Hi, everyone! I would like to learn about Youtube channels in which is talked about stocks being traded, popular stocks being traded, stock forecasts and anything related to stocks? Can you please recommend some? Thanks a lot!
In my opinion, all YouTube channels are opinion based with bias/alternative motive (selling you a course or product). Do your own due diligence. Learn to read financial statements. Make your own decisions instead of taking “predictions” from others.
some channels i like: https://www.youtube.com/c/FiguringOutMoney https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn2JOViAAWssWefchGpTNvw
https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=cap_mid,sh_avgvol_o2000,sh_price_o10 https://finviz.com/groups.ashx In the group see what is the top 3 sectors: weekly, monthly, 3 months and half year. then you input your sector in screener. Look for what is breaking out you should find a few names. With this process you are in control of your own destiny, bearing in mind it will take a lot of effort. If you are a "bah" for years then disregard this.