GREEN PUMP for CYLC...Being pumped last night and this morning..SOLID Stock aside from the promotion..Even when it drops later today won't dip much.
TPTW....0025..LOW this week .0020...HIGH .0036..IQST DOWN 44% yesterday to .23..Two weeks ago at .05..Last week HIGH of .51..Can start taking LOW positions if it drops down more..Best option watch movement this morning..Volume continues to be high daily.
VXRT..UP another 80% to 3.00..Reached a HIGH early to 3.40..TPTW down 20% to .0020..Watch mIQST DOWN another 17% to .18
SOAN...DOWN nearly 30% to LOW .0010..SKDI DOWN 15% to .0053..Came out this morning with good revenue news.
APT..FOR YOU HEAVY HITTERS..UP 50% to 17.75..Manufactures face masks..Can't keep up with demand with Coronavirus....Will continue to rise...