I still call it Hotmail but I think I switched to the live mail a few years ago. I am not much on apps but I do like theirs.
My oldest daughter uses thunderbird and loves it. The only reason I still use hotmail is that I have had since the beginning of time (seems like it) I actually prefer gmail over hotmail/outlook
Good thread: Here is my recommendations, I do computer help and new CPU setups for a lot of people that are shy working with computers. For free I might add. 1/ I have used Windows Defender on every computers (like dozens) setup and I have had no one contact me about problems. It works in the background and is easy to scan a download folder for anything suspicious. My comment on AVG, had a virus a number of years ago using AVG and when I contacted them they wanted cash to help me out, now that's a product I don't need. So I just formatted the drive and reinstalled Windows. 2/ Using Windows platform, if you think your CPU has a possible virus, download Microsoft's Safety Scanner and let it run. Either quick or complete (recommend complete) NOTE- read the directions, the DL is only good for 10 days because malware is always changing so if you need it at a later date download it again. It's a large file Link here - http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/en-us/default.aspx 3/ Subscribe to US-CERT (Unite States Emergency Readiness Team). They will send you emails with a weekly list of potential threats and immediate emails of current threats. Lots of emails but the delete key is only a click away. The link to subscribe is - https://www.us-cert.gov/ Safe surfin'
See above: AND if you don't trust my links above, and unsure about DL files use this link to check things out before opening them. Called TotalVirus - https://www.virustotal.com/en/ VirusTotal, a subsidiary of Google, is a free online service that analyzes files and URL's. Night all
It appears that Microsoft pull the pin on Win Live Mail 2012 with their 2nd Tuesday Aug 9th update. Never use Microsoft Mail myself but my wife's mail program quit after the update installed this morning. First sign was mail couldn't be sent or received. People that don't like change will be very unhappy.
There is a Mail program built into Windows t0. Look under all apps or search for MAIL. You'll need to run through the setup to setup an account but it works as well or better than Live Mail.
Yes, it is very similar. Give it a try, I think you'll like it. I've suggested it to several Live Mail users and they adjusted to it just fine.
Google "fiber" considering going wireless in Tampa lol http://web.tampabay.com/news/busine...-internet-service-in-tampa-is-on-hold/2289714
I see you talking about window 10.. what is like? do you have any trouble with? specialty stream price s etc... hear more bad tehn good .... worry to updated to 10..... any comments will be appreciated thanks
2 computers crashed multiple times. I had to re-install EVERYTHING at least 4 times on each computer. Lost a LOT of data. Black screen for no reason Windows cannot load - corrupt files ( so many times it's sickening ) Will not get to desktop, re-boot, then Windows cannot load - corrupt files Stay away from the upgrade to windows 10. If it's a brand new computer, then it's probably okay. Older machines HATE windows 10.
I've had the opposite experience. I've updated 9 computers from both Windows 7 and Windows 8 onto Windows 10 with no issues at all. I do believe that Windows 10 is the best OS Microsoft has put out to date including Windows XP. I think once it has had enough time to prove itself it will be considered as such.
you're one of the lucky few....lol I have to disagree -> windows 7 was their best OS. The ONLY version I never had problems with. Windows NT was also a non crashing work horse.
Thanks Jerry and Old fart for your thoughts... I have to agree that so far the majorities are having some fort of troubles (in Italy any way)
I am useless on PC software etc... but an Engineer look after mine..... he told me more or less the same things .. then on forums ... so I stick to mine W7 .... and wait for better time
Windows 10 has Remote Viewing installed in it that makes my computer look like every page I am on is "Captured" I don't like that. I may formatt and see if I can get that intrusion software OFF!!