June 24th Earnings Reportings

Discussion in 'Stock Market Today' started by ddebrazza, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Going to be interesting for a couple companies who announce their earnings tonight

    BB- BlackBerry
    RAD- RiteAid
    BBBY- Bed Bath and Beyond
    GIS- General Mills
    KMK- CarMax
    NKE- Nike
    FDX- FedEx

    The first 2 have been considered "meme" with RAD being one of the original "meme" stocks

    BB has dropped 0.44cents (3.2%) on a day that has been mostly positive. I never thought I would say this but tomorrow may present a good buying opportunity for BB depending on how low the price goes. Will be interesting to see if it tests some of its previous levels of around 9.00
  2. anotherdevilsadvocate

    anotherdevilsadvocate Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    RAD reported this morning and dumped.

    BB is flat after hours, but I think it will dump tomorrow.

    NKE jumped after hours, I think it will lead the Dow Jones up tomorrow.

    FDX dipped after hours, it's not a very strong stock. Moves real similar to the S&P since 2004, so why not just get SPY/VOO? SPY/VOO even has a better dividend.

    The others don't look like they are reporting.
  3. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I do like ETF's in terms of long-term investing, especially if you dont have the time to be actively researching stocks (or just arent interested)

    I just don't like that they charge a fee and you lose the upside of hand-picking individual stocks that can break out. ETF's seem boring

    There were several ETF's on my initial WishList but so far I have realized that as long as I stay diversified and balanced, my portfolio will generally reflect the outcomes of the market as a whole anyways with an outliar here and there.
  4. ddebrazza

    ddebrazza Active Member

    Jun 23, 2021
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    BB posted a loss, which was expected but did beat their projected loss slightly.

    Will be interesting to see what happens when the market opens.

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