What is the IEM? The IEM is an online futures market where contract payoffs are based on real-world events such as political outcomes, companies' earnings per share (EPS), and stock price returns. The market is operated by University of Iowa Henry B. Tippie College of Business faculty as an educational and research project. Who can participate in the IEM? The IEM is operated for research and teaching purposes. All interested participants world-wide can trade in our political markets. Other markets--such as the earnings and returns markets--are open only to academic traders. Are the participants playing with real money? YES. Trading accounts can be opened for $5 to $500. Participants then use their funds to buy and sell contracts. Traders therefore have the opportunity to profit from their trades but must also bear the risk of losing money. https://tippie.biz.uiowa.edu/iem/faq.html#whatis I believe Oct 31 was the deadline for opening an account, but it is interesting to see how the money votes.
Hillary futures have taken a beating the last few days. Last price 0.58; smacked from about 0.92 a week ago. Hillary tested her all time high but failed to reach while The Donald explodes out of a sub 10-cent low. The FBI must have found some seriously incriminating info in those 650,000 Hillary emails backed up on Weiner's laptop. Whoops, forgot to scrub that hard drive. Appears like Hillary will test 0.55 and The Donald 0.45. Then we'll see if another shoe drops.