I'm driving and looking to.. was hoping he made some bank.. Thanks for clarifying.... DUHHHH, just read his entire post, I will now put on my jackass suit..
Yea, about that.... i kinda lost my position on Tuesday... stopped out and broke even.... just like last time (BBRY) But on the bright side... i did pick two 25% winners in a row!.... the fact that i blew both of em is irrelevant This is worth posting again cause it makes me laugh... and if you cant laugh at yourself, then you're too uptight Jrich with a winning stock
But wait... theres more Barclays slaps $48 PT on Whole Foods - bidding war possible https://seekingalpha.com/news/3274068?source=ansh $WFM, $AMZN
PI (Impinj) gapped high today with AMZN/WFM sale. Solidifies PI's marketshare in RFID tech for grocery inventory. AMZN/PI are in the RAIN RFID group, an alliance for RFID awareness. Not to mention, their headquarters are about two blocks away from each other. I have a feeling there is a partnership brewing...
...and as we're coming in to the final minute of the trading week i just want to send a big time thx to y'alls for the great contributions on the forums this week! hope everyone has a really nice w/e ahead! cheers you guys ding ding ding! 5 down and none to go .... which can only mean one thing ... WEEKEND!