CFPZF::Canfor Company..Lumber Products...up 70% today..Canadian Billionaire wants to take stock private at 16.00 a share.
EDN..SUPV...CRESY..all oversold today.. EDN: Sells electricity in Argentina..8.10 down 55%. SUPV: Sells Banking Products in Argentina..Down 50% today to 3.70 CRESY: Sells Agricultural Products in Brazil..Down 50% today to 6.18..
Tuesday keep an eye out for EDN...SUPV...CRESY all got crushed today but all oversold. FCX still at 52 week low capable of taking off. CFPZF big uptick and will continue to rise..Majority Billionaire share holder wants to go private with the stock. XBIO...CYOU and VISL low entry points..News Wed. on VISL.. if good will rise from the 1.00 point it is right now. LBUY moved green for a time today still very good point to enter. APHD dropped 34% today. Went to low .0029..ended .0031 could recover big tomorrow.
APOP: Up 40% Monday..Israel based Biotechnology..Cellect announced continuation and enrollent of phase two of Apograft. PCTL: Up 70% Monday. CANB: Up 23% yesterday on news of launching CBD Dispensories. YRIV: Real Estate Company in China reached price of 1.37 yesterday up 86% Projected as a potential 8.00 stock.
The three stocks yesterday that were oversold: EDN...Closed Monday at 7.67..reached high today at 8.40..SUPV closed yesterday 3.16..reached 3.70 today..CRESY closed yesterday 6.16 reached a high of 6.88. FCX closed Moday 9.52..high today 9.89 APHD: Sank to 52 week low today .0022..but bounced to a high of .0048 ..Still ended at a big uptick of .0031..could be a great swing stock..keep a watch Wednesday. XSPT talked about a few days ago. Hit 52 week low..Today killed at .0043 and ended .0034 VISL at 1.01..Second quarter news tomorrow ..Good news will send this much higher. SRUXF: Up 432% the other day..Today sand to 52 week low of .09..Ended session at .11..This could sky rocket Wednesday.
XSPT: Down 27% today could be a green day tomorrow..Ended at low .0025..Not a bad entry but ideal .0020-.0022. FCX: Copper play still cheap at 9.36 MTC and DMAC got clobbered today but could rebound Thursday.
CYOU: Motley Fool taps CYOU as one of three small cap stocks to buy this month..At undervalued 5.76..
SINT: Hugh spike yesterday off nice second quarter news..Came back down end of session..Could see another sizable uptick today.
Ten stocks I'v followed over the last month and a good price of entry: LAHO .0004-.0005...PCTL. .01...CYLC..04..IMTL. .0015-.0017...SOAN. .002-.0022 APHD. .0025...RTON. .008...XSPT. .0020...TSOI. .0018-.0020...INMB. 5.20-5.30 Go Green Monday.
When mthe dust cleared today: IMTL did bottom out at .0017 but reached a high of .0029. APHD .0024-.0029..XSPT .0020-.0026... RTON can make some green still at .007..SOAN down 33% not at ideal entry but still might rise tomorrow..SRUXF low volume but get in .06-.08..INMB good day 5.09-5.80. DVAX green again still room for more green. CYOU shares still cheap.