SNF.V - Sunora Foods Inc.

Discussion in 'Canadian Stocks Message Boards' started by TheDude, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods Q1 Results. Financials + MD&A Highlights

    Price: $0.20
    Common Shares: 42,254,332
    Insider/Institutional Holdings: 71% total, as per information circular. CEO holds 52%


    Cash: $3,133,920
    Accounts Receivable: $1,254,247
    Accrued Interest: $1,537
    Inventory: $533,623
    Prepaid Expenses: $15,760
    Goods & Services Tax Recoverable: $10,545
    Income Tax Recoverable: $118,130
    Deferred Tax Asset: $159,545
    Total Assets: $5,227,307

    Accounts Payable: $1,084,857
    Customer Deposits: $40,020
    Total Liabilities: $1,124,877

    NAV = $5,227,307 - $1,124,877 = $4,102,430 or ($0.097) or $0.10c a share net asset value. Junior earnings based companies with established positive cash flow usually trade at a 4-5 times multiple, if not more. Even exploration based companies with no revenue and high-risk trade at a greater multiple than SNF, which is a 27 year old established company(see their website)

    Q1 2017 Sales Breakdown
    Sales: $3,480,230 (last year sales - $2,687,379)
    Income Before Tax: $91,178
    Net Income: $66,560 (last year profit - $24,971)

    Breakdown of sales by region
    USA - $2,701,689 (Last year - $2,167,415)
    Canada - $252,384 (Last year - $235,713)
    International - $526,157 (Last year - $284,251)

    Previous FULL Years Of Sales
    2014 - $13,235,038 - $189,073 - Added listing expenses incurred from merger with capital pool
    2015 - $10,815,959 - $502,182 - Net income of $200,000 affected by currency exchange
    2016 - $12,254,101 - $282,794 - Currency loss of $34,000 or else net income was stable y/o/y

    MD&A Highlights

    Sunora Foods Inc. (“Sunora Foods”) is a Calgary-based trader and supplier of canola, olive and other food oils. Currently, the Company is a relatively modestly-sized player participating in an international business populated by some of the largest companies in the world. It has successfully maintained a niche position that has been achieved by building strong relationships with its suppliers and customers through a history of reliable and responsive service. While the Company regularly cooperates with many of these companies, it also occasionally competes with companies that have far greater resources.

    Sunora had 29.5% higher sales for the three-month period ended March 31, 2017 than the comparative three-month period. The increase in sales resulted from greater sales of bulk oil to the United States and an 85% increase in sales overseas.

    The $66,560 of net income and comprehensive income in the three-months ended March 31, 2017 was 167% higher than the same period of 2016. This was primarily a result of foreign exchange income of $10,833 as opposed to a foreign exchange loss of $82,655 in the comparative period. Gross margin declined from 9.4% to 6.7% as a result of an increase in bulk sales, which yield lower margins relative to packaged products.

    Sunora's current assets consist of cash, accounts receivable, inventory, prepaid expenses and income tax recoverable. Cash is held for working capital requirements and to fund expansion costs for new markets and customers. A policy of conserving cash is rigorously followed by management in order to sustain operations and foster its marketing strategies. Accounts receivable increased 32.1% from December 31, 2016 due to higher sales. The 21.8% increase in inventory is due to increased purchases in anticipation of future sales.

    Sunora's current liabilities consist of accounts payable and accrued liabilities, income tax payable and customer deposits. Accounts payables and accrued liabilities increased 13.8% from December 31, 2016, due to increased purchases at the end of this quarter. Nevertheless, Sunora is committed to its policy to manage its trade payables on a current basis and maintain its excellent credit standing.

    A direct correlation to Sunora's increased sales has been its marketing efforts. Over the years, Sunora has established good relationships with its sale staff, giving them more flexibility and autonomy as mutual trust has developed in these relationships. In North America, Sunora has worked with brokers who have introduced new customers to the Company. Sales to independent distributors have also grown, mostly in overseas countries, who have given Sunora entry into many foreign markets. Product sales to foreign distributors and for other customers are final and not returnable.

    Net income for the first quarter of 2017 decreased 16% from the fourth quarter of 2016. The decrease was due to the lower gross margins. Compared to the quarter ended March 31, 2016, net income increased by 167%. Earnings per share – basic and diluted, for the first quarter of 2017 and for the fourth quarter of 2016 were $0.002 per share for each quarter. It increased from $0.001 per share for the quarter ended March 31, 2016.

    Management is actively identifying and analyzing operations that might increase gross margins for the Company. Prospective businesses considered include packagers and suppliers in the food oil industry. With each operation identified, a detailed review and analysis is undertaken by management. Specific focus is currently on packagers with operations in Canada that are looking for a strategic partner to expand international operations. Management is also actively considering possible new products that may benefit from new domestic and international markets where it is currently active. With the continuing positive momentum in the United States economy and new customers being added in Asia, Sunora is well placed for the future.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods May 2017 Export Catalogue (Alberta Government)$Depart...trade14246/$FILE/export_catalogue_may2017.pdf

    On Page 57

    Sunora Foods, based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, has its roots in canola oil. The very name – Sunora – is derived from the sun golden canola flowers that grow in the fields in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies. Sunora is internationally recognized for its canola oil and related canola products and is a major Canadian exporter of food oil. Although Sunora Foods has its roots in canola oil, many customers turn to Sunora for other food oils and canola margarine. To these customers, Sunora means corn oil or soybean oil or sunflower oil. With its international trading capabilities, the company is often the best and most cost-effective source of corn oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil.
  3. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Canola revolution: How an experiment turned Canadian farmers into cooking oil kings

    In the heart of Canada’s bread basket, a Richardson International Ltd. processing plant stands as a testament to what may be the country’s most successful agricultural experiment.

    Farmers across the Prairie Provinces are planting a record acres of canola, a crop that didn’t exist about four decades ago but now is the nation’s biggest, sown on more land than spring wheat. Richardson was the first company to market canola oil. It has since expanded capacity at factories like the one in Lethbridge, Alberta, as global demand exploded and Canada became the top exporter of an oilseed used in everything from salad dressing to french fries.

    Richardson’s facility now spans six square blocks — a warren of crushing machines, conveyor belts, railroad links and grain silos devoted entirely to canola. After a C$120 million upgrade to expand capacity by 55 percent, it will be able to process 700,000 metric tons annually, boosting exports of oil and related products including margarine and buttery popcorn topping.

    “It’s almost a constant turnover” of jugs, barrels and bottles of oil shipped to grocers, fast-food restaurants, hospitals and bakers every day of the work week, said Steve Scott, the plant’s maintenance manager. Pointing to a tanker car capable of hauling 80 tons, he said, “a big potato-chip plant will be taking a couple of these a week.”

    Canadian scientists invented canola in 1974 by breeding out undesirable traits from the rapeseed plant, though it didn’t get the name “canola” until 1978.

    The seed has more than twice as much oil as a soybean, and canola oil has become popular in cooking and deep frying. It’s rich in heart-healthy fatty acids found in salmon and tuna that lower bad cholesterol and help control blood sugar, with no artery-clogging trans fats. Canola oil has about 7 percent saturated fat, about half as much as olive oil and a fraction of what’s in palm oil, according to the Canola Council of Canada.

    “The healthy oil profile that canola enjoys is going to keep it popular,” said David Reimann, a market analyst in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for Cargill Ltd., the world’s largest agricultural company. “It’s a huge, huge market and can certainly tolerate a lot more acreage and production.”

    Farmers are doing just that. While planting is a little behind schedule because of wet weather, Canadian growers eventually will sow 22 million acres of canola this year, the most ever, government data show. The planting season will end in a few weeks.

    Production of canola probably will reach a record 18.75 million tons, more than half of which will be exported to big buyers like the U.S., China and Mexico, the government’s Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada said in a May 24 report. Demand also is growing, with global imports of rapeseed set to jump 5.2 percent to a record 16.18 million tons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates, with Canada accounting for about 68 percent of total shipments.

    Canola prices have held up better than competing oilseeds as supplies increased. Canola now fetches a premium to soybeans, and it has outperformed palm oil, which is down almost 20 percent in the past year.

    Still, farmers have plenty of incentive to supply more as domestic demand grows, with Canadian processors poised to crush a record 9 million tons in the 12-month season through July, and a similar amount in the next year, according to the the nation’s agriculture ministry.

    The global market for rapeseed, which includes canola, reached C$8.9 billion last year, a 61 percent increase from 2011, and is forecast to grow another 51 percent from 2016 to 2021, the most of any edible oil, including olive oil and sunflower oil, according to data from Euromonitor International. Since canola oil is not just for human consumption, part of that growth may go toward other uses such as animal feed, said Hope Lee, a senior analyst.

    Rising demand for healthier cooking oils from North American consumers and a growing middle class in Asia has helped boost exports, said Bruce Jowett, vice president of market development for the Canola Council of Canada. That, in turn, has prompted farmers to continue to seed more acres and for processors to invest “significantly” in increasing the amount of oil and meal they can export, he said.

    In 2015, the Food and Drug Administration determined that partially hydrogenated oils, the main source of trans fats that contribute to heart disease, are not generally recognized as safe. Many companies — including McDonald’s Corp. and Unilver Plc — have committed to phasing out trans fats from their food products.

    Processing capacity has more than doubled in the past decade. The industry, including Richardson International, Bunge Ltd. and Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., has spent about C$1 billion to upgrade and expand. Canada may produce as much as 26 million tons of canola by 2025, a 41 percent increase from 2016, Jowett said.

    “Canola is the healthiest oil that’s out there,” Jowett said. “As consumers become more educated about their health, they can see that consuming less saturated fat is a good thing.”
  4. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods estimates Q2 2017 sales of $3.26-million

    2017-07-06 09:46 MT - News Release

    Mr. Dean Stuart report


    Sunora Foods Inc. has released unaudited, preliminary sales figures for the second quarter and six months ending June 30, 2017.

    Second Quarter Sales 2017: $3,264,801

    Second Quarter Sales 2016: $2,833,043

    Six Months Sales 2017: $6,745,567

    Six Months Sales 2016: $5,517,699

    Six Months 2017 Sales Breakdown

    Canada $479,648

    United States $5,081,684

    Overseas $1,184,234

    The Corporation is also pleased to announce results from the Annual General and Special Meeting held on July 5, 2017.

    Yes (%) No (%) Abstain (%)
    Set number of directors at four 92.28 7.722 0.00
    Steve Bank 99.92 0.00 0.08
    James Lawson 91.25 0.00 8.75
    Alan Chan 91.25 0.00 8.75
    Eric Dahlberg 91.25 0.00 8.75
    Appointment of Auditors 100.00 0.00 0.00
    New Stock Option Plan 99.98 0.00 0.00

    About Sunora Foods

    Sunora Foods is a Calgary, Alberta based food oil entity trading and supplying canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, olive oil, and specialty oils in Canada and internationally under the "Sunora", "Sunera" and numerous private label brands.

    Copyright (c) 2017 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.

    © 2017 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
  5. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    2 to 3 weeks to go until financial results are out for Sunora Foods. Until then I wanted to post a very interesting article on how Canola oil can help clean up tons of mercury tainted tails and waste water around the world:

    Cooking oil could help clean up mercury at mining sites, researchers say

    Researchers at Flinders University in Australia published a study where they demonstrate how a canola oil polymer, when combined with sulphur, can trap mercury metal, mercury vapour and highly toxic organo-mercury compounds.

    Mercury and mercury-containing materials are commonly used in small-scale mining operations to extract gold from ore. However, the liquid element is also employed by many chloralkali plants and in certain farms as fungicide.

    By combining second-hand cooking oil and sulphur – a common, low-cost byproduct from petroleum production –, the scientists were able to produce a new kind of rubber-like polymer capable of absorbing mercury pollution in soil, water and even the air. The novel substance even changes colour to indicate it has done its job.

    “Because our mercury-capturing material is made from waste, our goal is to provide a cost-effective and technically simple material for cleaning up mercury pollution at gold mines,” said lead-researcher Justin M. Chalker in a press release.

    Artisanal mining is the largest producer of mercury emissions worldwide and, according to the United Nations Environment Programme, mercury rich tailings and exposure to mercury vapour threaten the health of nearly 15 million people involved in this field of work.

    “This pernicious problem,” Chalker said, “is causing brain damage and loss of IQ points in unborn children.”

    The scientist's mercury-binding polymer is already licensed for sale to Kerafast, a US-based reagent company. Meanwhile, the Flinders University team that created it is raising funds to develop a pilot reactor and production plant in South Australia.
  6. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Less than 10 business days left to go before SNF’s Q2 results are out. In the meantime, I found a website that just started following Sunora Foods, see below:


    I’ve decided to experiment in the Canadian Micro-cap space. Micro-caps are those companies on the TSX and TSX Venture Exchange that trade below $100 million market capitalizations. Out of hundreds of companies, I selected only 16 stocks (see below – do you own any of these stocks too?). I looked for micro companies that can possibly turn into multi-baggers on the foundation of their unique product/service, large addressable market, long runway to grow, exceptional management, high/steady gross margins, high revenue growth, and in most cases – profitable, cash flow positive, high return on equity (ROE), and return on capital (ROIC) operations.

    Check out my MicroCap Portfolio (est. Aug 2017) below – 16 micro cap stocks. I’ll provide updates in the future – hopefully it all works out. I’m well aware that some micro-caps might fail, while others will be average performers, but it’s the 2-3 that possibly turn into multi-baggers that I’m really excited about. Overtime, I’ll invest more capital into the winners, and trim or eliminate the losers, if any decline more than 50%. We’ll see – time will tell. (note – I previously owned 4 micro-cap stocks below – Intrinsync Technologies, Greenspace Brands, Ten Peaks Coffee, and Ceapro, but have now segmented them into my new MicroCap Portoflio).

    My Canadian MicroCap Portfolio (est. Aug 2017)

    Namsys Inc
    Vigil Health Solutions
    Pioneering Technology Corp
    Vitreous Glass Inc
    AirIQ Inc
    DMD Digital Health Connections Group Inc
    Redishred Capital Corp
    Sunora Foods Inc
    Bevo Agro Inc
    Imaflex Inc
    Diamond Estates Wines & Spirits Inc
    CVR Medical Corp
    Intrinsync Technologies
    Greenspace Brands
    Ten Peaks Coffee
  7. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods earns $82,525 in Q2 2017

    2017-08-29 08:06 MT - News Release

    Mr. Dean Stuart reports


    Sunora Foods Inc. has filed its financial statements and management discussion and analysis for the second quarter ending June 30, 2017. These filings are available for review on SEDAR and the corporation's website.

    During the second quarter ended June 30, 2017 Sunora's highlights include the following:
    • - Revenue of $3,164,688 for Q2 2017 versus revenue of $2,835,773 for the comparable Q2 2016, an increase of 11.6%;
    • - International sales of $567,204 for in Q2 2017 versus international sales of $574,619 for the comparable Q2 2016;
    • - Net Income from operations for the three month period ending June 30, 2017 of $82,525;
    • - Trade dispute settled for Cdn $434,684, including estimated legal costs;
    • - Net comprehensive income after settlement of trade dispute of ($243,175) for the Q2 2017 period;
    • - Cash and Cash Equivalents of $3,356,010 and working capital of $3,709,554 at the end of Q2 2017.

    Financial Highlights

    Second Quarter ending June 30, 2017
    Sales $3,164,688
    Gross Margin $253,684
    Net Income from Operation $82,525
    Net Comprehensive Income ($243,175)
    Earnings Per Share ($0.006)

    About Sunora Foods Inc.

    Sunora Foods is a Calgary, Alberta based food oil entity trading and supplying canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, olive oil, and specialty oils in Canada and internationally under the "Sunora", "Sunera" and numerous private label brands.

    © 2017 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
  8. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods Q2 Results(Ending June 30th2017)
    All Information Below Can Be Found At

    Price: $0.175

    Common Shares: 42,254,332
    Retail Shares Available: 12,254,332
    Insider/Institutional Holdings: 71% total, as per information circular. CEO holds 52%

    Balance Sheet For Q2

    Cash: $3,356,010
    Accounts Receivable: $1,090,006
    Accrued Interest: $2,527
    Inventory: $343,899
    Prepaid Expenses: $9,647
    Goods Tax Recoverable: $22,259
    Income Tax Recoverable: $125,727
    Deferred Tax Asset: $159,545
    Total Assets: $5,119,620

    Accounts Payable: $1,181,778
    Customer Deposits: $68,743
    Total Liabilities: $1,250,521

    Q2 Sales
    Revenue: $3,164,688
    Gross Margin: $253,684
    Income From Operations: $82,525
    Claim Settlement: -$434,684 – One time expense
    Income Tax Recovery: $108,984
    Net Loss For Quarter: -$243,175

    Year – Sales – Profit/(Loss) – Additional Information
    2017(Q1/Q2) - $6,644,917 – ($176,616) – Increased sales Y/O/Y, loss from settlement
    2016 - $12,254,101 - $282,794 - Currency loss of $34,000 or else net income was stable
    2015 - $10,815,959 - $502,182 - Net income of $200,000 affected by currency exchange
    2014 - $13,235,038 - $189,073 - Added listing expenses incurred from merger with capital pool

    MD&A Highlights

    The legal settlement arises from a statement of claim filed against the Corporation in 2015 by one of its vendors, who alleged that Sunora wilfully did not accept deliveries of soybean oil pursuant to a contractual arrangement. The vendor claimed USD $506,798 in damages relating to losses allegedly suffered. Sunora denied responsibility for such a claim. However, on the recommendation of legal counsel, management settled the claim for CDN $390,000 to be paid by August 31, 2017. The claim settlement comprises a full provision for the claim including already incurred and expected legal fees.

    Earnings (loss) per share - basic and diluted for the six months ended June 30, 2017 were $(0.0004) from $0.002 for the same period last year as a direct result of the claim settlement. Without the claim, earnings per share – basic and diluted for the six months to June 30, 2017 would have been significantly better than the same period of the prior year.

    Sunora had 20% higher sales for the six-month period ended June 30, 2017 than the comparative sixmonth period. Sales were positively impacted by stronger results in the United States and continued positive momentum overseas.

    The loss and comprehensive loss for the six months ended June 30, 2017 was primarily the result of the settlement of a trading dispute. The income from operations before the claim was $163,369 compared to $104,024 for the same period of 2016. Although sales were 20% higher, gross margin declined from 8.1% to 7.3% in this six-month period. Gross margin percentage declined because of a higher proportion of bulk oil sales.


    Sunora maintains good relationships with customers in North America and overseas. These relationships continue to drive demand for food oil products from Canada, with Sunora well positioned to meet existing and additional demand. Management has focused on increasing visibility in emerging markets, with a specific focus on the economies in Asia, with a view to meet this increased demand for Canadian manufactured food oil products. Sunora’s operations are impacted by geopolitical situations that may hold up deliveries as was experienced in recent quarters. As the middle class in these emerging economies demands higher quality and healthier foods, Sunora is well positioned to meet additional demand.

    Management is actively identifying and analyzing operations that might increase gross margins for the Company. Prospective businesses considered include packagers and suppliers in the food oil industry. With each operation identified, a detailed review and analysis is undertaken by management. Specific focus is currently on packagers with operations in Canada that are looking for a strategic partner to expand international operations.

    Management is also actively considering possible new products that may benefit from its contacts in domestic and international markets. With the continuing positive momentum in the United States economy and new customers being added in Asia, Sunora is well placed for the future.
  9. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Robin Speziale, author of Market Masters, which is one of the top selling books on Amazon and other websites is recommending Sunora Foods. Check out his video and you can even see a link to his book which has a strong recommendation on it through Amazon and other websites. So this isn't just a random individual, it's someone that knows the markets and chose SNF, along with 15 other companies out of all the micro caps on the venture and TSX.

    Youtube Video:



    Good Reads Reviews:

    His 16 Picks:

    Namsys Inc
    Vigil Health Solutions
    Pioneering Technology Corp
    Vitreous Glass Inc
    AirIQ Inc
    DMD Digital Health Connections Group Inc
    Redishred Capital Corp
    Sunora Foods Inc
    Bevo Agro Inc
    Imaflex Inc
    Diamond Estates Wines & Spirits Inc
    CVR Medical Corp
    Intrinsync Technologies
    Greenspace Brands
    Ten Peaks Coffee
  10. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    AG Note: Sept. 28, 2017

    Posted Sep. 28th, 2017

    Alberta showcased 
at Taste of Canada
    Six Alberta companies participated in the recent Taste of Canada held in Boston, Massachusetts: Left Field Foods, Canyon Creek Soup, Gabriella’s Kitchen, Oh! Naturals Flavoured Snacks, Stellas and Sunora Foods Ltd.

    The event attracted a record 56 Canadian food and beverage exporters from eight Canadian provinces.

    With an eye for distinctive Canadian flair, the companies promoted their products in various grocery categories such as bakery and deserts, dips, spreads and seasonings, edible oils, entrees and ready meals, non-alcoholic beverages, specialty foods and snacks.

    Thirty-four American buyers from several states met with the companies in a series of one-on-one meetings to sample products and discuss potential business opportunities.

    For more information about the event, contact Shelly Nguyen at 780-422-7103 or Dusan Rnjak at 780-638-3851.

    $4.4 million 
for ag innovation
    The Canadian government recently announced $4.4 million in funding for projects it says will help expand markets and ensure farmers stay innovative.

    Of that, $2.2 million will go to projects that support the cattle industry in Alberta and across Canada.

    The cattle projects include:

    • $839,485 for the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association to explore the use of remote sensing as a tool for forage crop insurance
    • $901,240 to help the Alberta Beef Producers develop satellite data to improve forage insurance
    • $225,000 to help the Canadian Angus Association develop tools to enhance breeding cattle
    • $205,500 for the National Cattle Feeders Association to develop and implement a national feedlot animal care assessment 
    The remaining funds, which make up slightly more than $2.2 million, will support projects the government says will support innovation, market development, emergency planning, competitive pricing, animal-care assessment and farm software development.

    Vet receives bovine 
welfare award
    Dr. Joyce Van Donkersgoed of Coaldale, Alta., was recently named recipient of the 2017 Metacam 20 Bovine Welfare Award for her leadership in the Canadian beef industry to improve the welfare of feedlot animals.

    The award is presented annually by the Canadian Association of Bovine Veterinarians in partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd.

    Van Donkersgoed operates a private feedlot practice in southern Alberta, where she provides emergency, herd health and production services, as well as research and regulatory services to her clients.

    She is currently leading the development of a certified feedlot animal auditor program and is a trainer for feedlot auditors.

    She emphasizes continued education and provides regular training on a range of topics including how to conduct animal welfare assessments.
  11. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    October 31, 2017 – CALGARY, ALBERTA. Sunora Foods Inc. (the “Corporation”) (TSX-V: SNF) is
    pleased to announce unaudited, preliminary sales figures for the nine months and third quarter ending September 30, 2017.

    Nine Months Sales 2017: $10,016,255
    Nine Months Sales 2016: $8,796,501
    Third Quarter Sales 2017: $3,370,406
    Third Quarter Sales 2016: $3,278,801

    Nine Months 2017 Sales Breakdown
    Canada $750,694
    United States $7,421,722
    Overseas $1,843,839

    Initiation of Sunflower Oil Sales to China

    In the fourth quarter, Sunora will begin shipping containers of sunflower oil to China, to fulfill orders received in the third quarter. The shipping of sunflower oil is a new product line in China for Sunora, and provides a new sales channel for future international customers. Sunora continues to evaluate new product lines for distribution in Canada and international locations through its portfolio of global agents.

    About Sunora Foods

    Sunora Foods is a Calgary, Alberta based food oil entity trading and supplying canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, olive oil, and specialty oils in Canada and internationally under the “Sunora”, “Sunera” and numerous private label brands.

    For further information, please contact:

    Dean Stuart
    Investor Relations
    T: (403) 617-7609
    E: [email protected]

    Steve Bank
    Chief Executive Officer and President
    T: (403) 247-8300
    E: [email protected]
  12. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Here's the breakdown of sales based on the numbers yesterday. I emailed the company about why international sales are down year over year and they said some orders from Q3 will be in Q4 and the Sunflower oil sales should also help increase revenue overall. Otherwise US and Canadian sales did go up. Less than a month to go before actual numbers are out on SEDAR.

    SNF 2017 Comparison For Sales Per Area
    (Information From SEDAR)

    Q1 2016 - $284,251
    Q1 2017 - $526,157

    Q2 2016 - $574,619
    Q2 2017 - $567,204

    Q3 2016 - $850,414
    Q3 2017 - $750,478

    Q1 2016 - $2,167,415
    Q1 2017 - $2,701,689

    Q2 2016 - $2,054,390
    Q2 2017 - $2,410,793

    Q3 2016 - $2,257,456
    Q3 2017 - $2,309,240

    Q1 2016 - $235,713
    Q1 2017 - $252,384

    Q2 2016 - $206,764
    Q2 2017 - $186,691

    Q3 2016 - $173,286
    Q3 2017 - $311,619
  13. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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  14. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Canola Council of Canada completes successful China trip
    Group took part in a Canadian trade mission led by federal ag-minister Lawrence Macaulay

    The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) is feeling pleased as it prepares to return to Canada following a trade mission to China.

    “We feel we’ve had a very successful week of promoting canola in China. As you know it’s a very important market, it’s a growing market for canola,” said Jim Everson, president of CCC, over a conference call from China on Nov. 20.

    The group took part in a Canadian trade mission led by Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay. CCC hosted several events while there, including a canola dialogue in Beijing Monday. The dialogue was capped off with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Canola Council of Canada and China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products (CFNA).

    The MOU is a co-operative arrangement to share information between the two organizations. As well Everson said there will be co-operation on future events held in the two countries by the organizations.

    “The CFNA will undertake to assist us in reaching out to different officials in the Government of China and different industry people,” he said.

    However the MOU didn’t include any commitments with respect to canola volumes or guarantees in regards to trade.

    China is one of the largest markets for Canadian canola. In 2016, C$2.7 billion worth of canola was exported to China, according to CCC. China imported 4.8 million tonnes of Canadian canola in 2016, including 3.5 million tonnes of seed, 600 thousand tonnes of oil and 660 thousand tonnes of meal.

    Last week CCC hosted two other events in Guangzhou – a canola meal seminar and canola oil media event.

    The canola meal seminar focused on research about how canola meal-fed pigs grow as well as soybean meal-fed pigs.

    “(Chinese feed millers were) able to go away from this seminar with an understanding of inclusion levels of up to 30 per cent canola meal, which is at least double what they are presently putting into (swine rations),” said Bruce Jowett, vice-president of market development with CCC, over the conference call.

    The canola oil event was designed to teach the Chinese media about the reported nutritional and health benefits of canola oil. Speakers were able to tell the media about the role canola oil can have to help in regards to cardiovascular disease (which is a leading cause of death in China), and diabetes (which 20 per cent of the Chinese population has).

    “So connecting the challenges that they have with a product such as canola oil and how it can benefit the Chinese population,” Jowett said.

    Other trade issues such as the ongoing blackleg issues were talked about briefly as well during the trip.

    “The subject came up. But really only in terms of going over again or repeating the commitment that we have each made from the Chinese side and the Canadian side to taking efforts jointly to mitigate against any kind of concerns with blackleg being transferred from Canada to China,” Everson said.
  15. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods Q3 Results ( Ending September 30th 2017 )
    All Information Below Can Be Found At

    Price: $0.15
    Common Shares: 42,254,332
    Retail Shares Available: 12,254,332
    Insider/Institutional Holdings: 71% total, as per information circular. CEO holds 52%

    Balance Sheet For Q3

    Cash: $3,139,881
    Accounts Receivable: $992,678
    Inventory: $351,977
    Prepaid Expenses: $11,011
    Goods & Services Tax Recoverable: $7,331
    Income Tax Recoverable: $141,767
    Deferred Tax Asset: $159,545
    Total Assets: $4,804,184

    Accounts Payable: $852,584
    Customer Deposits: $56,328
    Total Liabilities: $908,912

    Quarter – Sales – Profit
    Q1 2017 - $3,480,230 - $55,560
    Q2 2017 - $3,164,688 - $82,525
    Q3 2017 - $3,396,872 - $20,118

    Year – Sales – Profit/(Loss) – Additional Information
    2017(Q1-Q3) - $10,041,788 – ($156,499) –Loss from $434,000 settlement(2015 Dispute)
    2016 - $12,254,101 - $282,794 - Currency loss of $34,000 or else net income was stable
    2015 - $10,815,959 - $502,182 - Net income of $200,000 affected by currency exchange
    2014 - $13,235,038 - $189,073 - Listing expenses incurred from merger with capital pool

    MD&A Highlights


    Management is actively identifying and analyzing operations that might increase gross margins for the Company. Prospective businesses considered include packagers and suppliers in the food oil industry. With each operation identified, a detailed review and analysis is undertaken by management. Specific focus is currently on packagers with operations in Canada that are looking for a strategic partner to expand international operations.

    Management is also actively considering possible new products that may benefit from its contacts in domestic and international markets. With the continuing positive momentum in the United States economy and new customers being added in Asia, Sunora is well placed for the future.

    Sunora maintains good relationships with customers in North America and overseas. These relationships continue to drive demand for food oil products from Canada, with Sunora well positioned to meet existing and additional demand. Management has focused on increasing visibility in emerging markets, with a specific focus on the economies in Asia, with a view to meet this increased demand for Canadian manufactured food oil products. Sunora’s operations are impacted by geopolitical situations that may hold up deliveries as was experienced in recent quarters. As the middle class in these emerging economies demands higher quality and healthier foods, Sunora is well positioned to meet additional demand.

    Sunora had 14% higher sales for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2017 than the comparative nine- month period. Sales were positively impacted by stronger results in the United States and Canada and continued positive momentum overseas.

    The loss and comprehensive loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2017 was primarily the result of the settlement of a trading dispute. The income from operations before taxes and the claim was $201,643 compared to $282,583 for the same period of 2016. Although sales were 14% higher, gross margin declined from 8.9% to 7.0% in this nine-month period. Gross margin percentage declined because of a higher proportion of bulk oil sales.

    The legal settlement arises from a statement of claim filed against the Corporation in 2015 by one of its vendors, who alleged that Sunora wilfully did not accept deliveries of soybean oil pursuant to a contractual arrangement. The vendor claimed USD $506,798 in damages relating to losses allegedly suffered. Sunora denied responsibility for such a claim. However, on the recommendation of legal counsel, management settled the claim for CDN $390,000 to be paid by August 31, 2017. The claim settlement comprises a full provision for the claim including already incurred and expected legal fees.
  16. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    SNF Level 2
    1 / 1,000 0.15 0.155 10,000 / 1
    4 / 92,500 0.14 0.16 13,000 / 1
    1 / 3,000 0.135 0.165 15,000 / 1
    1 / 5,000 0.13 0.17 26,000 / 3
    1 / 12,000 0.115 0.175 8,500 / 1
    1 / 10,000 0.11 0.245 140,000 / 1
    1 / 1,500 0.08 0.25 170,000 / 2
  17. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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  18. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods announces Year End & Q4 Sales Figures

    2018-01-29 05:01 MT - News Release

    (via TheNewswire)

    January 29, 2018 / TheNewswire / CALGARY, ALBERTA. Sunora Foods Inc. (the " Corporation ") (TSX-V: SNF) is pleased to announce unaudited, preliminary sales figures for the fourth quarter and for the year ending December 31, 2017.

    Sales Figures Q4 2017 and Year End (Y/E) 2017

    Q4 2017

    Q4 2016

    % chg









    United States








    Y/E 2017

    Y/E 2016

    % chg









    United States








    With the recent conclusion of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership ("CPTPP") discussions, Sunora has enhanced marketing opportunities to increase sales for Sunora branded products, particularly its canola oil. The CPTPP countries have 495 million people and account for CAD $13.5 trillion or 13.5% of global gross domestic product ("GDP"). The government of Canada estimates that this agreement will benefit Canada by boosting domestic GDP by CAD $4.2 billion.

    Sunora has made shipments to the following countries which are part of the CPTPP: Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam.

    Additional information on the CPTPP can be viewed at:

    Sunora also recently initiated the delivery of Sunora branded sunflower oil from a major South American supplier to China. The delivery of this product occurred in Q1 2018, just prior to the Chinese New Year in China. It is expected that additional deliveries of sunflower oil will occur in 2018 and beyond.

    About Sunora Foods

    Sunora Foods is a Calgary, Alberta based food oil entity trading and supplying canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, olive oil, and specialty oils in Canada and internationally under the "Sunora", "Sunera" and numerous private label brands.

    For further information, please contact:

    Dean Stuart

    Investor Relations

    T: (403) 617-7609

    E: [email protected]

    Steve Bank

    Chief Executive Officer and President

    T: (403) 247-8300

    E: [email protected]

    Neither the TSX Venture nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

    Copyright (c) 2018 TheNewswire - All rights reserved.

    © 2018 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
  19. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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  20. TheDude

    TheDude Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Sunora Foods Inc. Year End Results. Financials + Management Discussion Highlights
    All information can be found at

    Price: $0.16
    Common Shares: 42,254,332
    Insider/Institutional Holdings: 71% total, as per information circular. CEO holds 52%


    Cash: $3,214,699
    Accounts Receivable: $1,304,280
    Inventory: $426,631
    Prepaid Expenses: $31,285
    GST Recoverable: $10,620
    Income Tax Recoverable: $116,407
    Deferred Tax Asset: $159,545
    Total Assets: $5,263,467

    Accounts Payable: $1,256,855
    Customer Deposits: $72,502
    Total Liabilities: $1,329,357

    Sales Performance
    Revenue: $13,935,676
    Net Loss: $121,636
    **note** Sunora Foods made a profit of $238,065. However, this was lost due to a legal settlement from 2015. See MD&A Highlights for more information.

    MD&A Highlights

    Sunora’s sales for the year ended December 31, 2017 were positively impacted by an increase of 13.9% over the previous year due to sales growth in the United States. The net comprehensive loss in the year ended December 31, 2017 of $135,795, compared to income $282,794 for the previous year, was principally due to the claim settled in quarter 2 of 2017. A foreign exchange loss of $60,100 was also incurred in 2017 compared to $33,456 in 2016. In addition, the total gross margin for the year ended December 31, 2017 declined by 12% from previous year despite the 13.9% increase in sales. The lower total gross margin can be attributed to a lower percentage of sales in packaged products that have a higher value added.

    On December 31, 2015, a statement of claim was filed against the Corporation by one of its vendors who alleged that Sunora wilfully did not accept deliveries of soybean oil pursuant to a contractual arrangement. The vendor claimed USD $506,798 in damages relating to losses allegedly suffered. Sunora denied any responsibility for such a claim. However, subsequent to June 30, 2017, on the recommendation of legal counsel, management settled the claim for CDN $390,000 which was completed in late August 2017. The claim settlement comprises the full cost of the claim and the related legal fees which were accrued in the financial statements for the quarter ended June 30, 2017 and is reflected in the year ended December 31, 2017.

    Sunora's sales to the United States have recently trended higher in comparison to sales in Canada. Overseas markets are continuing to grow and provide greater long term stability to sales. The growth of sales in emerging markets, with growing awareness of healthy food choices by the expanding middle classes, is a positive trend for Sunora. Overseas sales in the fourth quarter generally increase because of the timing of the New Year celebrations in Asia.

    Sunora has increased sales over the years due to its marketing efforts. Sunora has established strong relationships with sales staff and given them more flexibility and support as mutual trust has developed in these relationships. In North America, Sunora has outstanding commissioned brokers who have introduced new customers to the Company. Sales to independent distributors have also grown for Sunora, mostly in countries overseas, which has given Sunora entry into many foreign markets.

    Sales for the fourth quarter of 2017 were 14.6% higher than the third quarter of 2017 due to the increase in U.S. and overseas sales. Third quarter sales were 7.3% higher than the second quarter. Second quarter sales were 9% lower than first quarter

    Cost of sales in the fourth quarter of 2017 was 14.8% higher than third quarter due to increased sales. Third quarter cost of sales was 9.3% higher than the second quarter due increased sales. Second quarter cost of sales was 10% lower than the first quarter due to 9% decrease in sales. Gross margin for the fourth quarter of 2017 was 6.2% compared to 6.4% for the third quarter. Second quarter gross margin was 8.0% compared to 6.7% for the first quarter ended March 31, 2017.

    General and administration expenses were higher in the fourth quarter of 2017 due to various charges recorded at year end, including audit and accounting fees and profit sharing bonus. Net income for the fourth quarter was comparable to the third quarter. As a result of the settlement of a legal claim in the second quarter, there was a loss in the second quarter and it was substantially down from the first quarter.


    Sunora maintains strong relationships with strategically located customers in North America and overseas. These relationships continue to drive demand for food oil products from Canada, with Sunora well positioned to meet existing and additional demand. Management has focused on increasing visibility in emerging markets, with a specific focus on the economies in Asia, with a view to meet this increased demand for Canadian manufactured food oil products. Sunora’s operations, however, may be impacted by geo-political situations that can hold up sales as was experienced in the fourth quarter of 2015. As the middle class in these emerging economies demands higher quality and healthier foods, Sunora is well positioned to meet additional demand.

    Management is actively identifying and analyzing operations that might increase sales and profitability for the Company. Prospective businesses considered include packagers and suppliers in the food oil industry. With each operation identified, a detailed review and analysis is undertaken by management. Management is also actively considering possible new products that may benefit from new domestic and international markets. With continuing strength in the United States economy and new customers being added in Asia, Sunora is well positioned to grow and increase its sales.

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