Margin questions for a newbie (paper trading)

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by TinneM, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. TinneM

    TinneM New Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Hello Stockaholics,

    Could someone help me how to calculate the margin for this? I don’t understand the math, and I would like to practice it in my paper trading account.

    If I want to increase my position in a stock, the share price is $10 and I need a margin deposit of 20% to open the position, if I put down $1000 how many shares can I buy?

    If I want to purchase government bonds, and looking for a maturity between 5-10 years. The initial margin requirement is 10% of the market value. The bond I selected is %115 with a face value of $1000, if I invest $1000 how many bonds can I buy given the margin requirements?

    If I want to purchase government bonds, and looking for a maturity between 5-10 years, the initial margin requirement is %10 of the market value. The bond I selected is trading at $115 with a face value of $1000. I wish to invest $1000 what is the total exposure and actual margin requirement I need?

    Thank you
  2. spindr0

    spindr0 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2021
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    Regarding the margin for the additional share purchase, there's insufficient information.

    In the U.S., Reg T margin is 50% for long positions but if you already own marginable shares, they can provide some of the margin for a new position. So the answer depends on your locale, the initial margin rate, how much you own in marginable securities and the amount of free cash.

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