Climate yes v no or is it finances v plebeians *

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Ciao (Sheppy), Jun 3, 2017.

  1. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    What Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement means for your wallet
    Our planet is warming, putting at risk not only our physical well-being, but our wallets.
    President Donald Trump announced Thursday that the U.S. would pull out of the Paris Agreement, a landmark international deal signed in 2015 to limit global warming. The U.S.

    I post the above because at the moment all over the world everyone talk only about that .... are all other problems over? Italy is invaded by emigrants no other EU country give a damm about it some even close their boarders (against EU rules!!!!) anyway see what other think about all that
    IMO maybe Trump is the one for the Americas rather then the "money men":rolleyes:;)

    watch out the indoctrination started ......

    * plebeians >>> In ancient Rome clients were plebeians who were bound in a subservient relationship with their patrician patron.

    Published: June 3, 2017 1:14 a.m. ET
    Kosta likes this.
  2. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    It's another example of the new "America First" mentality

    In Trumps eyes, it was a "bad deal".. A deal that didn't make sense for the US to be part of

    On the same token, if I started the "Jrich Recycling Accord".. And charged you $500 a month to recycle.. Would you pay me???

    Probably not... So does that mean you can't recycle??

    Nobody said we're gonna ramp up pollution... But somehow, that's what everyone heard
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  3. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    We'll see if "global warming" and "identity theft" turn out to be this generation's acid rain and killer bees. I remember science books warning about acid rain back in the (gulp) 80's.
    Ciao (Sheppy) and fireopal like this.
  4. fireopal

    fireopal Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    Yes - climate change is very real - just heard about another big river that vanished not too long ago. Imo, Trump's mindset is way too old and he is very short sighted - many of his reasons for pulling out were false and or made absolutely no sense! Not to mention, USA is right up there with China and we are one of the largest contributors to this problem and Trump seems intent on moving us back in time with many of his stunts. Money will mean nada if we don't have clean water to drink or if everyone needs to carry and oxygen tank around with them etc, etc lol
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  5. fireopal

    fireopal Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    Last time i was in London, i could actually feel the burn on my skin!
  6. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Perception is everything

    If you sit in an office from 9-5 with a college education, stable income and secure retirement plan... Then you're probably not concerned with economic growth, and you might say Trumps policies move America backwards

    But if you work in an industry that falls victim to economic cycles... Then you probably see our country moving forward under these same policies

    It's true that money isn't everything, but life is a lot easier with it than without it

    That's not to say we should ignore our footprint on the environment.. Not to say sacrifice the future for the present

    It's to say compromise is key.. To say don't sacrifice the present for the future

    I personally prefer a middle ground over either extreme..... I wouldn't want to create a new China.... But I wouldn't want to live in "The United States of California" either!
  7. Andre

    Andre Active Member

    May 31, 2016
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  8. fireopal

    fireopal Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    Very true, perception is everything. Only aspect that applies is that i do have a college education BUT am "self-employed" so not collecting a nice fat salary and do experience lean times etc and DO NOT see our country moving forward at all and a middle ground would be very great. Bottom line and imo >> there can be no sides on a round planet and this America first thing is total nonsense, especially when this "baby" country as always put their/our own interests above every other country/people via our military strength. And all we have to do is look to our own prisoners of war that are still sitting on our trash land reservations to know that not much has changed in our m/o lol
  9. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Wonder if Al Gore would like to chime in on the subject? Probably busy reinventing the internet.. LOL..
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  10. homosapienfromterra

    homosapienfromterra Active Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    Has anyone here ever been led by a poor leader someone who makes things worse? I can tell you what happens the team do the best they can to compensate and they get on with business as usual, but also they will do all they can to get rid of him or her given the opportunity.
    Europe and even California have stated they are turning to China for guidence. Here in the west there is much scepticism about China's intentions but it maybe that this will melt away due to this event and Europe will aline with China more closely.
    The whole energy arena is in transition from fossil fuels to renewables whether or not the US government aids, guides or agrees to it. The move from coal to natural gas had been happening for years it was simple economics, natural gas is cheaper. There will be no revival of the coal mines unless people suddenly decide that coal is a thing of beauty to look at. Overall the cost of renewable energy will drop and at sometime in the future when electric cars and the energy to run them become cheaper than internal combustion cars and the fuel to run them. A tipping point will be reached.
    I just wonder what will happen if oil become practically worthless what will happen to the world economy. Exxon for instance has a market cap of a third of a trillion dollars. What would it be worth if its refineries were idle and it oil wells were worthless.
    The US government should be there to support the Energy companies in the transition to renewable energy companies which is inevitable, it is just the timing which is in doubt. I think we will see little short term effect but a massive future upheaval which could have been avoided.
    Warning - I have been known to be wrong. The fundamentals are to watch the EPS of companies like Exxon over time, are they growing or sinking, how are their credit ratings, getting better or getting worse?
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  11. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    I use the same analogy, but it goes a little different

    If you've ever played sports, you know there are 2 types of coaches..... The kind everyone likes, and the kind that wins.... Rarely do you find a leader that is both

    The question, would you rather play for the winning team?... Or are you ok with losing every game as long as coach buys you pizza at the end?..... There's nothing wrong with either answer, to each his own

    I'm glad someone understands the concept of economic inertia.. As you elude to with your Exxon example.... The very few liberal friends I have just can't grasp that concept, they seem to think we can flip a switch over night and power the whole world with wind.. They fail to comprehend what would happen to the economy if hundreds of thousands of good payed workers suddenly fell to poverty, and trillions of $'s in assets suddenly became worthless..... Even a "slow transition" to this outcome would be globally devastating

    We're basically standing on the tracks waiving at a freight train and yelling STOP!.... And a certain group of trusty politicians are telling us to stand our ground

    The left's fairy tail of a "green future" is the same as Trumps empty promise to "bring back coal"..... Both sound good to a certain demographic, and both generate corresponding votes

    But in the real world, demand for energy is increasing, not decreasing.. And population is growing, not shrinking..... So talking won't change anything, and walking.. Well.. Who's walking??

    Society is getting lazier.. We want everything done for us... We wash our clothes and dishes in machines, we have products delivered via 20,000 lb GVW trucks instead of driving our hybrids to the store.. Hell, I even see people every day start their car up and back down the driveway just to check the mail

    But probably the biggest hypocrisy is our constant, addictive connection to high powered Internet servers.. Where we go to complain about energy consumption with people around the world

    The hard truth is..... The key to stopping climate change does not lay within politics... It lays with the Amish... They got it all figured out!... But I don't see anyone joining their movement
    #11 Jrich, Jun 4, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
  12. homosapienfromterra

    homosapienfromterra Active Member

    Jan 14, 2017
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    Oh I got sacked by both coaches they didn't like the commentator playing and doing a commentary at the same time, also they didn't like me placing sidebets on the other players.
  13. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    What is global warming? What causes it? Please explain..
  14. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Remember when we were kids and our moms would yell at us when we left the front door open... They would say "we can't afford to air condition the whole neighborhood"

    I think it's like the opposite of that
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  15. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Leave the door open and keep the whole neighborhood cool? Your a genius Jrich, you just solved the global warming crisis. If everybody did that we could lower the global temperature by at least 1.7 degrees. Now how do we fix the acid rain crisis?
    Ciao (Sheppy) and Jrich like this.
  16. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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  17. Timbo

    Timbo Active Member

    Jan 15, 2017
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    I just fell out of my chair laughing my a** off. I think the entire global issue is way overblown, just my two cents on the matter.
    Jrich likes this.
  18. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    I think what's overblown is the illusion of this entire agenda

    The main problem with politics is, people believe what they're told

    We're told that in 200 years, we've caused irreversible damage to a planet that's 4.5 billion years old

    And we're told to believe only the left can save us

    We're told the only solution is to enforce a barrage of ridiculous regulations on the energy industry

    On a side note... The energy industry happens to be the life blood for an emergence of a "new middle class"..... A class that came mostly from low income, uneducated, rural, conservative families

    Down here.. The "new class" is dubbed "Oilfield Trash".... A label given to us by liberal college grads, who's high class neighborhoods we've been invading over the past 3 decades... But we've come to embrace this label, and someone actually made a fortune turning the name into a clothing company.... You will see the bumper stickers on nearly every pickup truck parked at any rig across the state of Texas

    What's my point??

    I just think it's fishy... That's all

    Fishy that the left, who relies largely on the poor for votes, is fighting tooth and nail to suppress an industry that's risen 3 generations out of poverty

    And we're TOLD to believe its in the name of the environment
    Timbo likes this.

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