Reviving this thread with a blast from the past. Journey -Steve Perry has some amazing pipes and "Don't Stop Believing" was big my area today - car radio, stores and even the gas station!!
Another good oldie that was in my mind when i posted the above that i just corrected was by the Eagles - Heart of the matter but no official video
OK now i'm getting lost in music over here on Youtube and am listening to my absolute favorite artist of all time >> Peter Gabriel - like just about everything this man has done. Very limited vocals in his Passion work but the musical layers are wonderful imo
Just gotta go back a little further and get some Jim Croce in here. Killed in a plane crash in the 70's we lost out on a lot of great songs.
lol ^^ OK, ill go back with you - think she may have been around the same time frame, yes? back to add another that i forgot about & wonder whatever happened to them? Scheherazade album i think was the best musically/lyrically
as I previously post I like any "good music" I like that one from Peter Gabriel thanks Fireopla (never heard that one) Il love this listen to this 9 year old
^^ you're welcome and if i was only allowed to have 12 albums for the rest of my life Gabriel's Passion would be among them. Like Bolero and she has quite a voice for one so young BUT can only handle opera & heavy metal in very small doses! (sister is a soprano with a beautiful voice BUT it was like torture after about 5 minutes so did not attend many of her concerts )
For drummers - listening to a drumming mix i put together and one of my favorites from Passion Sources (inspiration for Gabriel's passion ) playing right now so went to youtube to post here for those that like good drumming
have 3 younger brothers and the youngest introduced me to Eminem many years ago & i had to learn to listen and appreciate a different style than i had grown up with. Don't like everything Eminem has done BUT he has produced some things i really do like. He beyond any doubt he is a very gifted rapper and his ability to spit/rhyme words on the spot is truly amazing. And he definitely has much to say about our "Dotard" pres here in his freestyle video that has been all over the news lol >>
OK Eminem free style news posted above had me heading over to youtube to hear a couple i did like & this was one - tells his life story/struggle very well imo
Em is amazingly gifted. And though much is just shock factor, he says a lot about thigs that are real to him too. Very open in his music. Monster with riahnna is a good one as well. And Hailey's song.
^^ Listened to Monster last night too & the 2 of them work well together. Also liked this one which definitely "shocked" a few way back when but language aside, i totally related to what he was saying lol
welcome to Stockaholics Adding your video for you & for future ref - all you need to do is copy link from youtube and then click 2nd box (media) to the right of smile icon @ top in the post box & paste your link in there & it will post your video. And i too like this one!
I love sexy jazz instrumental. Actually. Play any song with a sax, it will instantly be sexy and so soothing to listen to.