VXRT...DOWN 33% to 1.03..Came out yesterday with news about coming out with vaccine to check coronavirus.. Up Monday should make rebound after this dip..Company has plenty of cash.
TPTW...Sank to new 52 week LOW .0013..KWBT...Nie entry .0247..Kudos to those who jumped in SIAF..UP 50%...WBSI..UP 35%
GREEN PUMP FOR CYLC..It is being pumped this evening..Up 11% today to .24..CYLC is a solid stock withouty a pump...But you can bet it will go strong green Thursday..Great time to go in because when it dips it won't sink below .20
NUTRQ...Watch this morning..Up 30% Wednesday...Might turn into a swing stock.LOW MONDAY .10..HIGH yesterday .25..At Bell .2150
CYLC...Eventhough it was pumped was flat yesterday...Last night came out with news that could push to Green today.