Do you want to learn how to trading in financial market? Yes, my video share it very day. US market: 2017/ 07/ 28 - Live trading LOSS 746.27 USD
Do you want to learn how to trading in financial market? Yes, my video share it very day. Asia market: 2017/ 07/ 31 - Live trading - Loss 565.47 USD
Do you want to learn how to trading in financial market? Yes, my video share it very day. Trend indicator - London: 07/31/2017 - sideway, no news support - dont trading. CAD with Oil uptrend
Do you want to learn how to trading in financial market? Yes, my video share it very day. US 07/31. Total win 3867 USD profits this month, KMVN Trend Indicator improve trading result.
Do you want to learn how to trading in financial market? Yes, my video share it very day. Asia: 08/01 - Waiting AUD central bank Statement. XAU, Oil, XCU, XAG uptrend, CAD USD downtrend.
Trend indicator: GBP, EUR uptrend. AUD, CAD downtrend. Short XAU, UK10Y bond. GBP, EUR uptrend, JPY uptrend. AUD, CAD downtrend. USD not clearly. You can short UK bond with support GBP uptrend. I was short UK10Y bond. Almost commodity downtrend when usd uptrend. Use my indicator you can use intermarket analysis. I was short XAU. XAU downtrend, support by USD uptrend. It is safety to trading. Almost stock global downtrend this time. China50 drop strong. JP225, UK100, EU50 downtrend this time.
Learn to trading from loss: Overtrading make big loss -5.900 $. Dont overtrading - never overtrading. Today loss so much because overtrading. See my result to learn loss trading. Please don’t overtrading. Loss -5.900 USD this time. Floating minus so much now. Remember: never overtrading . Now JPY is very strong. GBP downtrend when rate don’t increase today. EUR uptrend. CAD and AUD downtrend. USD not clear trend this time. UK10Y bond uptrend when BOE don’t increase rate, number member vote keep rate increase. I was short Gold, but I loss and loss. USD not uptrong, some metal increase now. Silver, Platinium uptrend. UK100 and EU50 uptrend, SP500 downtrend on lower time frame.
Today win total 16.223,45 USD. See history on my chart. I was short GBPUSD, GOLD, US10Y and Long SP500 because Nonfarm good result. USD uptrend. AUD, GBP downtrend. US bond downtrend. Almost downtrend when USD uptrend. With my indicator, you can check easy with these line. Only Oil and Gas upward. SP500 downtrend. EU50, UK100 uptrend. Baidu, Motorola, JP chase, GE, GM uptrend