Yeah...but then I think if there ever is a battle of bulls and bears, why did the bears not come out in force to push the market down? It was pretty obvious (by the volume on up days) that the strong hands were not holding stocks right now, so why did not the bears pounce? Instead they waited for a catalyst that pushed the markets down today...but what if there had been a catalyst that pushed the markets up? The bears would have missed their opportunity. Seems the bears are not confident in their position either...perhaps we are in a "15 year secular bull market" like I've heard. Though it should be mentioned that the guy who says that, says a secular bull market continues on even if there is a -20% drop. Actually, last week I bought some lotto puts. They expired Wednesday haha. And then I went with lotto calls for today. I do have JDST at least.
yup it was a low confidence market, but now we finally see confidence to the down side, only thing im glad about is the fed have to stop speaking after monday next week because of their blackout period. they mess everything up when they speak.