Check out the WSJ list of analyst ratings and price targets for Nikola. The lowest price target is $15. Average is $37. These people don't have a clue between them. They will probably set their price targets to the current price, every couple of weeks, like they do for Tesla. Tom's Nikola price target: $0 To be fair, someone like GM might buy it as it approaches $0. It may not get all the way to $0 value but it will get close before a bottom feeder eats it. Bankruptcy is certain. Maybe GM will buy a tiny bit of it from chapter 7.
Well I suppose the brand and domain might be worth something. But that is it. Coupled with the disclosure issues even with the company they combined with in order to get listed, and now GM is looked at by not doing their due diligence. But it is obvious, Nikola and Milton just lied to their partners. Which I call fraud. Yes, GM will do well with the brand, once they pry it out of the big empty warehouse they call Nikola. I will buy in when it hits zero too. edit to add, Elon should bid on the name after it hits bankruptcy liquidation auction.
Word on the street Trevor has 2 sexual harassment charges filed now by ex female employees. I could see this happening.
Oh it is happening. Two things, One, there is no statute of limitations on that charge in Utah. And two, fortunately the girls told people at the time. One of the girls is now a lawyer.
How is this stock still at $18? I don't feel all that sorry for what is going to happen to the people who are still long NKLA. And yet, if you watch CNBC you might think this is just a bit of a rough patch. I'll bet, when this is over, the people who are long now will still watch CNBC and read the traditional channels even though those sources started misrepresenting reality when the automobile was first said to take over from the horse.
Those danged robin hoodlums. They just keep buying things like Nikola, Tesla, and Kodak. One out of three good choices. The rest, I dunno. Wishful thinking?
While Tesla finishes up one of the top 10 largest battery facilities in the world, or as they call it: a prototyping facility, and they also have thousands of people moving three major factory build-outs forward, Nikola is also making progress on their factory. This week, they moved a few construction trailers onto the property and I'm told there are a couple of fence posts installed but I couldn't find them in the drone footage from yesterday. Let's go ahead and give them credit for placing two of the 15,000 posts that are needed. I don't see how anyone who does the least bit of research can hold this stock. Nikola is screwing over a lot more people than just the two who are suing him for assault.
Here is a screen shot of the ground breaking at the end of July. Is anyone here long on Nikola? Perhaps someone can bring me up to speed on what I'm missing? I see a lot of talk, promises, etc. that turn to vapour when investigated. I don't see any way for Nikola to NOT be a scam company.
Two posts, ok, I didn't know how much capital expenditures they have exhausted. Maybe I jumped the gun. All joking aside, Milton stepped down not because of the Hindenburg reports. Instead it was he had early knowledge the charges would be coming forth. Apparently the girls were speaking of their rape online for awhile yet. (and yes, in Utah, any penetration of any kind upon a minor is fully considered rape. He wasn't just grabbing children boobs. He took it to the extreme. She was an underage employee of his, and he was her only ride home after work. She didn't drive yet. He might of taken lessons from Epstein). As far as GM goes. Milton should be charged with securities fraud in my humble opinion. He tried to pull a tesla, but he isn't Elon and doesn't have any of the needed knowledge or experience. Elon makes some wacky promises but he mostly follows through with them. Milton was hoping people would just throw money at him, which they did. What happened next is patent ridiculous. Even John Delorean was able to build some cars before his need for big cash caught him in a coke deal sting. (I think John was just a few decades before his time as far as fund raising. Imagine it if he started his company in todays environment).
Well, it looks like GM isnt so gung-ho about the deal anymore. It will not be sealed tomorrow, and in fact,... The deal may be terminated by either side if it’s not closed by Dec. 3, according to a public filing by Nikola when the partnership was announced.
I apologize for being a broken record but let's break this down.... Lots of people on this site knew Nikola was toast, some months ago. We knew the product was vapourware. We knew how this was going to end. Once again, investors were better served by reading here than following any other source of news.