Dryships, ticker is $DRYS. Short squeeze imminent. Buy low, sell high. Headed to $100. Set sell orders to $100 so shorts can't steal your share.
Next week is big ER and announcement we will find if DRYS is able to purchase large assets like $10m in ships, projected 4-8% growth.
And down she goes for the umpteenth time. I do believe there's a ton of additional dillution headed to the market in the near future. This probably has the record for R/S'SSSSSS. Sadly,folks still claim it's a good investment. ** This is a free "save the newbs" public service message**
If I'm lucky after this reverse split that was announced I will be able to use it as a short play in the daily stock pick challenge. It's really not looking like it will be above $2 after the 1:5 reverse split at this rate....
Rightfully so, DRYS has emptied the pockets of tons of new/inexperienced investors to the point of it being a shame. It's a great short though.
Getting DD for next week done and didn't know/forgot there was a thread here and would have posted here rather than daily yesterday. Looks like there is more playtime here. Yet another 1/7 r/s on Fri has brought this back into $ land (.50+ - $3.80+) Traded pretty flat ($1.30+ range) all day until about an hour or so before close. Got one scalp in before first of many halts @ around $2.00. Held up better than expected a/h ($2.16) so this coming week should be interesting. Adding - ER due 8/7 a/h
just got a great scalp b/c of this news earlier that had me paying more attention >> DryShips Has Shed Its Dilutive Ways And Is Now Positioned To Ride The Dry Bulk Uptrend - https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimcol...otix&partner=yahootix&yptr=yahoo#54568216145b
DryShips Inc. Announces Commencement of Its Third Very Large Gas Carrier 10 Year Time Charter With an Oil Major Trading Company - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/dryships-inc-announces-commencement-third-140000019.html
The demand for coal shipments is growing exponentially. Coal is the second largest demand source for dry bulk shipping, representing 25% of all cargoes. At the end of last month, Dryships announced that it agreed to acquire a Newcastlemax drybulk carrier and a Suezmax tanker (both constructed in China).
They address the issue of public valuations being lower than the private worth. Will Other Listed Ship Owners Privatize After DryShips' Exit? The DryShips privatization deal will likely mark the second departure from the U.S.-listed shipping ranks this year. In late May, Teekay Offshore received an offer from Canada's Brookfield Business Partners to purchase all remaining common units in the partnership it did not already own. That offer is currently under consideration. Please read the entire article at: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/other-listed-ship-owners-privatize-221550694.html?.tsrc=rss