The fight against ISIS

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by dwilliamst7, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. dwilliamst7

    dwilliamst7 Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    So I was debating with myself whether or not I should create this thread on here. I'm not even sure if these types of threads are allowed in here however I see this is the off-topic section on this forum and I didn't see any other place for non-stock discussions so if this is in fact prohibited from being posted mods please feel free to delete.

    With the ever growing rise and threat of extreme Islam (ISIS) and terrorist attacks on innocent people occurring what seems regularly nowsdays I am wondering what you guys think is the solution to stop these appalling and cowardly acts.

    Just yesterday there was yet another deadly terror attack in the UK.

    It really seems to me that this is starting to unfortunately get completely out of control.

    If you were the president of a country that was experiencing terrorism or a world leader how would you handle this situation?

    Seems like there is really no easy solutions. I know in the states your president has suggested putting on a travel ban on Muslim majority countries from entering the US. It seems he's trying to push his agenda again after the recent spat of terrorist attacks in the UK.

    It's a very difficult issue to combat. I'm not sure banning an entire religion is the best solution, albeit at the same time I'm not entirely against it in times of urgency as we seem to be in right now.

    What do you all think?

    Again I apologize if political discussions like these are not allowed to be posted in here but I thought to put this out in this forum to get the thoughts of the more knowledgable people than those on other forums that I'm apart of. I consider this forum a very highly intelligent community so just thought to get a quick 2 cents from folks in here.

    I always hope for world peace but it seems we can't even get a week without some kind of horrific incident. It's getting crazy out there. I was even planning a trip this summer out to the UK but now I'm not so sure after these latest terrorist attacks. Kind of scared to go now.
  2. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    We do not typically want to talk politics much, but here goes.

    To start with what can any leader do?

    Not much.

    There is no standing army to go and attack, there are no headquarters to bomb or leader to kill. Ideologies do not die when a bomb falls on one of the leaders, others just come up to replace him.

    The cycle of extremism is one that is very tough to break. If a drone strike hits a small village that has a high ranking terrorist in hiding, chances are civilians die. The sons and daughters of those civilians who were not involved before, are now involved. There is a good chance they radicalized themselves and so the cycle continues.

    The travel ban is useless, if there was going to be a serious travel ban, then why is Saudi Arabia not on the list?

    15 of the 911 attackers were Saudi.

    Bin Laden was Saudi.

    It would seem logical that Saudi Arabia should be on the travel ban right?

    Nope, this is politics, and the country that sent majority of the 911 attackers just got the biggest arms deal in history.

    There is always something bad happening somewhere in the world, we are more connected that ever so we just hear about it with a lot more frequency. The best thing we can do is to not let it affect our daily lives, live your life to the fullest, help those in need and have trust that us being more connected will be a driving force to great education, understand and acceptance in the future.
    Z-OldEurope, Timbo and fireopal like this.
  3. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    None of this is new. Go back to the late 30's and understand how Hitler, Emperor Hirohito, and Mussolini got into power. It starts with psychological warfare. Spread enough false narrative long enough and loud enough to drown out logic and people start following. Stepping up to violence is easy once you have everyone believing in your cause.

    ISIS extremism is quite similar but they don't have a lock on it. The very same thing happens in our country with the Alt Right movement and it's associated hate groups. Today we still have "executions" of minorities by these groups that can be compared to the lynching days of years past. We also have some very similar situations today in our country that mirror the past (late 30's) with this "America First" movement. Again check history. We let the hate lies spew out and allowed dictators to violently take over countries and did nothing. There was an America First mentality back then that kept us from caring about what was happening in the world.

    The difference today is that the hate speak and lies are being spread by groups instead of country so there is no clear enemy to stop it by force. We are in a psychological war both with ISIS and within our own country. Spread enough lies long enough and loud enough and you begin having people take sides and a split develops. Stick our heads in the sand and allow America first mentality and we are doomed to repeat history.

    I don't think the solution to this terror both domestic and international will be won fighting with bombs or bullets. I don't have the answer but it has to be a fight fire with fire type of solution. We have to find a way to saturate people with the truth over the lies and do it long enough and loud enough to win.
    Jrich and fireopal like this.
  4. fireopal

    fireopal Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016
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    History just keeps on repeating - defeating "evil demons" which we term "evil terrorists" today began back in 1800's in this country, and imo, it will keep on keeping on because there is an agenda behind it and not much the little people can do to stop it.

    Adding some trivia >> Before Assad woke up one morning after 2010 and decided it was time to kill off the people that voted for him, his country (Syria) made the top 5 list of most personally safe countries to live in which was not covered in our news - go figure!
    #4 fireopal, Jun 4, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
  5. Jrich

    Jrich Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    I know what we all WANT the answer to be... FORCE!

    In the words of Toby Keith: "We'll put a boot in you're ass, it's the American way!"

    Sounds good to me.. But I know all that does is make us feel better..... Like Gil said, for every 100 we kill, we create 200 more

    They're like cockroaches.. You wouldn't burn you're whole house down to get rid of em... But when you see one, you step on it!
  6. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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