Inverse Leveraged ETF's in a recession?

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by B.P Christopher, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. B.P Christopher

    B.P Christopher New Member

    Mar 21, 2019
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    Hey Guys, Hope ye're all having a great day. :)

    So I've a question about leveraged ETF's in a recession. Take for example FAZ. FAZ provides 3x inverse exposure to a market-cap-weighted index of US large-cap financial companies. Since 2009 FAZ went from around 50,000 to 10 dollars.

    I'm just new to ETF's but I presume this is from all the ETF splits. This makes it a bit harder to decipher how high it would rise if there was a significant correction in the market.

    Basically, I'm wondering if, lets say there was a recession half as bad as 2008 how would you go about trying to figure out how high FAZ would rise?

    My second question is, Are inverse leveraged ETF's even profitable if you were to time the recession right. If I remember correctly there was a thread on reddit where one guy claimed, and I quote "inverse leveraged etf's actually lost money in 2008".

    Your knowledge would be really appreciated if you had a few minutes to spare.

    Thanks, B.P :)

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