Ronzoil option trades

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by Ronzoil, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.bought back put spread in AMZN for 2.80 this was a $100 loss. This was a mistake on my part

    2.rolled up put in AMZN from 365 to 375 for 3.33 credit big move up today made adjustment

    3.rolled call in S for .20 credit call was going to expire out of the money so rolled it to collect more credit.

    4.rolled put down in BABA for 2.40 debit Put side of this trade was in the money so I rolled it out of the money still have a credit for the over all trade

    Trades after the close on Fri.

    1. 155 call in AAP expired worthless will not replace this trade as I have rolled other calls

    2.put spread in FXE expired worthless
    this closes out FXE condor trade for $60 loss

    3.10 call in P expired worthless.
    100% win on this part of the condor

    4. 11 call in P expired worthless
    100% win on this part of the condor

    5, acquired 1000 shares of P for 8.30
    Time to sell calls against this until I can close it out for a win

    6. acquired 100 shared of P for 9.02
    Time to sell calls against this until I can close it out for a win

    7.acquired 100 shares of VXX for 15.20
    Time to sell calls against this until I can close it out for a win

    #61 Ronzoil, Jun 16, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
  2. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. closed 8 put in P for .88 credit. taking profit on this part of condor that went bad.

    2.sold 7.5 call in P for .10 credit selling calls against stock to turn bad trade into good trade

    3.sold 14 call in VXX for .43 credit was assigned stock as selling call would bring in more credit than just rolling puts

    4.rolled call in AMD for .15 credit with this roll trade is now a winning one

    5.rolled put up in RUT from 1350 to 1370 for 2.62 credit. big move up in price going above upper call so I rolled up put to collect more credit, this might turn into an iron fly

    6. sold 997.5/995 put spread in AMZN for .95 credit good move up trying to score a quick win will expire this week

    7. rolled TMUS for .54 credit trade still underwater so I roll for more credit

    8. closed put spread in AAPL for 50 % win a win is a win cash them in

    9.rolled 155 calls in IBM for 1.93 credit. nice credit so it was up to me to collect it !

    #62 Ronzoil, Jun 19, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
  3. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. closed out XOP call spreads at .17 per share profit. nice trade time to move on

    2.rolled call spread in AAPL for .19 credit This is from the condor that went wrong, so I am rolling to collect more credit.

    3.rolled call in SNAP down from 20 to 19 for .15 credit. 20 strike was far away from the current price so I rolled the call down to collect more credit.

    4. sold naked 22.5 put in KR for .81 credit. seemed like a good trade so I jumped in.

    5. closed out put spread in AMZN for even. with the option set to expire this week seemed like a good idea to close for break even versa possible loss.
  4. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. scalped RIG for .02 win.

    2.closed out put in KMX for .50 win set for auto fill nice win

    3. scalp in RIG for .01

    4.scalp RIG for .01

    5.scalp in RIG for .04

    6.scalp in RIG for .01

    7. scalp in RIG for .01

    8. sold 8 strike call in RIG for .15 expires this week

    9. scalp in RIG for .01

    10. sold strangle in AMAT for 1.43. This is a 30 day trade

    11. close put spread in TSLA for 60 % win . one of my go to trades

    12. rolled put up in BABA from 130/135 for 1.04 credit collecting more on the move up

    13. close out 7.5 call in P for .10 debit along with next trade looking at this like a scalp

    14. sold stock in P for 7.41 total trade a .02 win

    15. sold strangle in AMAT for .50 credit this is a 9 day trade seemed like good reward for short time

    16. scalp in AMD for .01 win

    17. Rolled call in AMD from 12 to 13 for .88 debt I am trying to take advantage of the big move up. paying 88 for and extra dollar is the same as .12 credit
    #64 Ronzoil, Jun 21, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
  5. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. Rolled call in LULU up from 53 to 55 for a .50 debit. This is the same as 1.50 credit. stock moving up dont want stock called away yet

    2. Closed out the trade in TSLA for 50% win this was a one day trade. keeps paying so I keep playing

    3. Sold iron fly in NFLX for 5.00 credit this is a 3 week trade good chance to make $100

    Not many trades today was busy doing other things !
  6. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. rolled call in P from 7.5 to 8 for .12 debit stock moving up so I need to collect

    2. closed out naked put in LULU for 50 % win a win is a win

    3.scalp in RIG for .01

    4. sold condor in XBI for .96 credit worth a shot

    5. rolled call up in AMD from 13 to 13.5 for .41 debit price moving up time to collect

    6.many scalps in AMD

    7. bought AMD stock at 14.46. This along with the selling of the calls seems like a nice payoff if it works !

    8. sold AMD 14.50 call for next week for .37 credit

    #66 Ronzoil, Jun 23, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  7. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Not much trading today, as my work schdule is going to keep me very busy for the next month.

    1. Closed out my naked out in RAD for 40 % win. This trade was loosing from day one so with the move up I closed it out.

    2. sold 370/367.5 put spread in TSLA for .78 credit that expires this week. this trade has been good to me ,so I am going to keep doing it until it is not good to me !
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  8. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. Bought back naked put in KR for 50% win. you know the deal by now if you get to buy it back for half price do it.

    2. sold the 370-367,5 put spread in TSLA for next week for 1.00 credit I sold right before the market made it move down, still think I will make money on the trade might have to roll it a time or two.

    3. sold 62-68 strangle in XLE for 1.25 credit. Good stock to sell a strangle in as it does not move that much.

    A strangle is when you sell in the trade above 62 put and 68 call, naked.
    #68 Ronzoil, Jun 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    stock1234 likes this.
  9. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. closed out naked 17.5 put in SNAP for 50 % win. same old song and dance 50 % check please !

    2.rolled AMT for .29 credit. I have strangle on that was out of the money so I rolled to buy more time and take in more credit,

    3.closed out condor in XBI for a $15 dollar profit. This stock has been known to jump around alot so I cashed out when it turned profitable

    4. rolled put up in RUT for 1.25 credit. This trade is a condor. with the big move up today it blew past my short strike on the call side. so I rolled the put up to collect more credit. This trade could still turn out to be a nice win or a bad loss !

    5. rolled calls in SNAP for .57 credit. The block of stock these call are on is still from an bad earnings trade , and are still under water. So I rolled for a nice credit and very close to getting back to even.

    6.rolled calls in X for .58 credit Same song and dance as with the SNAP trade above.

    7. closed out naked put in X for 30 % win With the big move up I had a chance to make a few $$$ and reduce the total position I have in X.

    Today lesson is about iron condor trades- an Iron condor is when you sell both a call spread and a put spread out of the money on the same stock expiring at the same time. You place this type of trade when you think the stock will not move much in price. it is a defined risk trade so going into it you know what your max loss and your max win can be.

    If you have an option question please feel free to ask. after all you cant beat the price I charge for an answer !
    #69 Ronzoil, Jun 28, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
    Ciao (Sheppy) likes this.
  10. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. sold the 28-36 strangle in MU expires July 21 for 1.60 credit. This was an earning play.

    2.rolled call down in AMAT from 47 to 43 for .54 credit. stock moving down time to roll calls down for more credit.

    3. rolled call up from 55 to 56 in LULU for .45 debt= same as .55 credit. big move up today, I rolled my calls up to collect some of it.

    4.rolled NFLX straddle down from 155 to 152.5 for .88 debt. rolled both call and put down as stock is moving down.

    5.rolled call in AMD down from 14.5 to 14 for .18 credit. stock will not get called away at 14.5 this week so I rolled out two weeks and down

    6. rolled AMD 13.5 calls for .25 credit. stock will not get called away this week so I rolled out 2 weeks to collect more credit,

    7. rolled VXX for .46 credit. trying to reduce my cost in the bad trade

    8. rolled P up from 8 to 8.5 call for .29 debit, same as .21 credit. price keeps going up so I am trying to collect some.

    9. bought calendar in GLD for 1.76 debt. seems like worth taking a shot looking for 10-15 % win
  11. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    Hi Ronzoil
    nice and interesting at one point (last year) I was getting interested on condor etc... but it looks very complicated to DD further
    then again I thought why complicating my trading life when I do fine with scalping the stocks :p:D
    I do few options from here (Paris) had a bad one in USA lost nearly 4K$:eek::( but that was my fault (lucky it come off my profit and not the capital) c'est la vie :D

    take care you doing a great job.... shame not many options trader here ....
    they could have a good teacher and he doesn't even charge for answers ;):D:D
  12. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Thanks for the kind words. I think most people are scared of options because you hear the bad stories of how people lost big time.
    Well if you dont know what your doing you can loose big time.

    But with some education along with learning you can be profitable.
  13. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. rolled put in GT for one week for .30 Credit the reason for this is the rate of return .30 a week on a 35 dollar stock is 41 % a year.

    2.closed out earning trade in MU one day trade 50% winner. I did it an earnings trade that is a winner !

    3.closed out put spread in TSLA for 1.68 loss. I hate closing a trade out for a loss, the only way to repair this trade was to roll the short put but that requires around 37k of capital. and with all the winning trades in TSLA I guess I can afford to give some back.

    4. closed out condor in AMZN for a $100 profit. With all the movement in the market I had a chance to close this trade out for a nice profit and take the risk off the table.

    5. Close out strangle in WBA for a 50 % win. you know the drill if you can get 50 % take the money and run.

  14. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. close out trade on RUT for $110 win. This is a high dollar stock when you can get out with a win, run.

    2. closed out trade on TSLA for $150 loss. stock making big move down I closed out at max loss for my spread,

    3.sold naked 17 put in SNAP for .70 credit, This stock seems to have good support at 17 sold I sold puts for a nice credit.

    4, 3 cent scalp in BAC. nice little win.

    5. Bought BAC stock at 24.90 this along with next trade will be nice win.

    6. sold BAC 25 call for this Friday for .12 credit.

    7,close out fly in NFLX for $38 profit. take risk off table and move on.

    8. rolled put spread in BABA for 1.43 credit. This is an earnings trade that went bad 5 months ago. with this credit I am now above water.
  15. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. closed put spread in AAPL for $ 50 loss. Could not roll for a profit so I closed and moved on.

    2.rolled P call up from 8.5 to 9 for .07 debt this is the same as .43 credit and with the stock close to 9 buck it is a good trade.

    3.sold strangle in ADBE for 1.73 credit. good shot at making 25% on this trade.

    4.bought back call in BAC for .16 see next trade.

    5. sold BAC stock for 25.01. This was a total scalp win of 7 cents per share. nice trade

    6. rolled call in IBM for .47 credit. still underwater so I am getting closer to making this a win.

    7.rolled call in GT for .25 credit. rolled for 1 week this is a return of 37% cant beat that !

    8. rolled call in GM for .21 credit.rolled for 1 week this is a return of 31%

    9.rolled TMUS put down from 66 to 64 for 1.58 debit. I had collect 1.51 in credit so using that money to lower from 66 to 64 was worth it.
  16. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.rolled RIG 8 calls to next week for .12 credit. on an 8 dollar stock this is a 78 % return !

    2. many scalps in AMD from 1 to 3 cents

    3. sold 300-295 put spread in TSLA for next week for .96 credit. I think it has hit bottom, only one way to find out !

    4. rolled 22 calls in X for .58 credit. Still a loosing trade, so I am rolling to reduce the loss. maybe by this time next year !
  17. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.scalp in UVXY for 2 cents. This is a good stock to scalp.

    2.close out stock and call in GT for $50 win. I had to many shares of this so I close some out.

    3.rolled 20 put in SNAP for 1.07 credit. with the price going down seemed like a good time to roll.

    4. rolled 18 put in SNAP for 1.01 credit. same as above.
  18. B Russ

    B Russ Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2017
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    wow im glad i looked at your thread. I had never heard of tasty works. but yeah. I have racked up $100 in broker fees in just 2 weeks with TOS. i absolutely love that platform, but not the fees. and tasty is created by the same guy?!? phenomenal! my tasty account will be ready in 1 to 3 days. thanks!

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