DDebrazza's Holdings.... Buy, Hold, and Sells

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by ddebrazza, Jun 23, 2021.

  1. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Be careful. It can be tricky to pull out in time.
  2. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I am glad you told me this, I had no idea. The novice trader in me. I only dipped my toe in with 2 shares so I will let it ride for a couple weeks and see what happens.
    Value543 likes this.
  3. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Well, I had a GREAT week. Up a total of 12.21% Seems like the kind of week that it would have been hard not to do well.

    I ended up adding to my PYPL and FB positions, and also added DKNG, C (CitiGroup), and HON (HoneyWell)

    PYPL saw my best week earnings @16.7%, followed by [email protected]% and FB @12.7%

    Shame I missed out on NKE, I liked it much better @127 than I do at 131.

    I wont be able to add any money for at least a few weeks now so I will likely not be engaged in much action, but I am considering selling my KKR position on Monday and maybe shifting it to LMND (Lemonade *long hold) and add to my CRWD (CrowdStrike) positions.

    I dont want to speak too soon, but hopefully this crypto bounce is real and continues.

    Very pleased with my idea to put some money into APECoin at launch, I managed to get in at 7.50$/coin and the price has gone up to 14.51$/coin in just 30-hours. I will take it. I could see this being a 30-75$ coin and it likely wont take too long to get there (3 months or less)
    Value543 likes this.
  4. Value543

    Value543 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2016
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    No problem! I learned the hard way many moons ago with a 3X gold ETF; bought & held for months knowing eventually gold would pop...without realizing what the 3X leverage really meant over the long term.

    Check this out when you get the chance -- SCO is only 2X, but the lesson still applies, just happens faster on a 3X vs 2X.

    Glad I said something...I almost didn't b/c I didn't want to come across the wrong way.
  5. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    No, I am absolutely glad you did. It will force me to keep a closer eye on the price and exit sooner than later.

    I have not even been around the markets for a year yet, and a good 6 months of that was spent on the sidelines. I have soooo much to learn.
    Value543 likes this.
  6. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Hopefully thing is going to be Crypto Spring. BitCoin finally managed to break above 41k, keeping my fingers it keeps popping. id be happy with that next 47-48k level.

    ETH seems to be trending the same. (which I know the crypto markets generally mirror each other)
  7. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Moves for Monday; so, the plan is to mainly HOLD what I have and watch how things go Monday, see if this upward momentum continues.

    I foolishly bought into SCO, not knowing what the hell an inverse leveraged ETF was so I will be selling out of that.

    Have a couple small stocks of interest that require more homework before making a decision but look promising for a run.
    WDH (Waterdrop)
    DIDI (Didi Global)
    HNST (The Honest Company) *back in the spring I actually bought into them at around 12$, it ended up being poor timing for HNST IPO coming in the summer of 2021 just when the entire market started shitting the bed. I see a nice rebound coming but timing, eh?
  8. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Ended up juggling things around just a tad

    BABA- Alibaba
    HOOD- Robinhood
    WDH- Waterdrop
    HNST- The Honest Company
    C- CitiGroup
    CRWD- CrowdStrike
    PYPL- Paypal
    FB- Meta aka Facebook

    All in the Green right now except BABA. I bought it on my lunch break when it was peaking for the day, but hopefully the chinese stocks continue to rebound. It has plenty of potential to break out. WDH rebounded about 10% today also.

    Plan for Wednesday morning is to keep a close eye on the pre-market activity and possibly sell all my positions, lock-in the 13% profits over the last 7-days and go back to the the sidelines and spot-shop for good deals. Might hold onto BABA a bit and see what happens. I hate to exit out in the RED.
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  9. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    So, as my life has changed so has my investing/stock market strategy has changed. I no longer consider myself a trader, I am an investor. My new strategy consists of 1) A "WatchList" of about 60 stocks that I have interest in, B) A "Top Picks," List of about 30 stocks that I have interest in buying in the short-term and 3) My Overall Portfolio, which consists of about 28 stocks across various sectors.

    My Portfolio Sector Breakdown: (subject to shift)
    33%- Tech, Media, Telecom
    25%- Consumer Goods
    17%- Finance
    11%- Manufacturing & Materials
    5%- Energy & Water
    5%- Healthcare
    4%- Business, Misc.

    Any thoughts on my distribution of funds?

    My Holdings: (in somewhat an order of favoritism based on my longterm outlook)
    CRWD- CrowdStrike
    OXY- Occidental Petroleum'
    TSM- Taiwan Semiconductor
    GOOGL- The Googs
    BLK- Blackrock
    CVX- Chevron
    PLD- Prologis
    NKE- Nike
    HD- Home Depot
    FB- Facebook
    TSLA- Tesla
    TXN- Texas Instruments
    ALLY- Ally Financial
    PYPL- Paypal
    V- Visa
    HON- Honeywell
    ABT- Abbott Labs
    MMM- 3M
    KKR- KKR Co.
    UPS- UPS
    CVS- CVS
    F- Ford
    WM- Waste Management
    LEVI- Levi
    CRM- SalesForce *(could get dropped)
    DOLE- Dole Produce
    JBL- Jabil Circuit aka JBL
    SNOW- Snowflake
    WRBY- Warby Parker
    PTON- Peloton

    What are your thoughts? CRM, WRBY, and PTON are my higher risk holds. Ive been day trading a bit with BABA and TREE.

    TREE is a stock that baffles me so far. To me everything about it screams BUY but for some reason the market has thought the opposite very firmly over the last 18-24 months. Any thoughts on LendingTree?
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  10. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I ended up doing pretty well with that mixture of stocks. I made about 4-5% and managed to cash-out all my portfolio before the stocks dipped.

    I dont have any money in stocks at the moment except 10$ in Target. I am going to be holding out for at least a few weeks likely before making any moves. If I had excess income and was looking long-term (3 years+), I would definitely be adding to my positions because I do see a nice rebound coming but if you're a short-term player, I would be sitting out.
    Value543 likes this.
  11. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Well it seems I managed to strike at a good time again. I was a little nervous buying into GME when it was already up 22% yesterday but I took the gamble and managed to sell it at a +13% margin today.

    I have my money mainly in a holding pattern right now with it spread evenly across GOOGL, BLK, NKE, TSM, JOBY, and TREE. Tree may end of costing me and same with JOBY but I have always liked TREE, not sure why they arent doing better based on their financial data. Joby, could be a Unicorn.
  12. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Well for anyone following must have seen that I have been on absolute fire.

    TREE had a nice breakout day +10%
    JOBY followed up yesterdays bullet with another +5.5% day
    and the other 4 I was holding GOOGL, BLK, NKE, and TSM all managed to turn me a decent profit as well

    I shifted my money to LOVE, BROS, and C (LoveSac, DutchBros, and Citigroup) 50%, 10%, 40% respectively. LOVE looking to close around +4%, BROS -1%, and C is about flush from the points where I bought in.

    Hopefully they all provide good exit levels on Tuesday!
  13. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I continue to have fantastic luck with my strategy of selling during that 2nd-3rd hour of market being open (7:30-8:30am AZ)

    I exited BLK, ALLY, BAC, LOVE, and PSEC today; all close to session highs. But then stupidly bought into AMZN

    So, sitting on a little bit of AMZN now with the rest of my money sitting earning the 1.00%-1.25% that Robinhood pays for Unvested Funds. Will be looking for an exit point for AMZN this week some time, hopefully I dont take a L. (Down 0.9%)
  14. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I am going into Dividend Mode.

    I LOVE, SAR aka Saratoga Investments. They go ex-dividend on Monday. As does BBY (Best Buy). BBY I am a little more skeptical on but I will at least hold it for a couple days.
  15. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Selling all positions on Monday as I see the market being in for more red. I will sit out for now and just watch for the occasional day trade.

    Have a nice summer everyone :)
  16. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I put all my chips on BAC

    Got a nice little bounce in the afternoon. Hopefully it carries through tomorrow morning, long enough for me to cash in a decent profit and get the heck back out of the way.

    Regardless of the Feds announcement, none of the conditions on the ground have changed. Russia, Putin, and the entire world is still 1 misunderstanding or 1 bad decision away from World War 3. The war in Ukraine will continue to have an impact on energy and food prices. More and more Americans have depleted their Savings and are now spending on Credit.

    The housing market is in for a correction. I think the Eviction Moratorium, while important, had a major impact on the Supply side of things. Completely disrupted the whole balance of a naturally flowing system by keeping people in their homes who couldnt afford them and who under normal circumstances would have had to sell and move into an apartment
  17. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    What a nasty day so far

    I am glad I got out of AMD (-9.5% today)

    Currently down just under 0.5% on my BAC
  18. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I have been having a little bit of fun over the last few days but keeping my exposure pretty low. Played around a bit with BAC (I love that 31$-32$ entry point). Right now I am in on Intel INTL but I really dont like what I see ahead of us and will be looking to exit that position at some point on Monday.

    Buckle your seat belts, I believe we are heading for a bumping ride the remainder of summer. Unless some good news gets dropped on us.

    Would love to see some sort of "End," to the War in Ukraine. That would go a long way towards starting to stabilize things. When the war ends, that (in my opinion) is going to be the time to BUY BUY BUY. Markets hate uncertainty and nothing stirs the uncertainty pot quite like a global conflict in which just about every industrialized country has a stake in the game.

    That all said, It has been interesting watching RDBX aka RedBox. Not quite sure what is causing the massive volatility

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