B Russ Investment Journey

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by B Russ, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    I kind of want my fiscal yr to be started on March 17th as thats when i funded my account this yr. Before that, i had $200.

    so i want to keep going through march so i can track a full yr. but at the end of 2020, the ol portfolio (or more like net worth) is up 515%. That is counting the one time withdrawal to pay off the funding loan. With the withdrawal figured in, its more like 386% i think is what the portfolio is actually up.

    My goal, like so many others was to beat SP500. Hopefully i can update in march with better numbers still, but if it sheds some, im totally not panicking. The future is still very bright for the 900lb gorilla that is 90% of my portfolio.

    I am treading into genomics now though. Very lightly. Hopefully their time is coming as well. But i felt a couple had too good of cases being made for them to pass up. And now am interested in digging deeper into that field.
    PACB and BNGO for now. Im wanting to do CRSP as well. But out of funds to throw in ATM

    happy investing all!
    TomB16 likes this.
  2. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Women and money.......

    so yesterday, i was playing/scalping a very volatile tesla chart with options. I bought 3 calls at around 1:30 (central standard) expiring today. Had every intent of closing before market close.

    i had to be at work at 2:30. (I am in a brand new relationship with a girl i work with). We are still like kids at school. Well i got to work and acted like a kid in high school flirting with his high school crush, and forgot to close the options before market close.

    for the first time ever!!!! Chasing a girl actually netted me gains over losses (not all monetary). Lol. It went bananas today and i had 3 calls that gained $30 share price overnight. The options would have been a $200 scalp between the three, had i closed them on time yesterday. Instead it turned into a 6.2k return. Or 1.2x.
    They are now closed. Well obvious since they expired today, but i admit i sold early. Market open. But a fun little ride and teeny bopper love story for a grown ass man! :)

    week one 2021 in the books and brokerage account has returned equivalent to a yr salary. And have a new puppy love thats grown pretty fast as well. Its been a good week. Hopefully a precursor for the yr.
    T0rm3nted and TomB16 like this.
  3. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I'm happy for you, B Russ. Not for the gambling but for meeting someone new. :)
    B Russ likes this.
  4. emmett kelly

    emmett kelly Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2017
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    c'mon, @B Russ , you know the rules. never date women you work with. i did that and ended up marrying her.
    T0rm3nted, TomB16 and B Russ like this.
  5. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Thanks fellas! She is a sweetheart. Thats awesome @emmett kelly Hoping for a similar outcome for myself!:rolleyes::p

    @TomB16 glad to see you still posting. My heart sank when i saw you were going to switch to read only. It really did. It almost felt like i was getting broke up with. Lol. Glad you haven't yet. Hope you don't. I am thrilled that you got your lotto ticket for lavish retirement, but would still miss you greatly here. If even to log on and BS and tell us about your new boat and trailer. ;) And jeeze! Maybe? Just maybe?!?! Splurge on a tesla? if even for a hat tip? Hahaha.

    much love fellas!
    T0rm3nted and TomB16 like this.
  6. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Real market talk as well, since its the focus of this thread.

    BNGO was a momentum play. I saw how much attention it was getting, did some quick research, pulled the trigger on 1k shares. Entry was $2.10 per share. Rode it till its peak fo $7 something and back down to $4.90 at which point i sold 750 shares. Riding the rest with house money and a little profit.

    i had high hopes for another lotto ticket (i also consider tsla a winning lotto ticket as well, as it has really changed my trajectory as well....(maybe a high paying scratch off at this point...not mega millions) , but now im back on the fence with bngo.

    my latest understanding (which is not THAT educated) is that they map ore DNA from a high view. PACB is a microscope view. PACB can identify some 90%~99% deviation, while bngo finds another 70% on top? But 70% of 95% isnt that much....my understanding is bngo’s machine works best in tandem with another and most useful in the 2% cases that cant be caught by the other leaders.

    Fantastic for the patients that it helps!!!! Does not sound so fantastic from an investment standpoint.

    jan 11 they are supposed to show some studies. I guess that will be a pivotal day for the future outlook.

    also, my gambling....i have a plan i am implementing. When i do gamble (options) i have a goal. Short POS companies when they are inflated. (I also have shorted tsla for protection against my shares. Not POS company in my opinion, obviously). Paid off a couple times, hurt me more. Lol. Dont bet against elon....

    buy calls when i like a company and see opp.

    If a call prints, i take half profits for choice investing. And the other half will buy shares of the company that printed the green call.

    acquiring shares of good companies on house money is my options game.

    right now i have calls on NIO for august at $48 strike. And PACB at $23 strike. Any option i mention, you can assume it was purchased within 1 to 2 strikes in or out of the money unless i state otherwise.
    I scooped up 2 whopping shares of DDD on a short scalp. They 1x in a day after earnings. I scalped a pullback. Scooped a couple free shares and put the rest into my tsla fund.

    I am so grateful and thrilled to be on this ride.

    also, i was one of the dudes that would talk of the ponzi scheme. I told all my friends that tesla would buy me a model s. That was my stated goal. Today, i hit that milestone. 9 months ago i bought all the TSLA shares i could, on borrowed money. Today, i could cash it out and buy a base line model s, cash. and loan has already been paid off! I will not cash out, as it was a metaphorical milestone. But it feels great! The next milestone is $140k. Or double the model S. That is also the payoff on my mortgage, the real goal. Again, i don't see myself cashing out, as its a metaphorical milestone. But gotta have goals....

    Ok. Enough rambling. Happy investing, all!
    #86 B Russ, Jan 9, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
    TomB16 likes this.
  7. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    that was 300 shares. If anyone hadn't seen, CAR has been on a tear and was short squeezed to as high as $500 today. Be careful with options, kids. They have cost me paying off my mortgage at least twice within a yr of otherwise much success.
    TomB16 likes this.
  8. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I plan to completely exit CAR by the end of this month. No complaints here.

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