Mine showed up as "Pending" Saturday morning. Still in the same position today. Was hoping it would've cleared by 8 am.
Back below $200 is my feeling here But then again, this entire move up here was something I was pretty sure was not going to happen again.
I just glanced at the way OTM leaps, to rich for my blood. This one has everybody fooled. Even on low volume days?
Thats been the strategy, the apes are all buying OTM calls trying to force the squeeze. Typically it would be crazy, but if enough people all do it together, and here we are at +$200.
Wow. Looks like that second cup and handle is failing. Fight on, Diamond hands! Meanwhile, my stimmie still says "Pending. Pending. Pending. Pending....."
Carly Simon wrote a great song YEARS ago ANTICIPATION. Leaps are getting cheaper, they have a 50/50 chance of success. Which side of the 50 will be your fate? Mirror mirror on the wall, will the young lady humpty dumpty her call, or let the big bad wolf blow it all? Those are the days of our lives.
~You're so vain ~You probably think this chat room is all about you If you're going to make 50-50 bets, you need something much more reliable: - It is certain - Reply hazy try again - Concentrate and ask again - Cannot predict now - Without a doubt - Don't count on it - Very doubtful - Outlook good
Just sell the at-the-money short straddle and hope that they will only ask for one kidney as payment when it hits the fan!
We actually are trying to talk her out of it. Being one of the old HSMers, hate to see it go wrong. You know how these young silly kids can be. They think they can trade and make money We all know the longterm investors are the only ones that succeed.
I was reading a few of the GME threads on WSB this morning... its pure cancer. So much of it is "us vs the evil hedgefunds!" and how everybody must come together to teach them a lesson. The endless paragraphs about short ladders, ETF hedging and a whole bunch of option related analysis explaining why GME dropped 5% the other day. Its just overly complicated at this point.
^^^^^^^^^^^ Syynik. Remember this guy? He taught a bunch of us at the old place. Just because he lost all of his hair, doesn't mean anything. He's still sharp as a tack. I trade it sometimes but personally I would stay away from anything over a daytrade.
Blah, blah blah. What was that? GO LONG GME DIAMONDHANDS!!!!????? I'M ALL IN~!!!!! (pssst-no I'm not! Just watching!)
If you have the uncontrollable urge to own puts on a stock with an IV in the vicinity of 2.50, consider a vertical spread or some similar creature where the exorbitantly high premium sold offsets some/most of the exorbitant high premium you pay for your long leg. That way, implied volatility change won't kill you. This public service message brought to you by Mr. Market who always wants your tithes.