InTheMoneyStocks Day Trading/Swing Trading Market Moving Action

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by inthemoneystocks, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Two Trades You Need To Watch Now: $NFLX, $GS

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) is collapsing today after the United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union (Brexit). The reason the bank stocks are taking a beating is because the added uncertainty means the Federal Reserve will likely not raise interest rates in 2016. 10 yr yields briefly dipped below the key 1.5% level. As yields fall, bank stocks (now restricted by Dodd-Frank) do not have as many options on making money. Essentially, they can loan money. The lower interest rates, the harder it is for them to profit. While Goldman Sachs is collapsing over 6% today, it is nearing key support. The level to buy is $139.50. A bounce in $GS likely means yields (rates) will bounce next week, coinciding perfectly. Goldman Sachs is currently trading at $143.08, -9.60 (-6.30%). Note the chart below...


    Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) is attempting to hold key support on the daily chart. The importance of the trendline seen below in the chart is it will determine next weeks price action on the stock. If NFLX closes below the line, downside pressure will likely take the stock to double bottom near $80.00. If it closes above the trend line, a bounce is likely to $94.00. Considering the stock is currently trading at $88.67 -2.99 (-3.26%), this is a major pivot with either big downside or upside next week. The trend line is approximately at $88.50. Watch for a close above or below.


    Gareth Soloway
    AverageJoesTrades likes this.
  2. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Early Market Volatility Means Stock Trading Opportunity

  3. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Trade Tesla Motors (TSLA) For Profit: This Is How...

    Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) is nearing a significant support level. It has fallen sharply over the last week after Elon Musk made a shady bid for solar play SolarCity Corp (NASDAQ:SCTY). While the deal likely will not be approved, it was definitely an error in judgement by Musk. With a huge financial stake in SolarCity, and his cousin running it, regulators will be looking very closely at the legalities to see if Musk broke any laws. In addition, the stock market collapse on the Brexit vote continued to add to the stock pain.

    Tesla Motors fell from $220 to $190 in the last week. There is major support level coming into play at $178.00. TSLA will likely bounce off that level. This is a classic swing trade alert level. The bounce would likely last for at least a week and potential bounce back to $205.00.


    Gareth Soloway
    AverageJoesTrades likes this.
  4. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Extreme Stock Declines Always Lead To Big Bounces

  5. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Financial Stocks Ready To Bounce!

    The financial stocks are taking a beating again, following Brexit last week. The European banks are dropping the most, some by another 20% just today.

    While most traders are too scared to go near the banks, smart money is accumulating. This is not another Lehman situation. The global central banks will not allow that to happen or even come close to happening. These banks will bounce into the July 4th holiday, surging on short covering and institutional buying. This may be a near term bounce but a big bounce none-the-less and should be played for profits.

    In addition, the technical stock charts are confirming this with many of the biggest banks hitting major support today. This is a great buying opportunity to scoop these plays up. Note the charts below...



    Gareth Soloway
  6. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    S&P 500: Look At This Chart Now!

    SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSEARCA:SPY) is taking a huge beating for the second trading day in a row. The reason? The UK voted to leave the European Union. The term everyone has heard is Brexit.

    As the markets collapse, smart investors and traders are watching master levels for potential bounces. Catching a bounce level can literally mean thousands in profits in a day or two. Below are the key institutional master support levels. Use them to your advantage. Note the chart...


    Gareth Soloway
  7. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Stock Futures Stage Early Rebound, Will The Rally Hold?

  8. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    This Bounce Has Serious Legs: $AMGN

    Over the course of June, Amgen, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMGN) fell nearly every day. The stock traded as high as $161.00 in early June before falling to a low yesterday of $144.00. This was a 10.55% drop. For a stock this big, that is an epic fall for a one month period.

    While many investors are scared to go near Amgen, the best time to buy is where there is blood in the street. The key is finding a legitimate reason. The reason comes to the forefront when looking at the chart below. There is a major trend line tagged yesterday. The stock is already bouncing 1.58% today, but has more room to run. An upside bounce in a week or two will likely net a move to $152.25.


    Gareth Soloway
  9. AverageJoesTrades

    AverageJoesTrades Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2016
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    I've signed up for your free service and was backchecking all the trades and I am seeing discrepancies as to what is on your "track record" vs the calls that were made. NKE was closed for a loss and FB short - was profitable but is not on the track record?

    Is everything not on the track record? I thought it was 3rd party verified?
  10. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    This Is A Major Concern For Investors $IBB

    The iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (ETF) (NASDAQ:IBB) has bounced beautifully off of double bottom support at $240 on the daily chart. Today it traded as high as $254.70, just two days after hitting $240.00.

    Investors are wondering if it is safe to buy the $IBB? The short answer is... no. This is why...

    There is a major concern on the daily chart of the biotech ETF IBB. Notice the confirmed break down that took place when the IBB broke through the upsloping trend line. Once confirmed, a retrace into that trend line (like we are seeing today) is almost always a heavy shorting opportunity. That means the IBB may fall sharply as early as next week. If the IBB is falling hard, you can bet the market is dropping sharply. This should be a major concern to not only biotech investors but all investors in the stock market. Note the chart below...


    Gareth Soloway
  11. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Smart Traders Made Huge Profits Recently, This Is How. SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust

    The SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSEARCA:SPY) rallied for the second day in a row, the Dow jumping by 285 points. While many bulls are getting giddy over the rally, it likely won't last long and may already be over. I was short for the fall and bought for the bounce back. As of tomorrow I am looking to go short again. Why? Purely technical trading off the charts.

    If you look at the below chart, notice the big pop on the $SPY has found itself back into an upsloping trend line. This was support when it broke, now major resistance on the bounce. In addition, the 20 and 50 daily moving averages are just above current price. This will add extra pressure and makes it even more unlikely the markets will jump much higher. The downside will begin within the next few days according to the charts.


    Gareth Soloway
  12. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    How I Made $100k In One Week

    As a trader or investor, if there is one thing you must learn its this; Nick has preached it over and over, Gareth has shown you multiple examples of it... When everyone is against you, that's the time to dive in, full force, with all your might. This might sound much easier said than done, and it is. But when you are facing the critics, when you have people telling you that you are wrong from many angles, it will be hard to fight your emotions; causing you to fall victim to the nay sayers. But those who have the strength to surpass these influences will be the ones who realize the biggest and greatest successes in life. In this example of how I made $100k in a week, we will consider success to be purely monetary. However, this can be applied to any definition of success and achieving or accomplishing anything you desire in life. Allow me to tell you exactly why...

    What defines or creates the divide between the successful and the average person? To me its obvious, so blatantly obvious in-fact, and I have learned this from over a decade of trading stocks and watching thousands upon thousands of people from all over the world, from all walks of life react the same way in times of emotional "distress" or when facing challenges.

    Fear and greed, just think about those two words. They seem so simple, yet they define most of humanity. They drive people to reach certain decisions. They drive a subconscious trigger that is almost unavoidable in most humans. Its fear and greed that often (most often) cause you to react, and define how you react, not cognitive reasoning. As I say this, it shocks me how clear one of the main reasons why so many people fail in trading is, also why people don't achieve their goals in life. Allow me to elaborate further...

    Imagine this, you have perfect/clear reasoning, with a minimum of three supporting factors as to why a trade "should" work out the way you expect (using the PPT Methodology for a proven strategy example). And its time, you enter the trade based on these supporting factors. Now, you anticipated this trade to be a multiple week hold to reach target. But it's summer, that typically means the market is slow, so your trade is taking longer than anticipated. Also, in that time the trade is slowly going against you. Ok folks, it's time... let the emotions start to creep in!! Just like that, you start to question your initial reasoning for entering the trade (fear). You start to hear people on TV taking the opposite side of the trade. You hear others talking, influencing you, pulling you away from your clear minded vision - YOU now start to question your own thought process and cognitive reasoning you expressed when initially entering the trade with a relatively clear mind.

    I can place a bet with 100% certainty that every one of you traders reading this has sold a trade for a loss, for it to rip in your direction immediately after, or took a profit "too soon" as it seemed (greed). Now, either of those situations could be perfectly justified if your reasoning was invalidated; so you exit for a loss, or where you take profits. But the point here is this; the majority of mistakes in trading are caused by you and your ability (or lack there of) to control your emotions. If you have a strategy that works and is proven over time, then you must act like a machine, like a robot. Stick to your plan, do not let outside influences get in your head, blurring your reasoning. The more you do that, the closer you are to being another trading statistic.

    Take this thought for example, looking at some of the most successful people in history, even those who built this country and changed life as we know it. Most, if not all of these people were first met with a wall of challenges, combined with overwhelming nay sayers and doubters of their pursuits. But did that stop them? I think you know the answer. They stuck to their beliefs and continued on their path in the face of adversity. Surely they took some losses, had some failures, that is natural. The hard part is knowing when to exit, recognizing when your reasoning was invalidated, cutting losses and continuing on to the next. Then stepping back up with that knowledge of what caused the loss, learning from it and moving on to the next. The way this relates to the markets is clear, if the vast majority of people seem to be biased on one side of the trade, or you hear people making emotionally based statements ("This move will never end." "The markets will never go up/down") the best and often hardest thing to do will be to take the opposite side of the trade. However, recognizing that and having the strength in yourself to stand strong against the tide, that is what will place you ahead of the crowd when the tide turns. That is how wealth is made. Look at one of the most successful Hedge Fund managers in history, James Simons, in this video he says that he "does not pick stocks" instead he lets the computers do the picking. Now, while we are humans, the point is, we need to act as computer like as possible, eliminating as much emotion as possible to truly be successful in the markets.

    I leave you with one final, real life example of how I recently watched this play out, recognized it, and made over 100k from it in a week...

    As InTheMoneyStocks members were made aware, Gareth and Nick (Chief Market Strategists of ITMS) alerted everyone to enter a number of positions through April and May. Far too many inexperienced investors expect every trade to work out right when you buy, as if it was that easy. In reality, many trades will go against you before they go your direction. As long as your reasoning for entering the trade is not invalidated and you did not over leverage yourself on any one position in particular, nothing has changed and you do what experienced traders do... wait patiently.

    Now lets go back to how I made $100k during this same time... as time passed and the trades were still lingering in this "purgatory," I watched as the inexperienced traders/investors began to emerge. Comments on every social media, Traders Life (the InTheMoneyStocks members forum) and other venues that provide people with a sounding board to voice their emotions flowed.

    At this point I started to salivate. Like a lion stalking his prey, like an excited child on Christmas morning... I knew I was going to make a lot of money!!

    I write this for you now, on the later side of June 2016, just about a week after the SPY (S&P ETF) dropped about 6 points in a week and personally closing 11 positions for large profits. I could have simply summed this article to one sentence...

    "I made over 100k in 2 months because I simply recognized the disparity is cognitive reasoning and emotion."

    Folks, as simple as it sounds, there is a reason so many people fail in trading, why so many people never achieve things they want in life, why the market takes so many people's money every day; they dismiss the importance of having control of their emotions, fear and greed. They lose that control, or never obtain it, that causes all cognitive reasoning to exit the picture... rending you no more than a gambler as opposed to a trader with the odds in your favor.

    When you can develop that personal control and apply it to a strategy that works, I can promise you that massive monetary wealth will be in your future. I did it, so can you. I experienced this "emotional" market environment multiple times through the past decade, I am a living breathing example of how you can do the same thing. But the moment you think it's easy or does not require massive interpersonal effort and strength, that's the moment you fail. Commit now to not being the sheep, separate yourself from the pack and stick to it! Apply this to everything you do and your life will change dramatically.

    Bryan Leighton
    Andre likes this.
  13. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Now Is The Time To Short This ETF

    Silver is having another amazing day, soaring almost 5%. The iShares Silver Trust (ETF) (NYSEARCA:SLV) is trading at $18.44, +0.57 (+3.22%).

    THE TRADE: Silver is a short as of today for a near term pull back. This can be maximized using puts, leveraged ETF's or just short the SLV itself. The reasoning is simple. Look at the chart below. The up-sloping trend line is a thing of beauty. Most investors buy/sell or short for no good reason other than a 'feeling'. I strictly look for chart signals. This propels my success rate north of 80%.


    Gareth Soloway
  14. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Do Not Make This Excuse For Losing Money In The Stock Market

    Over and over again, average investors seem to totally be on the wrong side of the trade. As crazy as it seems, common sense logic is all it takes to be on the right side of the trade but it apparently does not exist. The bottom line is, I hate seeing hard working investors duped again and again. A large part of the responsibility is on the media who spew nonsense 95% of the time. But investors shouldn't be so dumb as to think news media TV is giving you straight facts with no bias. Investors need to understand that the media has a job and it is to sell advertising spots. That is all!

    A good example of this was the recent post Brext rally in the stock market. In particular, the massive financial stock rally. Many of the financial stocks like JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE:JPM) & Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) rallied almost 10% in just days, post Brexit. Of course, the average investor would not buy at the lows when epic fear gripped Wall Street but was tempted last Thursday and Friday when these stocks rallied back to their highs. Institutions have a great way of luring the little investor back into the market. They succeed over and over. After the monster rally late last week, today, the financial stocks are taking a beating, Goldman Sachs $144.30, -3.95 (-2.66%), JPMorgan $59.60, -1.66 (-2.72%). The hot potato has been passed off once again, and average investors are losing their shirts.

    My ultimate point here is that common sense logic would have kept average investors away from buying financial stocks. Why is logic so hard to come by in this day and age? Is it because emotion (mainly greed) is powerful? Let's look at the facts. Just over a week ago the UK decide to leave the European Union aka Brexit. In addition, we know that financial stocks need bond yields (interest rates) to move higher to improve their earnings. So when the stock market rallied back so sharply...did Brexit suddenly not happen just days earlier? Did yields magically jump back up? No and no!

    So what on earth would make investors want to jump back into the financial stocks late last week when they almost recovered all their losses from the Bexit sell off? Especially when the 10 yr yield has fallen from 1.75% to $1.40%. This is actually a huge negative for the financial stocks like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan who rely on lending money to make money post Dodd-Frank. If anything, the big name financial plays should be shorted on every bounce until yields start to pop back up.

    This is exactly what I did. I bought $FAZ, a triple short financial ETF last Friday. This gives me 3x the bang for the buck on any fall. So far I am nicely in the money. It just drives me nuts that average investors don't look at the facts but they will believe anything the media or internet spews!


    Gareth Soloway
  15. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Volatility Is Back: Stocks, Gold, Oil & More In Play

  16. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Major Trouble For This Stock Ahead: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

    If you ever wanted to bet against Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE:WMT), this may be the time. The stock has risen from the depths of the underworld to gain 30% since October 2015. But it may have shot its gun and be out of bullets. The Wal-Mart stock chart is scary because it is hitting the biggest resistance level ever seen by the naked eye. If the stock does not pull back from the $73.50 level in the next month I will be shocked.

    Look at the chart below. Not only is it slamming into a pivot consolidation high from July 2015, but go back further, you will see it hitting previous lows from August and October 2014. The two ways to play this would be the classic sell-short or buy puts. If you choose puts, look to grab at least 3 months out to give yourself time. The stock should pull back to $67-68.


    Gareth Soloway
  17. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    This Stock Chart Pattern Makes Money Again

  18. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    This Signals The End Of Central Banks: Epic Warning Shot

    Gold and silver have spiked dramatically higher in 2016. Just in the last week we have seen silver squeeze higher by 20%. It is extremely rare to see both gold and silver surging together. Why? The basics of it revolve around gold being a store of safety, while silver is mainly an industrial metal. The idea being, if there is panic gold surges but usually silver stalls or falls because the panic is due to something economic. Negative economic issues can hurt demand for silver.

    This mega spike price action on gold and silver tells of something absolutely scary. It screams to the world that investors have lost all confidence in the central banks. Whether it is the Bank of England, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan or the Federal Reserve, currencies are looked at as being far too risky. Remember, interest rates in Japan and some places in Europe are now negative. It is not normal to pay a bank to hold your money. Central banks have created this artificially. Investors now prefer to hold gold, which is normal in fearful times...but also silver. That is the more shocking part. Central bank printing presses and monetary policy have gotten so out of control that investors are willing to buy anything but currencies. Look at the price of Bitcoin as well. It is up over 200% in 2016. Again, Bitcoin (BTC) is something the central banks around the globe have no power over. It cannot be printed at will.

    Keep an eye on other metals to see if they start getting the same play. An even more economic dependent metal is Copper. If gold and silver continue higher, look to buy Copper. This could be the next store of safety from the out of control central banks. Pretty scary for investors if you hold lots of Dollars, Yen, Euro or Pound. Diversifying into other assets that cannot be printed is extremely important in this day and age.

    The end game is simple yet horrifying. There will be another epic global collapse, far worse than the financial catastrophe in 2008-2009. It will spur a global depression. All of it caused by central bank policy. As the world emerges, the central banks will be dissolved. You read it here first. This will happen in the next 10 years.


    Gareth Soloway
  19. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    $AAPL Will Run Up Over 10% Into Or On Earnings. This is why...

    The investment world has thrown the baby out with the iPhone. As much as a fan favorite Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) was, it is now hated on by nearly every investor. Institutions and investment kings like Carl Icahn have dumped their positions, hundreds-of-millions of shares sold. The stock currently trades at $95.32, +0.33 (+0.34%), down from a 52 week high of near $135.00. This is a whopping 30% fall for a company that sits on an epic cash pile and pays a solid $2+ dividend per year. With an over 2% yield in an environment that has seen the 10 yr yield slump below 1.4%, Apple should not be ignored.

    It may not be the flashy growth stock it once was, but it is a company that will continue to pay you. At current valuations, it is probably one of the smartest stocks to hold with the Brexit uncertainty shaking the stock market. In addition to the valuation and dividend yield being attractive, the daily chart is compelling. Note below the down-sloping trend line that hovers at $104. There is also a major gap fill there. The stock is heading there like a magnet drawn to metal. Also, note the recent higher low put in. That is a very bullish chart. Lastly, the negative investor outlook is probably one of the brightest things for the company. Finally the expectations are at rock bottom after years of being sky high. This will set the company up to easily outperform expectations.


    Gareth Soloway
  20. inthemoneystocks

    inthemoneystocks Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Earnings, Upgrades, Take-Overs & More In Play Today


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