I remember reading back before the IPO, that Snap Chat doesn't have their own cloud space, instead they've leased it from Google....... So, they're on the hook for that bill no matter what And if they start out in a hole (which looks to be the case) that bill might be a HUGE burden to the balance sheet! Buyer beware
Snapchat parent Snap ($SNAP) is likely to see significant weakness after reporting a wider than expected first quarter loss on revenues that came in below expectations.
I guess my question is - was the $2.1 billion spent in stock compensation for the IPO a one time charge? If so then that would explain why it's been getting bought since the $17.07 low in AH after earnings. Remember $17-18 was originally listed as the IPO price a couple weeks before it went live and opened at $23.50. Btw yesterday I saw a 2.6 million share order go in at 18.05.
Nope Tried it... Got on my nerves... I kept getting notifications only to click and find them gone Funny, it showed quite a few of my friends had accounts, but turns out most of them don't use it either... They all had the same complaints... Messages disappearing before you get a chance to read them, or expiring if you don't reply right away....... Facebook messenger or an "old fashioned" text is a much easier way to keep in touch with friends I found one friend who uses it regularly, she showed me how to use all those filters... Those are actually pretty cool!..... I'm sure people with nothing better to do could have a lot of fun making funny pictures and videos...... But, fortunately, I'm not one of those people
I haven't replied to this thread before but as a college student I will say most definitely. Almost all of my generation is quite obsessed with it. The only thing is is that even though they have their advertisements popping up frequently while going through your friends' snapchat stories, they are easy to skip. Will Instagram stories win over though? Not sure. I don't think they can kill snapchat but they are definitely a good competitor. Facebook stories, on the other hand, is completely useless (which i suppose doesn't matter since Facebook owns Instagram)
Your avatar is hilarious! Personally, I think SNAP is fighting a losing battle. People are all about convenience and if Facebook/Instagram keep up with their new stories platform then people will have no need to close out of their apps in order to open SNAP. The only difference between the two right now is the nudity factor - with FB/Insta people can report you and they have content QC people now watching everything. SNAP should just sell their platform to the porn industry already.
Good to hear insight from the younger generation on this one At 36, I'm not old enough to hate technology, but I'm not young enough to jump on a "fadwagon" either.... Snap Chat didn't appeal to me at all.... Facebook does, because it keeps me in touch with people I like, but don't like enough to call or text on the regular otherwise Plus, they're always finding new ways to keep users active... My favorite are the "memories"... Now Facebook doubles as your "little black book", with everyone you've ever met in your life only a click or search away, AND your own personal photo album, with little flashbacks added every day Anyone could step in with a newer, more fancy messenger app than Snap Chat.... But nobody can step in with a fraction of your life (or whole life, depending on your age) archived the way Facebook has That's what is called a "moat".... Question is, does Snap have one?... What happens when the funny filters aren't funny anymore?... How to they keep users coming back?
Facebook, Snap are sitting on a $16 billion opportunity - http://www.marketwatch.com/story/fa...llion-opportunity-2017-05-31?siteid=rss&rss=1
Had a feeling this resistance line would hold, even though it kept hanging around it last week Curious to see how vigorously $19 is defended.
Sheesh - glad i set a sell and got out with a small loss b/c many times i don't set sells >> "...Short interest -- or wagers against a company's stock price -- for Snap has now climbed to more than $1 billion..." Wall Street Is Now Betting a Mind-Blowing $1 Billion That Snapchat Is a Big Disappointment - https://www.thestreet.com/story/141...on-that-snapchat-is-a-big-disappointment.html
Lots of potential here and they have the youth/hip demo. The grown-ups are taking notice. Possible acquisition target.
For now, yes. The youth tend to give up on social media all too quickly though. Wouldn't be surprised if in 2 years a cool new app came out and everyone forgot about Snapchat.