The merger is between RUBI and TLRA (RUBI/TLRA post #280) sorry if I didn't make it quite clear but I did also state to do your own DD. I see this is your 1st post so I will chalk it up to inexperience. DD:- Do your DUE Diligence. I'm not being harsh here just pointing out something that you might have overlooked or didn't know what DD meant. If you go to Market diving or business wire you will find the information. This info was from some time last year which I saved and it popped up in my reminder, yes I'm very odd in my ways but its little details like this that makes me an odd ball.
Thanks for the info. I am getting back into the stock market after being away for many years. I remember now what DD means. I have to get back with the lingo. I put a position in RUBI and read up on them and the merger. We'll see how Monday goes.
No worries, I have a fair size in RUBI if all goes well it will take a few days to see what's the progress. As I'm writing this futures is down so I suspect the market will open down so we'll just have to wait and see.
“This info was from some time last year which I saved and it popped up in my reminder, yes I'm very odd in my ways but its little details like this that makes me an odd ball.” And why i follow. And thank you for the info. I do have a question though. I read the info quickly, but wanted to digest and talk to you before digging deeper. Im familiar with mergers from a distance. But not in depth. i understand there will be a share rate conversion. But that should be largely irrelevant If one isn't already holding, correct? Or no? I. figured those ratios were based on equal worth weighting of each companies existing worth to the merger. My next guess is the play is being in either company, before they merge? Or is there a strategy to which company?
yes there is a share conversion, so if you were holding TLRA shares prior to the merger for every 1share of TLRA you now have 1.082 RUBI shares. If you are not holding any of the two then correct it's irrelevant. TLRA shares will be converted to RUBI and with the merger they might change the name down the road.
IMO with Bernie quitting the race I see an up tick in the cards for the next couple of days and then back down.
Back in post #266 I said I was done with virus stock for awhile well I'm back in, as of today I'm in these INO, MESO, ALNY, APLT and IFRX. This is should explain why: https: // will update on these later INO, MESO, APLT and IFRX. APLT will be gone today.
Going into May as of yesterday these are my plays: ABBV short, C short, PG long and ANTM 19 June Call $350.00.
Ideas going into June a few long(could be a day/s, week or in between a month)names EBAY @$45.54, FSLR @$46.62, SAP@ $128.10 and WDAY @$183.43. To the downside COP@$42.18. These will be executed sometime tomorrow. Forgot to put these in #299.