Swinging into Friday.. NWPN...Low this week...0080..High....0175..Buy on Dip SPONF...Low this week...0069...High....0120..Buy on Dip
RLTR..Multimedia Company...Oversold Closed down 39% Thursday...1650 This week...09-.29 A Barchart Strong Buy
News at 7:00 EPAZ....0231 Sells software programs to schools ..hospitals and government agencies Just announced expanding international sales will be seen in third quarter financials. Low Float 45 million
Morning Look GRBX...Blockchain Down..16% Low Float of 22 million StockTA..Bullish short and long A Barchart Strong Buy
Timber with COUV Down 30% ....0086 That is the bad news..Good news take a chance good lead to great upside.
Late week buys BTHR...Down..20%...0311 NWBO...Down..13%..1.18 BRTXQ...Down...26%....0192 COUV...Down...26%...01 PHBI..Down..22%....0069
Garage Sale Saturday Oversold Friday TRUE..Closed down 27%..3.71 Internet based Auto info Low Float 69 million This week Low..3.66..High..4.63 A Barchart Weak Buy ACRX..Closed 1.45 Pharma focuses on treatment of acute pain. Low this week..1.45..High..1.96 A Barchart Buy