Too bad on that it happens to all of us at one time or another. IRT dropped out of the trading channel inter-day but closed back in the channel. Good for the next leg up.
A Director at Independence Realty (NYSEARCA: IRT) is Buying Shares Independence Realty Trust, Inc. had its “buy” rating reiterated by analysts at Compass Point. They now have a USD 10.5 price target on the stock.
I sold IRT some time ago and I may missed the buy today at the bottom of the BB. It should have a little pop on the next rally. If we have a down market tomorrow I may test the water (6 cents a month divi's)
I give IRT a go two posts below @7.54. It got hit hard on the Brexit fallout but made a great recovery. If Brexit can't stop it what is?
Time to Reconsider Independence Realty Trust Inc After Reaching 52-Week High? by hjackson — July 19, 2016 The stock of Independence Realty Trust Inc (NYSEMKT:IRT) hit a new 52-week high and has $15.05 target or 70.00% above today’s $8.85 share price. The 9 months bullish chart indicates low risk for the $433.47M company. The 1-year high was reported on Jul, 20 by If the $15.05 price target is reached, the company will be worth $303.43M more. The 52-week high event is an important milestone for every stock because it shows very positive momentum and is time when buyers come in. During such notable technical setup, fundamental investors usually stay away and are careful shorting or selling the stock. The stock increased 1.84% or $0.16 during the last trading session, hitting $8.85. About 338,980 shares traded hands or 2.20% up from the average. Independence Realty Trust Inc (NYSEMKT:IRT) has risen 20.36% since December 10, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 14.77% the S&P500. Analysts await Independence Realty Trust Inc (NYSEMKT:IRT) to report earnings on August, 3. They expect $0.21 EPS, up 10.53% or $0.02 from last year’s $0.19 per share. IRT’s profit will be $10.29 million for 10.54 P/E if the $0.21 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.21 actual EPS reported by Independence Realty Trust Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 0.00% EPS growth.
REITs Get Own Identity: 4 Stocks to Bet On by Zacks Equity Research Published on September 06, 2016 | EPR HCP OHI IRT Real estate investment trusts (REITs) have carved a niche for themselves and earned their own sector on the S&P 500 index after the market close (ET) on Aug 31, 2016. In fact, after separating from the financial sector, REITs now represent one of 11 sectors in the group. The creation of a separate sector by the S&P Dow Jones Indices and MSCI Inc. reflects the prominence that real estate is gaining in the global economy. Moreover, the move is expected to draw in billions into REITs as investment managers will realign their portfolio strategies to bet more on the less volatile sector. So, valuations are expected to get a push. Notably, this new sector includes equity REITs, while mortgage REITs remain in the financial sector under a subindustry. Presently, there are 27 REITs in the S&P 500 and all of them are Equity REITs. Equity REITs Outperform Broader Market So far this year, Equity REITs have outperformed the broader market. In fact, the FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITs Index is up 13.78% this year through Sep 1, against the 7.81% rise witnessed by the S&P 500 Index. Anticipation of a rate hike in the near term and Brexit-related concerns caused hiccups in August and pushed the FTSE NAREIT All Equity REITs Index down by 3.47% compared with just 0.1% added by the S&P 500. However, such anxieties seem to have ebbed. This is because, so long as rate hikes are backed by a solid improvement in the economy, Equity REITs have every reason to prosper. On the one hand, job growth has been steady and consumer confidence is building up. On the other hand, economic weakness in the past reined in supply at a manageable level. Amid this, real estate landlords seem well poised for growth in occupancy and can command higher rents for their spaces. 4 REITs to Bet On As REIT gets its new status, it is time for investors to prudently pick names from the space. To zero in on REIT stocks, there is nothing safer than depending on the Zacks Stock Ranking system. Here, we shortlist 4 REIT stocks with a solid Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) and guaranteed gains. Also, these have solid dividend yields. Independence Realty Trust, Inc. (IRT - Snapshot Report) is focused on acquiring and owning well-located garden-style and mid-rise apartment properties. The company is based in the United States. The stock has a dividend yield of 7.5%. Its current cash flow growth is 283.26% against the industry average of 34.38%. Further, projected sales growth is 40.43% against the industry average of 6.48%. INDEP REALTY TR Price INDEP REALTY TR Price | INDEP REALTY TR Quote HCP Inc. (HCP - Analyst Report) invests in health care related real estate located throughout the United States, including senior housing, post-acute/skilled nursing, life science, medical office, and hospitals. HCP has a dividend yield of 5.89%. The company stands to gain from its diverse portfolio, rising healthcare spending and an aging population. The stock has witnessed solid estimate revisions over the past one month. HCP INC Price HCP INC Price | HCP INC Quote Omega Healthcare Investors Inc. (OHI - Snapshot Report) invests in income-producing health care facilities, principally long-term care facilities, with the objective of profitable growth and further diversification of the investment portfolio. The company is based in Hunt Valley, MD. The dividend yield of the company is 6.55%. The stock enjoys a current cash flow growth of 31.66%, which is well ahead of the industry average of 15.84%. Also, projected sales growth is 18.84% against the industry average of 6.14%, which is encouraging. OMEGA HLTHCARE Price OMEGA HLTHCARE Price | OMEGA HLTHCARE Quote EPR Properties (EPR - Snapshot Report) , based in Kansas City, MO, is a specialty real estate investment trust that invests in three primary segments: Entertainment, Recreation and Education. Its properties include megaplex theatres, entertainment retail centers, and destination recreational and specialty properties. The company’s current dividend payout yields 4.83%. Its current cash flow growth is 17.09% against the industry average of 9.42%. Further, projected sales growth is 20.71% against the industry average of 1.67%. EPR PROPERTIES Price EPR PROPERTIES Price | EPR PROPERTIES Quote
Congrats @DutchLung if your still playing IRT. I took my profits some time ago and missed getting back in by a few cents or so...Love that yield...TTT
Thanks @Tiptopptrader, I am indeed still in this one. It handling the down markets well and is headed back up currently. Divy doesnt hurt either. 10.07 +0.05 (0.50%)
Was originally eyeing a 10.25 exit, which was hit shortly after opening today. Starting to look at longer term charts and thinking this might be a good one to hold a few "free shares" for a bit to collect the dividend and keep an eye on. 5th one on its way shortly. Currently up about 35% on this position so far.