been pounding the table on EEM since 34 and grinding higher on the "BULLISH" dollar breakout, that failed. This move is only just starting...
still have not pulled the trigger to actually short a stock yet BUT my INO would have been a perfect short today (bad er) - if i only had a brain
Played JNUG and PULM today and will probably play one or both again tomorrow. Still trying to build up the courage to do a real short and PULM looks like a good one based on past performance but scared that it will keep on heading north just as soon as i place that short order JDST sold and back on watch along with PETX - MACK - EARS - CNXR (bad er sent it further south and i missed what may have been bottom today.) Also STILL waiting on OVAS
changed things up - back in JDST and VRAY (new high). OVAS looking good but not holding my breath because has a history of fading lately
Here are a few of this morning's movers with thread updates here at Stockaholics (thread links are clickable!)- VRAY - ViewRay, Inc. XENE - Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Inc WDC - Western Digital FINL - The Finish Line, Inc. HTGM - HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc.
held my breath over the weekend and out this morning Still waiting on OVAS which is looking good (knocking on wood that it keeps on moving up!)
IDRA - has been looking interesting and might be a good swing. Insiders buying around $2 levels end of 16.
CBIO even crazier move than PSIX but can someone tell me why the spreads are so wide on these (15-20 cents) or should i ask in another thread?) Shoulda held onto VRAY a bit longer. EBIO up a bit since er - good vol today so far. Waiting on Mack (thought div was due soon?)
took all day for me to jump on and then off the CBIO rocket - was there for about 2 minutes max and then it was halted.
sheesh CBIO A/H is insane .. down to $7's and then back up to $15's. SO-SO glad i did not swing this - would have had a heart attack on that drop!!
picked up ADAP this morning - looks like it is coming up off bottom and had mega insider buying so might wanna keep it on radar.
made a little green from NYMX - picked a few ACIA which starting to look interesting again. OVAS broke $2 again but is back under so waiting.