Debt To Equity ratio question...

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by null_pointer, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. null_pointer

    null_pointer New Member

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I'm a fairly new investor and I was looking at a few stocks and their balance sheets to get a better understand of different ratios.

    So I was looking at stock symbol APPN and its ratios here. According to finviz, the "Debt/Eq" for APPN is "0.06". Now when I look at APPN 10-Q for June on the SEC website here to validate the number, the numbers don't really add up.

    So APPN "Total Liabilities" is 70,659 and their "Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity" is 228,431. When doing the math:


    So the numbers on finviz don't appear to be correct? I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what that is? Can someone explain what I"m doing wrong?



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