didn't go past baby boomers because it is a given that the generation before that caught hell in the great depression.
I didn't respond to the poll, because I'm not sure I can do so objectively. We are in the middle of a dramatic shift in morals, while ethics are a fad that is quickly passing. There have always been problems with one person taking a club to another person and taking things from them, but it seems we have come to accept it. I assume this is caused by a generational shift in thinking. Of course, I'm horrified but I think my advancing age keeps me from being able to judge other people objectively. None the less, I will opine that millennials generally have it best. The problem Gen Z will face is that millenials are a scorched earth generation. No offence but millennial seem to have more than their share of snivelling, selfish, non-working, parasites. That does not bode well for generation Z, unless AI can build a nirvana for them, on the ashes of millenial society. I don't see how the US can run a $3T deficit with so many people not working, and have a healthy economy or a healthy society, long term. Somebody has to shovel coal into the furnace of capitalism. However, I will confess, I have no idea how we've been able to go this long giving people money and then selling them stuff that was made in China. How is that an economy? Beats me.
Yep! As the World turns. If you consider cavemen hunted with sticks and rocks, plus being chased by dinosaurs tryIng to eat them and such.