My friends made money on Nvidia this week,3/18-3/22 2019.

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by PlanisViator, Mar 23, 2019.

  1. PlanisViator

    PlanisViator New Member

    Mar 23, 2019
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    The bot said to feel free to ask any question, no matter how stupid, so I wanted to ask:

    How did my friends make money, this week, off of Nvidia?

    Obviously, the made money, because the stock price moved up.

    But, how did they know it would move up, this week?
    Or when it did?

    And how did they make money off of that information?

    In other words, how did they get their information, and how did they benefit from/use that information?

    I understand the answer can be quite complex and not so straightforward; there are different methods to investing; Charts analysis, or news analysis, options trading, regular trading etc.

    So, I don’t care which one it is, I’d like to know, how YOU might’ve known, and what YOU would’ve done.
    And in this specific case, what in particular there was to know, and what in
    particular there was to do.
    All pertinent answers are greatly appreciated.

    The bot said I could ask any question no matter how stupid, and I figured I might as well ask this one.

    The only way I’d be hurt is by words, and as we all know, we oughn’t let words have that effect on us.

    But irrelevant and/or unhelpful, useless comments are not welcome and will not be appreciated. They are a waste of everyone’s time.

    Thanks :).
    #1 PlanisViator, Mar 23, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019

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