Small loss day. Didn't have a lot of time to watch the market or look for opportunities for trades anywhere. Still looking for 4 more positions with about an $8K size. Patience is key. Account Value: $73,663 Cash: $32,185 Day's Profit/Loss: -$342 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: -$395 (-1.61%) / +$3,535 (+17.09%) YEXT: -$108 (-1.17%) / +$1,151 (+14.45%) VMW: +$161 (+2.02%) / +$142 (+1.78%)
Just got in CYBR at $127.125 for 63 shares (~$8000 investment). It's bouncing off support in a nice long ascending trading range. The trade plan is below. The trade plan will change as long as the support line holds. Depending how long it stays in that range, the stop and target price will be constantly in limbo.
Bad day for me. It happens. Account Value: $72,577 Cash: $24,172 Day's Profit/Loss: -$1,354 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: -$734 (-3.03%) / +$2,801 (+13.54%) YEXT: -$125 (-1.38%) / +$1,026(+12.87%) VMW: -$162 (-2.00%) / -$19.92 (-0.25%) CYBR: -$58.90 (-0.74%) / -$58.90 (-0.74%)
Pretty uneventful, boring day today. Account Value: $72,697 Cash: $24,172 Day's Profit/Loss: +$120 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: +$129 (+0.55%) / +$2,930 (+14.17%) YEXT: -$166 (-1.84%) / +$860 (+10.79%) VMW: +$97.98 (+1.23%) / +$78.06 (+0.98%) CYBR: +$58.59 (+0.74%) / -$0.31 (-0.00%)
Hopped into PENN today at $17.796 for 449 shares (~$8000 investment). Hoping for a bounce off double tested bottom. Trade plan can be seen below.
Down day, following the market today Account Value: $71,905 Cash: $16,176 Day's Profit/Loss: -$1,029.32 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: -$323 (-1.37%) / +$2,607 (+12.61%) YEXT: -$166 (-1.83%) / +$699 (+8.77%) VMW: -$214 (-2.65%) / -$136 (-1.81%) CYBR: -$144 (-1.80%) / -$145 (-1.81%) PENN: +$55.68 (+0.70%) / +$55.68 (+0.70%)
Made most of yesterday's losses back Account Value: $72,736 Cash: $16,176 Day's Profit/Loss: +$830 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: +$855 (+3.67%) / +$3,463 (+16.74%) YEXT: -$170 (-1.96%) / +$529 (+6.63%) VMW: +$63.94 (+0.81%) / -$71.90 (-0.90%) CYBR: -$80.64 (-1.03%) / -$225 (-2.81%) PENN: +$162 (+2.01%) / +$217(+2.72%)
Just got into a little more speculative/gamble-ish play. Decent trading range on this one, but the volume is so low that I don't know how well it can be trusted. APEN graph and trade details below. 2346 shares at cost basis of ~$3.50
Good day in the market today Account Value: $74,074 Cash: $7,962 Day's Profit/Loss: +$1,482 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: +$662 (+2.74%) / +$4,125 (+19.94%) YEXT: +$291 (+3.43%) / +$820 (+10.29%) VMW: -$27.60 (-0.35%) / -$99.50 (-1.24%) CYBR: +$220 (+2.82%) / -$5.35 (-0.07%) PENN: +$431 (+5.25%) / +$648 (+8.11%) APEN: -$93.84 (-1.16%) / -$235 (-2.86%)
Stopped out of this trade for a loss of ~$317. Can't win them all, and I knew this was speculative gamble going in.
Almost green across the board yesterday. Account Value: $74,397 Cash: $15,525 Day's Profit/Loss: +$970 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: +$670 (+2.73%) / +$4,496 (+21.74%) YEXT: +$202 (+2.24%) / +$1,232 (+15.46%) VMW: +$71.76 (+0.93%) / -$232 (-2.91%) CYBR: -$27.09 (-0.34%) / +$17.96 (+0.22%) PENN: +$53.88 (+0.62%) / +$711 (+8.90%)
Deposit into the account bi-weekly from the company and myself. Larger deposit than usual because overtime has been opened up a bit again. Besides that, made 5 whole dollars in the market! Definitely a win considering I was down the large majority of the day a few hundred. Account Value: $74,943 Cash: $16,065 (+$540 deposit this week) Day's Profit/Loss: +$5.56 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: +$32.28 (+0.13%) / +$4,528 (+21.89%) YEXT: -$80.64 (-0.88%) / +$1,151 (+14.45%) VMW: +$10.12 (+0.13%) / -$222 (-2.78%) CYBR: -$10.08 (-0.13%) / +$7.88 (+0.10%) PENN: +$53.88 (+0.62%) / +$765 (+9.58%)
Another slow day in the market with the early close and Holiday tomorrow. Broke $75K though. Account Value: $75,087 Cash: $16,065 Day's Profit/Loss: +$145 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: -$48.42 (-0.19%) / +$4,480 (+21.66%) YEXT: +$40.32 (+0.44%) / +$1,192 (+14.95%) VMW: +$23.46 (+0.30%) / -$199 (-2.49%) CYBR: +$129 (+1.61%) / +$137 (+1.71%) PENN: +$0 (+0.0%) / +$765 (+9.58%)
Very small up day. Account Value: $75,329 Cash: $8,035 Day's Profit/Loss: +$107.45 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: +$436 (+1.71%) / +$5,174 (+25.01%) YEXT: +$35.84 (+0.40%) / +$1,111 (+13.94%) VMW: -$186 (-2.39%) / -$399 (-5.00%) CYBR: -$127 (-1.56%) / -$40.63 (-0.51%) PENN: -$89.80 (-1.02%) / +$738 (+9.24%) CRON: +$38.45 (+0.48%) / +$38.45 (+0.48%)
As I mentioned in my previous post, got stopped out of VMW for a loss of a little less than 7% (~$500). AMD is coming up on resistance, not sure what to do on that one yet. I'll monitor it as closely as possible, hoping to be slow at work. YEXT is continuing to grind forward, up 17% but my target was about 30%. Still chugging along on that one. I'm monitoring CYBR closely as it lost the ascending trading range but is still holding a positive path forward. I may just take the 2% profit and move on as I'm no longer trading it for the same reason. Although, it has been in a nice uptrend so I may just up my stop a bit. PENN is having trouble breaking through the 50MA. When I entered, it did bounce off support like I was hoping, but being in a long-term downtrend and mid-term downtrend is starting to irk me more now that it's acting as resistance. May be another one to close early and just take the 8% profit. CRON I got in to start this week and it's up over 3% so far. Yesterday's candle is trapped between the 50MA and 200MA, probably still got a month or 2 in this trade, but everything can always change quick. Overall, had a great day in the market, up ~$1,300 on what was basically a flat day in the market. Account Value: $76,694 Cash: $15,488 Day's Profit/Loss: +$1,365 Positions (Day's PL / Total PL): AMD: +$896 (+3.46%) / +$6,069 (+29.35%) YEXT: +$300 (+3.31%) / +$1,411 (+17.71%) CYBR: +$204 (+2.56%) / +$163 (+2.04%) PENN: -$108 (-1.24%) / +$617 (+7.72%) CRON: +$230 (+2.85%) / +$268 (+3.34%)