I was wondering if anyone could shed light on something. Using Stock Analysis.com (ticker BROS) Example: I'm looking at the Annual TTM EPS on the income statement for Jun 30, 2024, it's .27 Now If I look at the same date, Quarterly TTM EPS June 30th 2024, it's .12 I don't understand why changing from annual to quarterly statements is giving such different results. Because both columns are the same date, year and are listed as the TTM. The summery page reflects the number off the annual statement. But then things get more crazy, If I look up nVidea, the summery page for EPS TTM is 2.95, but on the annual income statement for TTM, it's 2.15 Yahoo finance shows the same for annual and quarterly statements, but is off by 2 on the summery page. Also, at yahoo nVidea is 2.13 TTM, summery page and and 2.95 TTM summery page at Stock Analysis How do you evaluate if all these numbers are different at different sites?