a team of local market experts (investment, development, construction, sales & marketing, real estate services) based in Manhattan who have a deep understanding of the U.S. real estate markets with a specific emphasis on New York City, and strong ties to foreign investors who understand New York and seek real estate exposure through Kuafu Properties.

    Connecting The Dots

    1)Dates – Axmin mentioned that the venture firm was established in 2015. This corresponds to what the Hong Kong registry states. The two articles also have dates of 2016, roughly a year after the company was formed. This proves that it’s a real company.

    2)Locations – Axmin mentions that Au Metals has worked on projects across the globe and has several offices. Au Group Ltd also works with companies across the globe. Au Group Ltd is more real estate focused and its subsidiary is into mining. Au Group has an office in Beijing, which again ties it closely to it’s partners for work around China or investments aboard, as per the two articles.

    3)Partners – Both articles mention “Beijing Real Estate Market”, which is likely a state-owned enterprise that works with “Au Group Ltd”. Axmin also mentions that “Au Metals” is affiliated with “State Owned Enterprises”. The second article talks about government sponsored housing, meaning that Au Group would have to be quite large in order to accommodate such a project.

    4)Beijing - The November 2019 news release mentions that Axmin met with Au Metals In “Beijing”. “Au Group Ltd” has worked closely with “Beijing Real Estate Market Co” which seems like a strange coincidence. Au Group has offices around the world, yet Beijing is always the primary connection.

    5)Funding – If Au Group Ltd is invested in some of the most expensive real estate in America (As mentioned in the article) then they obviously have more than enough funds to finance the construction of Passendro or any gold mine for that matter. The parent company “Au Group Ltd” would just infuse it’s subsidiary “Au Metals Ltd” with the funds needed to move forward.

    Conclusion: This was created to help bring to light what kind of partner Axmin Inc has. Au Group Ltd. Is a real company, so are the subsidiaries. They are likely a state owned enterprise with strong connections to Beijing, AKA the Chinese government. This means that any project, even in a third world country like CAR, will be pushed through as China is on a record gold purchasing spree at the moment. China has already spent millions in the last couple years trying to help stabilize and rebuild the Central African Republic, meaning CAR government officials will have to comply with the Chinese if they intend to keep the funding and support going.

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